164 research outputs found
Theoretical Investigation of Charge Transfer in Metal Organic Frameworks for Electrochemical Device Applications
electrochemical device applications metal organic frameworks
(MOFs) must exhibit suitable conduction properties. To this end, we
have performed computational studies of intermolecular charge transfer
in MOFs consisting of hexa-Zr<sup>IV</sup> nodes and tetratopic carboxylate
linkers. This includes an examination of the electronic structure
of linkers that are derived from tetraphenyl benzene <b>1</b>, tetraphenyl pyrene <b>2</b>, and tetraphenyl porphyrin <b>3</b> molecules. These results are used to determine charge transfer
propensities in MOFs, within the framework of Marcus theory, including
an analysis of the key parameters (charge transfer integral <i>t</i>, reorganization energy λ, and free energy change
Δ<i>G</i><sup>0</sup>) and evaluation of figures of
merit for charge transfer based on the chemical structures of the
linkers. This qualitative analysis indicates that delocalization of
the HOMO/LUMO on terminal substituents increases <i>t</i> and decreases λ, while weaker binding to counterions decreases
Δ<i>G</i><sup>0</sup>, leading to better charge transfer
propensity. Subsequently, we study hole transfer in the linker <b>2</b> containing MOFs, <b>NU-901</b> and <b>NU-1000</b>, in detail and describe mechanisms (hopping and superexchange) that
may be operative under different electrochemical conditions. Comparisons
with experiment are provided where available. On the basis of the
redox and catalytic activity of nodes and linkers, we propose three
possible schemes for constructing electrochemical devices for catalysis.
We believe that the results of this study will lay the foundation
for future experimental work on this topic
Osmolytic Co-Solute Perturbing the Surface Enhancement of Halide Ions
have investigated the variation in the surface binding free energy
with the choice of halide ion, F<sup>–</sup>, Cl<sup>–</sup>, Br<sup>–</sup>, and I<sup>–</sup>, in water–glycerol
binary mixtures with varying glycerol concentrations using umbrella
sampling with a polarizable force field. We have found that halide
surface adsorption is significantly perturbed by glycerol. At no or
low glycerol concentration, the surface preference follows the Hofmeister
series (I<sup>–</sup> > Br<sup>–</sup> > Cl<sup>–</sup> > F<sup>–</sup>). However, at the highest
concentration, Br<sup>–</sup> is preferentially stabilized.
Decomposition of the free energy indicates that the halide surface
adsorption is dominated by enthalpy and, specifically, by the solvent–solvent
polarization interaction. The differences in this interaction between
the chaotropic halides are reduced by glycerol addition, which is
in line with a recent measurement of the solvent excess enthalpy for
the same systems studied here. Moreover, our calculations indicate
that the effect of an osmolyte (glycerol) on surface ion concentrations
parallels the known effect of osmolytes on protein folding
Free Energy Profile and Mechanism of Self-Assembly of Peptide Amphiphiles Based on a Collective Assembly Coordinate
By combining targeted molecular dynamics
(TMD) simulations, umbrella
sampling, and the weighted histogram analysis method (WHAM), we have
calculated the potential of mean force (PMF) for the transition between
the bound and free states of 90 peptide amphiphiles (PAs) in aqueous
solution, with the bound state corresponding to a cylindrical micelle
fiber. We specifically consider a collective reaction coordinate,
the radius of gyration of the PAs, to describe assembly in this work.
It is found that the free energy, enthalpy, and entropy differences
between the free and bound states are −126 kcal/mol, −185
kcal/mol, and −190 cal/(mol K), respectively, for the self-assembly
process. This indicates that the driving force to form the micelle
structure is enthalpic. The enthalpic driving forces originate from
several factors, including the conformational energy of PAs and the
electrostatic and van der Waals interaction energy between solvent
molecules and between solvent and PAs. Among these interactions, the
solvent electrostatic interaction is the dominating one, contributing
54% of the total driving force. The PMF profile can be recognized
as involving two stages of assembly: (1) PAs initially approach each
other in mostly random configurations and loosely aggregate, resulting
in significant desolvation and initiation of head–tail conformational
reorganization; (2) PAs undergo a conformational disorder-to-order
transition, including forming secondary structures that include more
β-sheets and fewer random coils, along with tail–head
core–shell alignment and condensation that leads to total exclusion
of water from the core. The PMF decreases slowly in the first stage,
but rapidly in the second. This study demonstrates a hierarchy of
assembly steps in which PA structural changes, solvation, and redistribution
of solvent molecules play significant roles in the PA self-assembly
Advantages of Conical Pores for Ion Pumps
Nanofabricated synthetic
channels have been able to mimic the transport
properties of their biological counterparts. But it is still nontrivial
to make artificial ion pumps. Recent research on conical pores with
charged surfaces has demonstrated significant ionic current rectification,
which suggests the possibility of employing conical pores for pumping
ions. In this work, salt pumping through conical pores driven by an
external potential is studied including a consideration of both static
and dynamic surface charges. Because of asymmetry of the structure
and a charged inner surface, even conical pores with static surface
charges are able to selectively pump ions whose charge is opposite
the surface charge. Consequently, a mixture of both negatively and
positively charged conical pores is able to pump salt (both cations
and anions) with an oscillating external potential. Moreover, if the
surface charge can be controlled dynamically, more efficient salt
pumping can be achieved and the pumping flux is several times larger
than that for cylindrical pores with fixed charges. We also find a
reverse rectification effect when the length of the conical pore is
shortened and angle is sufficiently large. The origin of reverse rectification
is explained by evolution of the concentration profile at the tip
side of the cone, with the rectification ratio depending on length
and angle of the pore. Numerical simulations also suggest that the
radius of the pore should be designed carefully to balance the net
pumping flux and pumping–leakage ratio
Free-Energy Landscape for Peptide Amphiphile Self-Assembly: Stepwise versus Continuous Assembly Mechanisms
mechanism of self-assembly of 140 peptide amphiphiles (PAs)
to give nanofiber structures was investigated using a coarse-grained
method to quantitatively determine whether the assembly process involves
discrete intermediates or is a continuous process. Two novel concepts
are introduced for this analysis, a cluster analysis of the time dependence
of PA assembly and use of the fraction of native contacts as reaction
coordinates for characterizing thermodynamic functions during assembly.
The cluster analysis of the assembly kinetics demonstrates that a
pillar-like intermediate state is formed before the final cylindrical
semifiber structure. We also find that head group assembly occurs
on a much shorter time scale than tail group assembly. A 2D free-energy
landscape with respect to the fraction of native contacts was calculated,
and the pillar-like intermediate structure was also found, with free
energies about 1.2 kcal/mol higher than the final state. Although
this intermediate state exists for only hundreds of nanoseconds, the
PA self-assembly process can be recognized as involving two steps,
(a) transition from the disordered state to the noncylindrical pillar-like
intermediate and (b) pillar-like to final semifiber transition. These
results are important to the further design of PAs as functional nanostructures
Tensile Mechanics of α‑Helical Polypeptides
We have developed a statistical mechanical
model of the force–extension
behavior of α-helical polypeptides, by coupling a random-coil
polypeptide elastic model of an inhomogeneous partially freely rotating
chain, with the latest version of the helix–coil transition
model AGADIR. The model is capable of making quantitatively accurate
predictions of force–extension behavior of a given polypeptide
sequence including its dependence on pH, temperature and ionic strength.
This makes the model a valuable tool for single-molecule protein unfolding
experimental studies. Our model predicts the highly reversible unraveling
of α-helical structures at small forces of about 20 pN, in good
agreement with recent experimental studies
Mechanisms of Formaldehyde and C<sub>2</sub> Formation from Methylene Reacting with CO<sub>2</sub> Adsorbed on Ni(110)
(CH<sub>2</sub>) is thought to play a significant role
as a reaction intermediate in the catalysis of methane dry reforming
as well as in converting synthesis gas to light olefins via Fischer–Tropsch
synthesis. Here, we report high quality Born–Oppenheimer molecular
dynamics (BOMD) simulations of the reaction mechanisms associated
with CH<sub>2</sub> impinging on a Ni(110) surface with CO<sub>2</sub> adsorbed at 0.33 ML coverage. The results show the formation of
formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, C<sub>2</sub> species such as H<sub>2</sub>C–CO<sub>2</sub>, and others. Furthermore, we provide
real-time demonstration of both Eley–Rideal (ER) and hot atom
(HA) reaction mechanisms. The ER mechanism mostly happens when CH<sub>2</sub> directly collides with an oxygen of CO<sub>2</sub>, while
CH<sub>2</sub> attacks the carbon of CO<sub>2</sub>, dominantly following
the HA mechanism. If CH<sub>2</sub> reaches the Ni surface, it can
easily break one C–H bond to form CH and H on the surface.
The mechanistic details of H<sub>2</sub>CO, H/CO, C<sub>2</sub>, and
H/CH formation are illuminated through the study of bond breaking/formation,
charge transfer, and spin density of the reactants and catalytic surface.
This illuminates the key contribution of geometry and electronic structure
of catalytic surface to the reaction selectivity. Moreover, we find
that <sup>3</sup>CH<sub>2</sub> switches to surfaces of <sup>1</sup>CH<sub>2</sub> character as soon as the methylene and nickel/CO<sub>2</sub> orbitals show significant interaction, and as a result the
reactivity is dominated by low barrier mechanisms. Overall, the BOMD
simulations provide dynamical information that allows us to monitor
details of the reaction mechanisms, confirming and extending current
understanding of CH<sub>2</sub> radical chemistry in the dry reforming
of methane and Fischer–Tropsch synthesis
Mechanisms of Formaldehyde and C<sub>2</sub> Formation from Methylene Reacting with CO<sub>2</sub> Adsorbed on Ni(110)
(CH<sub>2</sub>) is thought to play a significant role
as a reaction intermediate in the catalysis of methane dry reforming
as well as in converting synthesis gas to light olefins via Fischer–Tropsch
synthesis. Here, we report high quality Born–Oppenheimer molecular
dynamics (BOMD) simulations of the reaction mechanisms associated
with CH<sub>2</sub> impinging on a Ni(110) surface with CO<sub>2</sub> adsorbed at 0.33 ML coverage. The results show the formation of
formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, C<sub>2</sub> species such as H<sub>2</sub>C–CO<sub>2</sub>, and others. Furthermore, we provide
real-time demonstration of both Eley–Rideal (ER) and hot atom
(HA) reaction mechanisms. The ER mechanism mostly happens when CH<sub>2</sub> directly collides with an oxygen of CO<sub>2</sub>, while
CH<sub>2</sub> attacks the carbon of CO<sub>2</sub>, dominantly following
the HA mechanism. If CH<sub>2</sub> reaches the Ni surface, it can
easily break one C–H bond to form CH and H on the surface.
The mechanistic details of H<sub>2</sub>CO, H/CO, C<sub>2</sub>, and
H/CH formation are illuminated through the study of bond breaking/formation,
charge transfer, and spin density of the reactants and catalytic surface.
This illuminates the key contribution of geometry and electronic structure
of catalytic surface to the reaction selectivity. Moreover, we find
that <sup>3</sup>CH<sub>2</sub> switches to surfaces of <sup>1</sup>CH<sub>2</sub> character as soon as the methylene and nickel/CO<sub>2</sub> orbitals show significant interaction, and as a result the
reactivity is dominated by low barrier mechanisms. Overall, the BOMD
simulations provide dynamical information that allows us to monitor
details of the reaction mechanisms, confirming and extending current
understanding of CH<sub>2</sub> radical chemistry in the dry reforming
of methane and Fischer–Tropsch synthesis
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