5,450 research outputs found
Diffraction in Charged Current DIS
We present the QCD calculation of the diffractive structure function for
charged current DIS. In particular we analyse the perturbatively tractable
excitation of heavy quarks. We emphasize the peculiarities of the Regge
factorization breaking in excitation of open charm.Comment: 16 pages LateX, 5 eps figures include
On the low x behaviour of nuclear shadowing
We calculate the x dependence of nuclear shadowing at moderate values of Q^2
by using HERA diffractive data and, for consistency, F2 parameterization of
ZEUS. We show that no decrease of shadowing occurs down to very low x (x =
10^-4).Comment: 9 pages, submitted on june for publicatio
Longitudinal and Transverse Nuclear Shadowing
Nuclear shadowing arises from multiple scattering of the hadronic
fluctuations of the virtual photon in a nucleus. We predict different
longitudinal and transverse shadowing and an A-dependence of R which can be up
to a 50% effect. The possibility of detecting nuclear effects on R at HERA is
discussed.Comment: latex, 6 page
Double entanglement and quantum cryptography
We propose a quantum transmission based on bi-photons which are
doubly-entangled both in polarisation and phase. This scheme finds a natural
application in quantum cryptography, where we show that an eventual
eavesdropper is bound to introduce a larger error on the quantum communication
than for a single entangled bi-photon communication, when steeling the same
Limit quantum efficiency for violation of Clauser-Horne Inequality for qutrits
In this paper we present the results of numerical calculations about the
minimal value of detection efficiency for violating the Clauser - Horne
inequality for qutrits. Our results show how the use of non-maximally entangled
states largely improves this limit respect to maximally entangled ones. A
stronger resistance to noise is also found.Comment: Phys. Rev. A in pres
Experimental realization of a measurement conditional unitary operation at single photon level and application to detector characterization
Our last experimental results on the realization of a measurement-conditional
unitary operation at single photon level are presented. This gate operates by
rotating by the polarization of a photon produced by means of Type-II
Parametric Down Conversion conditional to a polarization measurement on the
correlated photon. We then propose a new scheme for measuring the quantum
efficiency of a single photon detection apparatus by using this set-up. We
present experimental results obtained with this scheme compared with {\it
traditional} biphoton calibration. Our results show the interesting
potentiality of the suggested scheme.Comment: to appear in Proc. of SPIE meeting, Denver august 200
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