84 research outputs found
Renormalization out of equilibrium in a superrenormalizable theory
We discuss the renormalization of the initial value problem in Nonequilibrium
Quantum Field Theory within a simple, yet instructive, example and show how to
obtain a renormalized time evolution for the two-point functions of a scalar
field and its conjugate momentum at all times. The scheme we propose is
applicable to systems that are initially far from equilibrium and compatible
with non-secular approximation schemes which capture thermalization. It is
based on Kadanoff-Baym equations for non-Gaussian initial states, complemented
by usual vacuum counterterms. We explicitly demonstrate how various
cutoff-dependent effects peculiar to nonequilibrium systems, including
time-dependent divergences or initial-time singularities, are avoided by taking
an initial non-Gaussian three-point vacuum correlation into account.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
Interplay of super-WIMP and freeze-in production of dark matter
Non-thermalized dark matter is a cosmologically valid alternative to the
paradigm of weakly interacting massive particles. For dark matter belonging to
a -odd sector that contains in addition a thermalized mediator particle,
dark matter production proceeds in general via both the freeze-in and superWIMP
mechanism. We highlight their interplay and emphasize the connection to
long-lived particles at colliders. For the explicit example of a colored
t-channel mediator model we map out the entire accessible parameter space,
cornered by bounds from the LHC, big bang nucleosynthesis and Lyman-alpha
forest observations, respectively. We discuss prospects for the HL- and HE-LHC.Comment: 9 pages + references, 2 figures; v2: title changed, matches journal
Signatures of Majorana dark matter with t-channel mediators
Three main strategies are being pursued to search for non-gravitational dark
matter signals: direct detection, indirect detection and collider searches.
Interestingly, experiments have reached sensitivities in these three search
strategies which may allow detection in the near future. In order to take full
benefit of the wealth of experimental data, and in order to confirm a possible
dark matter signal, it is necessary to specify the nature of the dark matter
particle and of the mediator to the Standard Model. In this paper, we focus on
a simplified model where the dark matter particle is a Majorana fermion that
couples to a light Standard Model fermion via a Yukawa coupling with a scalar
mediator. We review the observational signatures of this model and we discuss
the complementarity among the various search strategies, with emphasis in the
well motivated scenario where the dark matter particles are produced in the
early Universe via thermal freeze-out.Comment: 40+11 pages, 19 figures, review article, v2: matches published
Cosmological perturbation theory at three-loop order
We analyze the dark matter power spectrum at three-loop order in standard
perturbation theory of large scale structure. We observe that at late times the
loop expansion does not converge even for large scales (small momenta) well
within the linear regime, but exhibits properties compatible with an asymptotic
series. We propose a technique to restore the convergence in the limit of small
momentum, and use it to obtain a perturbative expansion with improved
convergence for momenta in the range where baryonic acoustic oscillations are
present. Our results are compared with data from N-body simulations at
different redshifts, and we find good agreement within this range.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 1 table; v2 Typos corrected, references added.
Matches published versio
Planckian Interacting Massive Particles as Dark Matter
The Standard Model could be self-consistent up to the Planck scale according
to the present measurements of the Higgs mass and top quark Yukawa coupling. It
is therefore possible that new physics is only coupled to the Standard Model
through Planck suppressed higher dimensional operators. In this case the WIMP
miracle is a mirage, and instead minimality as dictated by Occam's razor would
indicate that dark matter is related to the Planck scale, where quantum gravity
is anyway expected to manifest itself. Assuming within this framework that dark
matter is a Planckian Interacting Massive Particle, we show that the most
natural mass larger than is already ruled out by the
absence of tensor modes in the CMB. This also indicates that we expect tensor
modes in the CMB to be observed soon for this type of minimal dark matter
model. Finally, we touch upon the KK graviton mode as a possible realization of
this scenario within UV complete models, as well as further potential
signatures and peculiar properties of this type of dark matter candidate. This
paradigm therefore leads to a subtle connection between quantum gravity, the
physics of primordial inflation, and the nature of dark matter.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, Version published in PR
Quantum Corrections in Quintessence Models
We investigate the impact of quantum fluctuations on a light rolling
quintessence field from three different sources, namely, from a coupling to the
standard model and dark matter, from its self-couplings and from its coupling
to gravity. We derive bounds for time-varying masses from the change of vacuum
energy, finding \Delta m_e/m_e << 10^{-11} for the electron and \Delta m_p/m_p
<< 10^{-15} for the proton since redshift z~2, whereas the neutrino masses
could change of order one. Mass-varying dark matter is also constrained. Next,
the self-interactions are investigated. For inverse power law potentials, the
effective potential does not become infinitely large at small field values, but
saturates at a finite maximal value. We discuss implications for cosmology.
Finally, we show that one-loop corrections induce non-minimal gravitational
couplings involving arbitrarily high powers of the curvature scalar R,
indicating that quintessence entails modified gravity effects.Comment: 10 pages + appendix, added reference
Anomalous dimension of subleading-power N-jet operators
We begin a systematic investigation of the anomalous dimension of subleading
power N-jet operators in view of resummation of logarithmically enhanced terms
in partonic cross sections beyond leading power. We provide an explicit result
at the one-loop order for fermion-number two N-jet operators at the second
order in the power expansion parameter of soft-collinear effective theory.Comment: 37 page
Coannihilation without chemical equilibrium
Chemical equilibrium is a commonly made assumption in the freeze-out
calculation of coannihilating dark matter. We explore the possible failure of
this assumption and find a new conversion-driven freeze-out mechanism.
Considering a representative simplified model inspired by supersymmetry with a
neutralino- and sbottom-like particle we find regions in parameter space with
very small couplings accommodating the measured relic density. In this region
freeze-out takes place out of chemical equilibrium and dark matter
self-annihilation is thoroughly inefficient. The relic density is governed
primarily by the size of the conversion terms in the Boltzmann equations. Due
to the small dark matter coupling the parameter region is immune to direct
detection but predicts an interesting signature of disappearing tracks or
displaced vertices at the LHC. Unlike freeze-in or superWIMP scenarios,
conversion-driven freeze-out is not sensitive to the initial conditions at the
end of reheating.Comment: 12 pages + references, 10 figures; v2: Discussion of kinetic
equilibrium extended, matches published versio
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