4,438 research outputs found
Interaction effects on 1D fermionic symmetry protected topological phases
In free fermion systems with given symmetry and dimension, the possible
topological phases are labeled by elements of only three types of Abelian
groups, Z_1, Z_2, or Z. For example non-interacting 1D fermionic
superconducting phases with S_z spin rotation and time-reversal symmetries are
classified by Z. We show that with weak interactions, this classification
reduces to Z_4. Using group cohomology, one can additionally show that there
are only four distinct phases for such 1D superconductors even with strong
interactions. Comparing their projective representations, we find all these
four symmetry protected topological phases can be realized with free fermions.
Further, we show that 1D fermionic superconducting phases with Z_n discrete S_z
spin rotation and time-reversal symmetries are classified by Z_4 when n=even
and Z_2 when n=odd; again, all these strongly interacting topological phases
can be realized by non-interacting fermions. Our approach can be applied to
systems with other symmetries to see which 1D topological phases can be
realized by free fermions
Computer-Assisted Design of Environmentally Friendly and Light-Stable Fluorescent Dyes for Textile Applications.
Five potentially environmentally friendly and light-stable hemicyanine dyes were designed based on integrated consideration of photo, environmental, and computational chemistry as well as textile applications. Two of them were synthesized and applied in dyeing polyacrylonitrile (PAN), cotton, and nylon fabrics, and demonstrated the desired properties speculated by the programs. The computer-assisted analytical processes includes estimation of the maximum absorption and emission wavelengths, aquatic environmental toxicity, affinity to fibers, and photo-stability. This procedure could effectively narrow down discovery of new potential dye structures, greatly reduce and prevent complex and expensive preparation processes, and significantly improve the development efficiency of novel environmentally friendly dyes
A Collider for the 750 GeV Resonant State
Recent data collected by ATLAS and CMS at 13 TeV collision energy of the LHC
indicate the existence of a new resonant state with a mass of 750 GeV
decaying into two photons . The properties of should be
studied further at the LHC and also future colliders. Since only decay channel has been measured, one of the best ways to extract
more information about is to use a collider to produce
at the resonant energy. In this work we show how a
collider helps to verify the existence of and to provide some of the
most important information about the properties of , such as branching
fractions of . Here can be , , or . We
also show that by studying angular distributions of the final 's in
, one can obtain crucial information
about whether this state is a spin-0 or a spin-2 state.Comment: ReTex, 12 page with 6 figures. Expanded discussion on distinguishing
spin-0 and spin-2 cases. Several figures adde
A three-loop radiative neutrino mass model with dark matter
We present a model that generates small neutrino masses at three-loop level
due to the existence of Majorana fermionic dark matter, which is stabilized by
a Z2 symmetry. The model predicts that the lightest neutrino is massless. We
show a prototypical parameter choice allowed by relevant experimental data,
which favors the case of normal neutrino mass spectrum and the dark matter with
m \sim 50-135 GeV and a sizable Yukawa coupling. It means that new particles
can be searched for in future e+e- collisions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
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