760 research outputs found
Scale invariant forces in 1d shuffled lattices
In this paper we present a detailed and exact study of the probability
density function of the total force acting on a point particle
belonging to a perturbed lattice of identical point sources of a power law pair
interaction. The main results concern the large tail of for which
two cases are mainly distinguished: (i) Gaussian-like fast decreasing
for lattice with perturbations forbidding any pair of particles to be found
arbitrarily close to one each other; (ii) L\'evy-like power law decreasing
when this possibility is instead permitted. It is important to note that
in the second case the exponent of the power law tail of is the same for
all perturbation (apart from very singular cases), and is in an one to one
correspondence with the exponent characterizing the behavior of the pair
interaction with the distance between the two particles.Comment: 10 pages, revtex4 forma
Point processes and stochastic displacement fields
The effect of a stochastic displacement field on a statistically independent
point process is analyzed. Stochastic displacement fields can be divided into
two large classes: spatially correlated and uncorrelated. For both cases exact
transformation equations for the two-point correlation function and the power
spectrum of the point process are found, and a detailed study of them with
important paradigmatic examples is done. The results are general and in any
dimension. A particular attention is devoted to the kind of large scale
correlations that can be introduced by the displacement field, and to the
realizability of arbitrary ``superhomogeneous'' point processes.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure
Investigating the interplay between fundamentals of national research systems: performance, investments and international collaborations
We discuss, at the macro-level of nations, the contribution of research
funding and rate of international collaboration to research performance, with
important implications for the science of science policy. In particular, we
cross-correlate suitable measures of these quantities with a
scientometric-based assessment of scientific success, studying both the average
performance of nations and their temporal dynamics in the space defined by
these variables during the last decade. We find significant differences among
nations in terms of efficiency in turning (financial) input into
bibliometrically measurable output, and we confirm that growth of international
collaboration positively correlate with scientific success, with significant
benefits brought by EU integration policies. Various geo-cultural clusters of
nations naturally emerge from our analysis. We critically discuss the possible
factors that potentially determine the observed patterns
Voronoi and Voids Statistics for Super-homogeneous Point Processes
We study the Voronoi and void statistics of super-homogeneous (or
hyperuniform) point patterns in which the infinite-wavelength density
fluctuations vanish. Super-homogeneous or hyperuniform point patterns arise in
one-component plasmas, primordial density fluctuations in the Universe, and in
jammed hard-particle packings. We specifically analyze a certain
one-dimensional model by studying size fluctuations and correlations of the
associated Voronoi cells. We derive exact results for the complete joint
statistics of the size of two Voronoi cells. We also provide a sum rule that
the correlation matrix for the Voronoi cells must obey in any space dimension.
In contrast to the conventional picture of super-homogeneous systems, we show
that infinitely large Voronoi cells or voids can exist in super-homogeneous
point processes in any dimension.
We also present two heuristic conditions to identify and classify any
super-homogeneous point process in terms of the asymptotic behavior of the void
size distribution.Comment: 27 pages, and 4 figure
Clustering and coalescence from multiplicative noise: the Kraichnan ensemble
We study the dynamics of the two-point statistics of the Kraichnan ensemble
which describes the transport of a passive pollutant by a stochastic turbulent
flow characterized by scale invariant structure functions. The fundamental
equation of this problem consists in the Fokker-Planck equation for the
two-point correlation function of the density of particles performing spatially
correlated Brownian motions with scale invariant correlations. This problem is
equivalent to the stochastic motion of an effective particle driven by a
generic multiplicative noise. In this paper we propose an alternative and more
intuitive approach to the problem than the original one leading to the same
conclusions. The general features of this new approach make possible to fit it
to other more complex contexts.Comment: IOP-LaTeX, 17 pages J. Phys. A: Theor. Mat. 2008 in pres
Chemical etching of a disordered solid: from experiments to field theory
We present a two-dimensional theoretical model for the slow chemical
corrosion of a thin film of a disordered solid by suitable etching solutions.
This model explain different experimental results showing that the corrosion
stops spontaneously in a situation in which the concentration of the etchant is
still finite while the corrosion surface develops clear fractal features. We
show that these properties are strictly related to the percolation theory, and
in particular to its behavior around the critical point. This task is
accomplished both by a direct analysis in terms of a self-organized version of
the Gradient Percolation model and by field theoretical arguments.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
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