614 research outputs found
Quantum fluids in nanopores
We describe calculations of the properties of quantum fluids inside nanotubes
of various sizes. Very small radius () pores confine the gases to a line, so
that a one-dimensional (1D) approximation is applicable; the low temperature
behavior of 1D He is discussed. Somewhat larger pores permit the particles
to move off axis, resulting eventually in a transition to a cylindrical shell
phase--a thin film near the tube wall; we explored this behavior for H. At
even larger nm, both the shell phase and an axial phase are present.
Results showing strong binding of cylindrical liquids He and He are
discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, uses ws-ijmpb, graphicx, xspace; minor revisions
from version published in Proc. 13th Intl. Conference on Recent Progress in
Many-Body Theories (QMBT13), Buenos Aires, 200
H2 Formation on Interstellar Grains in Different Physical Regimes
An analysis of the kinetics of H2 formation on interstellar dust grains is
presented using rate equations. It is shown that semi-empirical expressions
that appeared in the literature represent two different physical regimes. In
particular, it is shown that the expression given by Hollenbach, Werner and
Salpeter [ApJ, 163, 165 (1971)] applies when high flux, or high mobility, of H
atoms on the surface of a grain, makes it very unlikely that H atoms evaporate
before they meet each other and recombine. The expression of Pirronello et al.\
[ApJ, 483, L131 (1997)] -- deduced on the basis of accurate measurements on
realistic dust analogue -- applies to the opposite regime (low coverage and low
mobility). The implications of this analysis for the understanding of the
processes dominating in the Interstellar Medium are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, MN styl
Experiments on Quantum and Thermal Desorption from ^4He Films
Desorption of He atoms from thin films may be resolved experimentally into quantum and thermal components. We show that quantum desorption becomes the dominant part of the signal in submonolayer films. We also show that, when all effects of collisions between desorbed atoms are eliminated, quantum desorption is not focused normal to the surface of optically polished sapphire crystals
Formation of Molecular Hydrogen on Amorphous Water Ice: Influence of Morphology and Ultraviolet Exposure
In this paper, we report on the formation of molecular hydrogen on different types of amorphous water ice. We show that mass spectra of desorbing molecules upon formation are sensitive to the way in which ice is deposited on a cold substrate, to its thermal history, and to the action of UV photons. Implications that these results bear on H2 formation in dense quiescent clouds are presented and discussed
Molecular Hydrogen Formation on Low Temperature Surfaces in Temperature Programmed Desorption Experiments
The study of the formation of molecular hydrogen on low temperature surfaces
is of interest both because it allows to explore elementary steps in the
heterogeneous catalysis of a simple molecule and because of the applications in
astrochemistry. Here we report results of experiments of molecular hydrogen
formation on amorphous silicate surfaces using temperature-programmed
desorption (TPD). In these experiments beams of H and D atoms are irradiated on
the surface of an amorphous silicate sample. The desorption rate of HD
molecules is monitored using a mass spectrometer during a subsequent TPD run.
The results are analyzed using rate equations and the activation energies of
the processes leading to molecular hydrogen formation are obtained from the TPD
data. We show that a model based on a single isotope provides the correct
results for the activation energies for diffusion and desorption of H atoms.
These results can thus be used to evaluate the formation rate of H_2 on dust
grains under the actual conditions present in interstellar clouds.Comment: 30 pages, 1 table, 6 figures. Published versio
Use of Laboratory Data to Model Interstellar Chemistry
Our laboratory research program is about the formation of molecules on dust grains analogues in conditions mimicking interstellar medium environments. Using surface science techniques, in the last ten years we have investigated the formation of molecular hydrogen and other molecules on different types of dust grain analogues. We analyzed the results to extract quantitative information on the processes of molecule formation on and ejection from dust grain analogues. The usefulness of these data lies in the fact that these results have been employed by theoreticians in models of the chemical evolution of ISM environments
Measurement of the Kinetic Energy of Hydrogen Molecules Desorbing from Amorphous Water Ice
A hydrogen molecule that is formed on an interstellar grain might retain some of the 4.48 eV of energy that is released in the recombination reaction of two hydrogen atoms. We set up an experiment to measure the translational (kinetic) energy of hydrogen molecules after they are formed on and are ejected from the surface of an interstellar dust grain analog. Here we report the first measurements of the kinetic energy of molecular deuterium as it leaves the surface of an amorphous water sample. The astrophysical implications of such measurements are discussed
International audienceThe most efficient mechanism of the formation of molecular hydrogen in the current universe is by association of hydrogen atoms on the surface of interstellar dust grains. The details of the processes of its formation and release from the grain are of great importance in the physical and chemical evolution of the space environmentswhere it takes place. Themain puzzle is still the fate of the 4.5 eV released in H2 formation and whether it goes into internal energy (rovibrational excitation), translational kinetic energy, or heating of the grain. The modality of the release of this energy affects the dynamics of the ISM and its evolution toward star formation.We present results of the detection of the rovibrational states of the just-formed H2 as it leaves the surface of a silicate.We find that rovibrationally excited molecules are ejected into the gas phase immediately after formation over a much wider range of grain temperatures than anticipated. Our results can be explained by the presence of twomechanisms ofmolecule formation that operate in partially overlapping ranges of grain temperature. A preliminary analysis of the relative importance of these two mechanisms is given. These unexpected findings, which will be complemented with experiments on the influence of factors such as silicate morphology, should be of great interest to the astrophysics and astrochemistry communities
Formation of molecular hydrogen on analogues of interstellar dust grains: experiments and modelling
Molecular hydrogen has an important role in the early stages of star
formation as well as in the production of many other molecules that have been
detected in the interstellar medium. In this review we show that it is now
possible to study the formation of molecular hydrogen in simulated
astrophysical environments. Since the formation of molecular hydrogen is
believed to take place on dust grains, we show that surface science techniques
such as thermal desorption and time-of-flight can be used to measure the
recombination efficiency, the kinetics of reaction and the dynamics of
desorption. The analysis of the experimental results using rate equations gives
useful insight on the mechanisms of reaction and yields values of parameters
that are used in theoretical models of interstellar cloud chemistry.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figs. Published in the J. Phys.: Conf. Se
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