639 research outputs found
Eccentricities of Double Neutron Star Binaries
Recent pulsar surveys have increased the number of observed double neutron
stars (DNS) in our galaxy enough so that observable trends in their properties
are starting to emerge. In particular, it has been noted that the majority of
DNS have eccentricities less than 0.3, which are surprisingly low for binaries
that survive a supernova explosion that we believe imparts a significant kick
to the neutron star. To investigate this trend, we generate many different
theoretical distributions of DNS eccentricities using Monte Carlo population
synthesis methods. We determine which eccentricity distributions are most
consistent with the observed sample of DNS binaries. In agreement with
Chaurasia & Bailes (2005), assuming all double neutron stars are equally as
probable to be discovered as binary pulsars, we find that highly eccentric,
coalescing DNS are less likely to be observed because of their accelerated
orbital evolution due to gravitational wave emission and possible early
mergers. Based on our results for coalescing DNS, we also find that models with
vanishingly or moderately small kicks (sigma < about 50 km/s) are inconsistent
with the current observed sample of such DNS. We discuss the implications of
our conclusions for DNS merger rate estimates of interest to ground-based
gravitational-wave interferometers. We find that, although orbital evolution
due to gravitational radiation affects the eccentricity distribution of the
observed sample, the associated upwards correction factor to merger rate
estimates is rather small (typically 10-40%).Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted by ApJ. Figures reduced and some content
changed, references adde
Electron orbital valves made of multiply connected armchair carbon nanotubes with mirror-reflection symmetry: tight-binding study
Using the tight-binding method and the Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker conductance
formalism, we demonstrate that a multiply connected armchair carbon nanotube
with a mirror-reflection symmetry can sustain an electron current of the
-bonding orbital while suppress that of the -antibonding orbital over
a certain energy range. Accordingly, the system behaves like an electron
orbital valve and may be used as a scanning tunneling microscope to probe
pairing symmetry in d-wave superconductors or even orbital ordering in solids
which is believed to occur in some transition-metal oxides.Comment: 4 figures, 12 page
Electrical Switching in Metallic Carbon Nanotubes
We present first-principles calculations of quantum transport which show that
the resistance of metallic carbon nanotubes can be changed dramatically with
homogeneous transverse electric fields if the nanotubes have impurities or
defects. The change of the resistance is predicted to range over more than two
orders of magnitude with experimentally attainable electric fields. This novel
property has its origin that backscattering of conduction electrons by
impurities or defects in the nanotubes is strongly dependent on the strength
and/or direction of the applied electric fields. We expect this property to
open a path to new device applications of metallic carbon nanotubes.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure
Formation, Manipulation, and Elasticity Measurement of a Nanometric Column of Water Molecules
Nanometer-sized columns of condensed water molecules are created by an
atomic-resolution force microscope operated in ambient conditions. Unusual
stepwise decrease of the force gradient associated with the thin water bridge
in the tip-substrate gap is observed during its stretch, exhibiting regularity
in step heights (~0.5 N/m) and plateau lengths (~1 nm). Such "quantized"
elasticity is indicative of the atomic-scale stick-slip at the tip-water
interface. A thermodynamic-instability-induced rupture of the water meniscus
(5-nm long and 2.6-nm wide) is also found. This work opens a high-resolution
study of the structure and the interface dynamics of a nanometric aqueous
column.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Ab initio Pseudopotential Plane-wave Calculations of the Electronic Structure of YBa_2Cu_3O_7
We present an ab initio pseudopotential local density functional calculation
for stoichiometric high-Tc cuprate YBa_2Cu_3O_7 using the plane-wave basis set.
We have overcome well-known difficulties in applying pseudopotential methods to
first-row elements, transition metals, and rare-earth materials by carefully
generating norm-conserving pseudopotentials with excellent transferability and
employing an extremely efficient iterative diagonalization scheme optimized for
our purpose. The self-consistent band structures, the total and site-projected
densities of states, the partial charges and their symmetry-decompositions, and
some characteristic charge densities near E_f are presented. We compare our
results with various existing (F)LAPW and (F)LMTO calculations and establish
that the ab initio pseudopotential method is competitive with other methods in
studying the electronic structure of such complicated materials as high-Tc
cuprates. [8 postscript files in uuencoded compressed form]Comment: 14 pages, RevTeX v3.0, 8 figures (appended in postscript file), SNUTP
Ferromagnetism in Mn doped GaAs due to substitutional-interstitial complexes
While most calculations on the properties of the ferromagnetic semiconductor
GaAs:Mn have focussed on isolated Mn substituting the Ga site (Mn), we
investigate here whether alternate lattice sites are favored and what the
magnetic consequences of this might be. Under As-rich (Ga-poor) conditions
prevalent at growth, we find that the formation energies are lower for
Mn over interstitial Mn (Mn).As the Fermi energy is shifted towards
the valence band maximum via external -doping, the formation energy of
Mn is reduced relative to Mn. Furthermore, under epitaxial growth
conditions, the solubility of both substitutional and interstitial Mn are
strongly enhanced over what is possible under bulk growth conditions. The high
concentration of Mn attained under epitaxial growth of p-type material opens
the possibility of Mn atoms forming small clusters. We consider various types
of clusters, including the Coulomb-stabilized clusters involving two Mn
and one Mn. While isolated Mn are hole killers (donors), and therefore
destroy ferromagnetism,complexes such as Mn-Mn-Mn) are found
to be more stable than complexes involving Mn-Mn-Mn. The
former complexes exhibit partial or total quenching of holes, yet Mn in
these complexes provide a channel for a ferromagnetic arrangement of the spins
on the two Mn within the complex. This suggests that ferromagnetism in
Mn doped GaAs arises both from holes due to isolated Mn as well as from
strongly Coulomb stabilized Mn-Mn-Mn clusters.Comment: 7 figure
Effect of Iodine Doping on BiSrCaCuO: Charge Transfer or Interlayer Coupling?
A comparative study has been made of iodine-intercalated
BiSrCaCuO single crystal and 1 atm O
annealed BiSrCaCuO single crystal using AC
susceptibility measurement, X-ray photoemission (XPS) and angle-resolved
ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (ARUPS). AC susceptibility measurement
indicates that O-doped samples studied have T of 84 K,
whereas T of Iodine-doped samples studied are 80 K. XPS Cu 2p core
level data establish that the hole concentration in the CuO planes are
essentially the same for these two kinds of samples. ARUPS measurements show
that electronic structure of the normal states near the Fermi level has been
strongly affected by iodine intercalation. We conclude that the dominant effect
of iodine doping is to alter the interlayer coupling.Comment: LBL 9 pages, APS_Revtex. 5 Figures, available upon request.
UW-Madison preprin
Systematic model behavior of adsorption on flat surfaces
A low density film on a flat surface is described by an expansion involving
the first four virial coefficients. The first coefficient (alone) yields the
Henry's law regime, while the next three correct for the effects of
interactions. The results permit exploration of the idea of universal
adsorption behavior, which is compared with experimental data for a number of
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