406 research outputs found
Optimal purification of a generic n-qudit state
We propose a quantum algorithm for the purification of a generic mixed state
of a -qudit system by using an ancillary -qudit system. The
algorithm is optimal in that (i) the number of ancillary qudits cannot be
reduced, (ii) the number of parameters which determine the purification state
exactly equals the number of degrees of freedom of , and (iii)
is easily determined from the density matrix . Moreover, we
introduce a quantum circuit in which the quantum gates are unitary
transformations acting on a -qudit system. These transformations are
determined by parameters that can be tuned to generate, once the ancillary
qudits are disregarded, any given mixed -qudit state.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, remarks adde
Robust and efficient generator of almost maximal multipartite entanglement
Quantum chaotic maps can efficiently generate pseudo-random states carrying
almost maximal multipartite entanglement, as characterized by the probability
distribution of bipartite entanglement between all possible bipartitions of the
system. We show that such multipartite entanglement is robust, in the sense
that, when realistic noise is considered, distillable entanglement of
bipartitions remains almost maximal up to a noise strength that drops only
polynomially with the number of qubits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Published versio
Classical versus quantum errors in quantum computation of dynamical systems
We analyze the stability of a quantum algorithm simulating the quantum
dynamics of a system with different regimes, ranging from global chaos to
integrability. We compare, in these different regimes, the behavior of the
fidelity of quantum motion when the system's parameters are perturbed or when
there are unitary errors in the quantum gates implementing the quantum
algorithm. While the first kind of errors has a classical limit, the second one
has no classical analogue. It is shown that, whereas in the first case
(``classical errors'') the decay of fidelity is very sensitive to the dynamical
regime, in the second case (``quantum errors'') it is almost independent of the
dynamical behavior of the simulated system. Therefore, the rich variety of
behaviors found in the study of the stability of quantum motion under
``classical'' perturbations has no correspondence in the fidelity of quantum
computation under its natural perturbations. In particular, in this latter case
it is not possible to recover the semiclassical regime in which the fidelity
decays with a rate given by the classical Lyapunov exponent.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
An Error Model for the Cirac-Zoller CNOT gate
In the framework of ion-trap quantum computing, we develop a characterization
of experimentally realistic imperfections which may affect the Cirac-Zoller
implementation of the CNOT gate. The CNOT operation is performed by applying a
protocol of five laser pulses of appropriate frequency and polarization. The
laser-pulse protocol exploits auxiliary levels, and its imperfect
implementation leads to unitary as well as non-unitary errors affecting the
CNOT operation. We provide a characterization of such imperfections, which are
physically realistic and have never been considered before to the best of our
knowledge. Our characterization shows that imperfect laser pulses unavoidably
cause a leak of information from the states which alone should be transformed
by the ideal gate, into the ancillary states exploited by the experimental
implementation.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. Accepted as a contributed oral communication in
the QuantumComm 2009 International Conference on Quantum Communication and
Quantum Networking, Vico Equense, Italy, October 26-30, 200
Semiclassical model for a memory dephasing channel
We study a dephasing channel with memory, described by a Hamiltonian model in
which the system-environment interaction is described by a stochastic process.
We propose a useful way to describe the channel uses correlations. Moreover, we
give a general expression for the coherences decay factors as a function of the
number of channel uses and of the stochastic process power spectrum. We also
study the impact of memory on the three qubit code, showing that correlations
among channel uses affect very little the code performance.Comment: 8pages, 3 figures, proceedings of CEWQO 2008 Conferenc
The thermoelectric working fluid: thermodynamics and transport
Thermoelectric devices are heat engines, which operate as generators or
refrigerators using the conduction electrons as a working fluid. The
thermoelectric heat-to-work conversion efficiency has always been typically
quite low, but much effort continues to be devoted to the design of new
materials boasting improved transport properties that would make them of the
electron crystal-phonon glass type of systems. On the other hand, there are
comparatively few studies where a proper thermodynamic treatment of the
electronic working fluid is proposed. The present article aims to contribute to
bridge this gap by addressing both the thermodynamic and transport properties
of the thermoelectric working fluid covering a variety of models, including
interacting systems.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure
Conservative chaotic map as a model of quantum many-body environment
We study the dynamics of the entanglement between two qubits coupled to a
common chaotic environment, described by the quantum kicked rotator model. We
show that the kicked rotator, which is a single-particle deterministic
dynamical system, can reproduce the effects of a pure dephasing many-body bath.
Indeed, in the semiclassical limit the interaction with the kicked rotator can
be described as a random phase-kick, so that decoherence is induced in the
two-qubit system. We also show that our model can efficiently simulate
non-Markovian environments.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
Information transmission over an amplitude damping channel with an arbitrary degree of memory
We study the performance of a partially correlated amplitude damping channel
acting on two qubits. We derive lower bounds for the single-shot classical
capacity by studying two kinds of quantum ensembles, one which allows to
maximize the Holevo quantity for the memoryless channel and the other allowing
the same task but for the full-memory channel. In these two cases, we also show
the amount of entanglement which is involved in achieving the maximum of the
Holevo quantity. For the single-shot quantum capacity we discuss both a lower
and an upper bound, achieving a good estimate for high values of the channel
transmissivity. We finally compute the entanglement-assisted classical channel
capacity.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure
Classical and quantum capacities of a fully correlated amplitude damping channel
We study information transmission over a fully correlated amplitude damping
channel acting on two qubits. We derive the single-shot classical channel
capacity and show that entanglement is needed to achieve the channel best
performance. We discuss the degradability properties of the channel and
evaluate the quantum capacity for any value of the noise parameter. We finally
compute the entanglement-assisted classical channel capacity.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure
Integrability, Stäckel spaces, and rational potentials
For a variety of classical mechanical systems embeddable into flat space with Cartesian coordinates {xi} and for which the Hamilton–Jacobi equation can be solved via separation of variables in a particular curvalinear system {uj}, we answer the following question. When is the separable potential function v expressible as a polynomial (or as a rational function) in the defining coordinates {xi}? Many examples are given
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