12,049 research outputs found
Ferromagnetic transition in a double-exchange system containing impurities in the Dynamical Mean Field Approximation
We formulate the Dynamical Mean Field Approximation equations for the
double-exchange system with quenched disorder for arbitrary relation between
Hund exchange coupling and electron band width. Close to the
ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transition point the DMFA equations can be reduced
to the ordinary mean field equation of Curie-Weiss type. We solve the equation
to find the transition temperature and present the magnetic phase diagram of
the system.Comment: 5 pages, latex, 2 eps figures. We explicitely present the magnetic
phase diagram of the syste
The Development of Global Science.
How do we build research capacity throughout the world and capture the great human potential? To us, the answer is rather straightforward: the time-honored tradition of scientific mentoring must be practiced on a wider scale across borders. Herein, we detail the necessity for expanding mentorship to a global scale and provide several important principles to be considered when designing, planning, and implementing programs and centers of research around the world
Carrier States and Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
Applying the dynamical coherent potential approximation to a simple model, we
have systematically studied the carrier states in Mn-type diluted
magnetic semiconductors (DMS's). The model calculation was performed for three
typical cases of DMS's: The cases with strong and moderate exchange
interactions in the absence of nonmagnetic potentials, and the case with strong
attractive nonmagnetic potentials in addition to moderate exchange interaction.
When the exchange interaction is sufficiently strong, magnetic impurity bands
split from the host band. Carriers in the magnetic impurity band mainly stay at
magnetic sites, and coupling between the carrier spin and the localized spin is
very strong. The hopping of the carriers among the magnetic sites causes
ferromagnetism through a {\it double-exchange (DE)-like} mechanism. We have
investigated the condition for the DE-like mechanism to operate in DMS's. The
result reveals that the nonmagnetic attractive potential at the magnetic site
assists the formation of the magnetic impurity band and makes the DE-like
mechanism operative by substantially enhancing the effect of the exchange
interaction. Using conventional parameters we have studied the carrier states
in GaMnAs. The result shows that the ferromagnetism is caused
through the DE-like mechanism by the carriers in the bandtail originating from
the impurity states.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure
Critical Exponents of the Metal-Insulator Transition in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
We study the filling-controlled metal-insulator transition in the
two-dimensional Hubbard model near half-filling with the use of zero
temperature quantum Monte Carlo methods. In the metallic phase, the
compressibility behaves as where
is the critical chemical potential. In the insulating phase, the
localization length follows with . Under the assumption of hyperscaling, the compressibility
data leads to a correlation length exponent . Our
results show that the exponents and agree within
statistical uncertainty. This confirms the assumption of hyperscaling with
correlation length exponent and dynamical exponent . In
contrast the metal-insulator transition in the generic band insulators in all
dimensions as well as in the one-dimensional Hubbard model satisfy the
hyperscaling assumption with exponents and .Comment: Two references added. The DVI file and PS figure files are also
available at http://www.issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/labs/riron/imada/furukawa/; to
appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 65 (1996) No.
A survey of thermodynamic properties of the compounds of the element CHNOPS Progress report, 1 Mar. - 30 Jun. 1968
Thermodynamic property data tables for CHNOPS compounds and heats of combustion and formation for organic compounds of biological interes
Survey of thermodynamic properties of the compounds of the elements CHNOPS Sixth preliminary report, 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1965
Heat capacity data on polyhydroxy compounds, water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia and vapor pressure data on methane, ammonia, and amino acid
A survey of thermodynamic properties of the compounds of the elements CHNOPS Fifth preliminary report, 1 Jul. - 30 Sep. 1965
Literature survey of heat capacity, enthalpy, and entropy properties of ammonia, carbon dioxide, and wate
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