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Fire resistance of steel beam to square CFST column composite joints using RC slabs: Experiments and numerical studies
In this paper, experimental investigation and numerical simulation of steel beam to square concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) column composite joints that use reinforced concrete (RC) slabs subjected to localized and global fire conditions are presented. Eight joints were tested under the ISO 834 fire standard, and the effect of different parameters including the load ratio of beams, the beam-to-column ratio of linear stiffness, and different fire scenarios was studied during testing. The failure patterns and the thermal responses of the structural members including the temperature distribution, axial displacement of columns, vertical deflection of the beam ends, and fire resistance of the joints were recorded and discussed. The results show that tube buckling of the square CFST columns, flange buckling of the steel beams, and separation between the top flange of the steel beams and the RC slabs were the primary failure patterns of this type of joint. Moreover, the temperatures of structural members within the connection zone were lower than those in the other regions. Compared with other factors, the load ratio of the beams demonstrated a significant influence on the displacement of the structural members and the fire resistance of the joints. A three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) model was built to simulate the fire performance of this type of composite joint. The simulation results were compared to the test results in terms of failure patterns, temperature distributions, displacements, and fire resistances, and good agreement in general was achieved. Finally, the FEA model was adopted to examine the effect of parameters on the fire resistance of the composite joints with axial and flexural constraints applied at the ends of the beam
Governance Challenges and the Financial Crisis: Seven Key Questions
In the midst of a global economic crisis, the federal government responded on an unprecedented scale and scope, with injections of trillions of dollars into financial markets, infusions of cash to troubled industries, state and local governments, and people in need. Government is employing tools in ways never before considered and inventing new tools, in the hope of stabilizing the economy and spurring economic recovery.Under the leadership of National Academy Fellow Don Kettl and National Academy President Jennifer Dorn, the National Academy of Public Administration convened a roundtable of government leaders, business leaders, researchers and other experts to discuss governance issues related to the government's response to the financial crisis. Seven strategic questions related to governance emerged from the discussion, held earlier this year, which was moderated by Don Kettl. The National Academy and the IBM Center for the Business of Government are pleased to offer this summary of the roundtable in an effort to stimulate a national discussion of these questions.Key Findings Government investments have the potential to transform the role the federal government plays in the private economy. While largely intended to be temporary, many fear that these investments will create long-term, almost "permanent" expectations -- particularly with regard to education, unemployment insurance, infrastructure and tax breaks.One challenge confronting the government is to devise exit strategies that balance policy objectives, such as minimizing economic disruption and securing a return on taxpayer dollars, while not undermining the viability of companies or their market competitors, as well as governments and other groups. Another challenge is to determine the appropriate scope of ongoing federal regulatory authority in light of both practical demands and the appropriate role of the federal government in managing the economy
Interacting Dirac fermions under spatially alternating pseudo-magnetic field: Realization of spontaneous quantum Hall effect
Both topological crystalline insulators surfaces and graphene host
multi-valley massless Dirac fermions which are not pinned to a high-symmetry
point of the Brillouin zone. Strain couples to the low-energy electrons as a
time-reversal invariant gauge field, leading to the formation of pseudo-Landau
levels (PLL). Here we study periodic pseudo-magnetic fields originating from
strain superlattices. We study the low-energy Dirac PLL spectrum induced by the
strain superlattice and analyze the effect of various polarized states. Through
self-consistent Hartree-Fock calculations we establish that, due to the strain
superlattice and PLL electronic structure, a valley-ordered state spontaneously
breaking time-reversal and realizing a quantum Hall phase is favored, while
others are suppressed.Comment: 13 pages + 2 appendices, 9 figure
Zeeman-Induced Gapless Superconductivity with Partial Fermi Surface
We show that an in-plane magnetic field can drive two-dimensional
spin-orbit-coupled systems under superconducting proximity effect into a
gapless phase where parts of the normal state Fermi surface are gapped, and the
ungapped parts are reconstructed into a small Fermi surface of Bogoliubov
quasiparticles at zero energy. Charge distribution, spin texture, and density
of states of such "partial Fermi surface" are discussed. Material platforms for
its physical realization are proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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Behavior of axially loaded circular stainless steel tube confined concrete stub columns
A stainless steel tube confined concrete (SSTCC) stub column is a new form of steel-concrete composite column in which the stainless steel tube without bearing the axial load directly is used to confine the core concrete. It could take the advantages of both the stainless steel tube and the confined concrete columns. This paper presents the experimental investigation of circular SSTCC stub columns subjected to axial load. Meanwhile, comparative tests of the circular concrete-filled stainless steel tubes and circular hollow stainless steel tubes were also conducted. The experimental phenomena of specimens are introduced in detail and the experimental results are analyzed. Through the investigation of axial stress and circumference stress on the stainless steel tube, the interaction behavior between stainless steel tube and core concrete is studied. The experimental results showed that the stainless steel tube provides better confinement to the concrete core, thus results the compressive capacity increased obviously comparing with unconfined concrete. The load-carrying capacity of SSTCC stub columns is higher than that of concrete-filled stainless steel tubes. An equation to calculate the load-carrying capacity of SSTCC stub columns was proposed, the results based on calculation are close to the experimental results
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Performance of bolted steel-beam to CFST-column joints using stiffened angles in column-removal scenario
This paper presents three experimental investigations on the performance of steel-beam to CFST-column joints using stiffened angle, long bolts and fin plate under a middle column removal scenario. Three specimens were designed and tested. The failure modes and catenary action are investigated in detail. The test results show that increasing the angle plate thickness at the joint could not only improve its performance significantly, but also trigger an early formation of catenary action. Increasing the length of short-limb had influence on the deformation ability of the proposed joint, rather than the load capacity. The buckling of stiffeners could prevent the brittle failure of the joints. With the contribution of catenary action, the joint shows much higher rotation capacities than that required in DoD design guidance. The initial stiffness of the joint was calculated using an analytical model with consideration of bolt pretension. Good agreement to the test results is achieved. A numerical analysis is also carried out, whose results show that adding additional row of bolts would improve the redundancy of the joint under column loss. An equivalent dynamic response evaluation of the joints was also performed. The results show that dynamic amplification coefficient should be worked out considering catenary action under large deformation
Effect of chain stiffness on ion distributions around a polyelectrolyte in multivalent salt solutions
Ion distributions in dilute polyelectrolyte solutions are studied by means of
Langevin dynamics simulations. We show that the distributions depend on the
conformation of a chain while the conformation is determined by the chain
stiffness and the salt concentration. We observe that the monovalent
counterions originally condensed on a chain can be replaced by the multivalent
ones dissociated from the added salt due to strong electrostatic interaction.
These newly condensed ions give an important impact on the chain structure. At
low and at high salt concentrations, the conformation of a semiflexible chain
is rodlike. The ion distributions show similarity to those for a rigid chain,
but difference to those for a flexible chain whose conformation is a coil. In
the mid-salt region, the flexible chain and the semiflexible chain collapse but
the collapsed chain structures are, respectively, disordered and ordered
structures. The ion distributions hence show different profiles for these three
chain stiffness with the curves for the semiflexible chain lying between those
for the flexible and the rigid chains. The number of the condensed multivalent
counterions, as well as the effective chain charge, also shows similar
behavior, demonstrating a direct connection with the chain morphology.
Moreover, we find that the condensed multivalent counterions form triplets with
two adjacent monomers and are localized on the chain axis at intermediate salt
concentration when the chain stiffness is semiflexible or rigid. The
microscopic information obtained here provides valuable insight to the
phenomena of DNA condensation and is very useful for researchers to develop new
models.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in JC
Odd-parity superconductors with two-component order parameters: nematic and chiral, full gap and Majorana node
Motivated by the recent experiment indicating that superconductivity in the
doped topological insulator CuBiSe has an odd-parity pairing
symmetry with rotational symmetry breaking, we study the general class of
odd-parity superconductors with two-component order parameters in trigonal and
hexagonal crystal systems. In the presence of strong spin-orbit interaction, we
find two possible superconducting phases below , a time-reversal-breaking
(i.e., chiral) phase and an anisotropic (i.e., nematic) phase, and determine
their relative energetics from the gap function in momentum space. The nematic
superconductor generally has a full quasi-particle gap, whereas the chiral
superconductor with a three-dimensional (3D) Fermi surface has point nodes with
lifted spin degeneracy, resulting in itinerant Majorana fermions in the bulk
and topological Majorana arcs on the surface.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figures; 20 pages suppl mat + 4 figures; published
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