19 research outputs found
Veganism as a Cultural Phenomenon
The present research is a social science exploration into the adaptation and transition to veganism through the experiences of nineteen interviewees to interpret veganism as a cultural phenomenon. It questions the way in which societal, moral, and physical environments both shape and inform a sense of meaning and action behind an individual\u27s decision to become vegan. Through six narratives, which describe the interviewee\u27s social, geographical, educational, ethical, health-related, and environmental justifications for veganism, and an explanation of interviewee\u27s transition to and perception of the barriers to veganism, this study uses idealist ethnography techniques to reflect the dynamism and intricacies of a lifestyle free of animal products. It details the significance of viewing veganism through a cultural lens to present veganism as a meaningful strategy for employing personal values through action as a response to broader world issues
Participant perspectives on cognitive remediation and social recovery in early psychosis (CReSt-R): an acceptability study
Aim: Psychosis spectrum disorders continue to rank highly among causes of disability. This has resulted in efforts to expand the range of treatment targets beyond symptom remission to include other recovery markers, including social and occupational function and quality of life. Although the efficacy of psychosocial interventions in early psychosis has been widely reported, the acceptability of these interventions is less well-known. This study explores the participant perspective on a novel, psychosocial intervention combining cognitive remediation and social recovery therapy. Methods: We employed a qualitative research design, based on semi-structured interviews and reflexive thematic analysis. Six participants with early psychosis were recruited from the intervention arm of a randomized pilot study, three women and three men, aged between 22 and 27 years. Results: Four themes were developed through the analytical process, namely, (1) a solid therapeutic foundation, (2) multi-directional flow of knowledge, (3) a tailored toolset, and (4) an individual pathway to recovery. Participants also provided pragmatic feedback about how to improve the delivery of the therapy assessments and intervention. Both the themes and pragmatic feedback are described. Conclusions: People with early psychosis described the intervention as acceptable, engaging, helpful and person-centred, suggesting its potential role in a multicomponent therapy model of early intervention in psychosis services. Participants in this study also highlight the importance of an individualized approach to therapy, the vital role of the therapeutic relationship and the ecological validity and value of adopting an assertive outreach delivery, providing therapy outside a conventional clinic setting
Phylogeny of the Australian Solanum dioicum group using seven nuclear genes: Testing Symon’s fruit and seed dispersal hypotheses.
The dioecious and andromonoecious Solanum taxa (the “S. dioicum group”) of the Australian Monsoon Tropics have been the subject of phylogenetic and taxonomic study for decades, yet much of their basic biology is still unknown. This is especially true for plant-animal interactions, including the influence of fruit form and calyx morphology on seed dispersal. We combine field/greenhouse observations and specimen-based study with phylogenetic analysis of seven nuclear regions obtained via a microfluidic PCR-based enrichment strategy and high-throughput sequencing, and present the first species-tree hypothesis for the S. dioicum group. Our results suggest that epizoochorous trample burr seed dispersal (strongly linked to calyx accrescence) is far more common among Australian Solanum than previously thought and support the hypothesis that the combination of large fleshy fruits and endozoochorous dispersal represents a reversal in this study group. The general lack of direct evidence related to biotic dispersal (epizoochorous or endozoochorous) may be a function of declines and/or extinctions of vertebrate dispersers. Because of this, some taxa might now rely on secondary dispersal mechanisms (e.g. shakers, tumbleweeds, rafting) as a means to maintain current populations and establish new ones
Multi-dimensional Leaf Phenotypes Reflect Root System Genotype in Grafted Grapevine Over the Growing Season
Modern biological approaches generate volumes of multi-dimensional data, offering unprecedented opportunities to address biological questions previously beyond reach owing to small or subtle effects. A fundamental question in plant biology is the extent to which below-ground activity in the root system influences above-ground phenotypes expressed in the shoot system. Grafting, an ancient horticultural practice that fuses the root system of one individual (the rootstock) with the shoot system of a second, genetically distinct individual (the scion), is a powerful experimental system to understand below-ground effects on above-ground phenotypes. Previous studies on grafted grapevines have detected rootstock influence on scion phenotypes including physiology and berry chemistry. However, the extent of the rootstock\u27s influence on leaves, the photosynthetic engines of the vine, and how those effects change over the course of a growing season, are still largely unknown
Prevalence of Trachoma After Three Rounds of Antibiotic Mass Drug Administration in 13 Woredas of Gambella Region, Ethiopia
BACKGROUND: Following baseline surveys in 2013 and 2014, trachoma elimination interventions, including three rounds of azithromycin mass drug administration (MDA), were implemented in 13 woredas (administrative districts) of Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia. We conducted impact surveys to determine if elimination thresholds have been met or if additional interventions are required. METHODS: Cross-sectional population-based surveys were conducted in 13 woredas of Gambella Regional State, combined into five evaluation units (EUs), 6─12 months after their last MDA round. A two-stage systematic (first stage) and random (second stage) sampling technique was used. WHO-recommended protocols were implemented with the support of Tropical Data. Household water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) access was assessed. RESULTS: The age-adjusted prevalence of trachomatous inflammation - follicular (TF) in 1-9-year-olds in the five EUs ranged from 0.3-19.2%, representing a general decline in TF prevalence compared to baseline estimates. The age- and gender-adjusted prevalence of trachomatous trichiasis (TT) unknown to the health system in those aged ≥ 15 years ranged from 0.47-3.08%. Of households surveyed, 44% had access to an improved drinking water source within a 30-minute return journey of the house, but only 3% had access to an improved latrine. CONCLUSION: In two EUs, no further MDA should be delivered, and a surveillance survey should be conducted after two years without MDA. In one EU, one further round of MDA should be conducted followed by another impact survey. In two EUs, three further MDA rounds are required. Surgery, facial cleanliness and environmental improvement interventions are needed throughout the region
Prevalence of Trachoma in Benishangul Gumuz Region, Ethiopia, after Implementation of the SAFE Strategy: Results of Four Population-Based Surveys.
PURPOSE: We aimed to estimate the prevalence of trachomatous inflammation-follicular (TF) in 1-9-year-olds and trachomatous trichiasis (TT) unknown to the health system in ≥15-year-olds in Benishangul Gumuz (BGZ) region, Ethiopia. This will help to assess progress towards the elimination of trachoma as a public health problem and determine the need for future interventions against trachoma in the region. METHODS: Cross-sectional population-based trachoma prevalence surveys were conducted in four evaluation units (EUs) of BGZ using World Health Organization-recommended survey methodologies. Individuals were examined for clinical signs of trachoma. Household access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities (WaSH) was assessed. RESULTS: A total of 11,778 people aged ≥1 year were examined. The prevalence of TF in 1-9-year-olds was <5% in three EUs and ≥5% in one EU. The prevalence of TT unknown to the health system in people aged ≥15-years was ≥0.2% in all four EUs. The proportion of households with an improved drinking water source within a 30-minute round-trip ranged from 27-60%. The proportion of households with an improved latrine ranged from <1-6%. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical interventions for TT are required in all EUs in BGZ. One annual round of mass drug administration (MDA) of azithromycin is required in one EU before resurvey to reassess progress in lowering TF prevalence below the WHO elimination threshold of 5% in 1-9-year-olds. MDA should be stopped in the other three EUs and trachoma surveillance surveys should be conducted at least 24 months after the surveys described here. Ongoing strengthening of WaSH infrastructure may help sustain the low prevalence of trachoma
Building a feral future: Open questions in crop ferality.
The phenomenon of feral crops, that is, free-living populations that have established outside cultivation, is understudied. Some researchers focus on the negative consequences of domestication, whereas others assert that feral populations may serve as useful pools of genetic diversity for future crop improvement. Although research on feral crops and the process of feralization has advanced rapidly in the last two decades, generalizable insights have been limited by a lack of comparative research across crop species and other factors. To improve international coordination of research on this topic, we summarize the current state of feralization research and
chart a course for future study by consolidating outstanding questions in the field. These questions, which emerged from the colloquium “Darwins' reversals: What we now know about Feralization and Crop Wild Relatives” at the BOTANY 2021 conference, fall into seven categories that span both basic and applied research: (1) definitions and drivers of ferality, (2) genetic architecture and pathway, (3) evolutionary history and biogeography, (4) agronomy and breeding, (5) fundamental and applied ecology, (6) collecting and conservation, and (7) taxonomy and best practices.
These questions serve as a basis for ferality researchers to coordinate research in these areas, potentially resulting in major contributions to food security in the face of climate change
Solanum watneyi, a new bush tomato species from the Northern Territory, Australia named for Mark Watney of the book and film “The Martian”
A new species of andromonoecious Solanum from the Australian “bush tomato clade” ofSolanum subgenus Leptostemonum is described. Solanum watneyi Martine & Frawley, sp. nov. is closely allied with S. eburneum, and is sympatric with it in parts of its range in the Northern Territory. The new species has been recognized as a variant of S. eburneum for decades, at times being referred to by local botanists as Solanum sp. “Bullita” because of its relative abundance in the vicinity of the Bullita Station area of Judbarra/Gregory National Park. Morphometric analyses show that S. watneyi differs statistically from S.eburneum in several key reproductive and vegetative characters and field observations suggest that the two sister species may represent a case of edaphic speciation. We provide morphometric evidence for the novelty of S. watneyi, a complete description, and cite specimens for both species