36 research outputs found
Molecular Mechanisms of Water-Mediated Proton Transport in MIL-53 MetalâOrganic Frameworks
Metalâorganic frameworks have
recently been proposed as
promising proton conducting materials for application in fuel cell
technologies. Here, molecular dynamics simulations are used to reveal
the microscopic mechanisms associated with water-mediated proton transport
in the MIL-53 materials as a function of temperature, water loading,
and pore size. The structure of the hydrated proton is found to resemble
that of a distorted Zundel complex when the framework closes into
a narrow-pore configuration. A transition to Eigen-like structures
is then observed at higher water loading when the pores open as a
result of the breathing effect. Although the free-energy barriers
to proton transfer at room temperature are lower than in bulk water,
proton transport in MIL-53 is largely suppressed, which is attributed
to the low water mobility inside the pores. Faster proton diffusion
is found at higher temperature, in agreement with conductivity measurements
Theoretical Prediction of Spin-Crossover Temperatures in Ligand-Driven Light-Induced Spin Change Systems
Spin-crossover compounds exhibit two alternative spin
states with
distinctive chemical and physical properties, a particular feature
that makes them promising materials for nanotechnological applications
as memory or display devices. A key parameter that characterizes these
compounds is the spin-crossover temperature, <i>T</i><sub>1/2</sub>, defined as the temperature with equal populations of high
and low-spin species. In this study, a theoretical/computational approach
is described for the calculation of <i>T</i><sub>1/2</sub> for the <i>trans</i>-[FeÂ(styrylpyridine)<sub>4</sub>(NCX)<sub>2</sub>] (X = S, Se, and BH<sub>3</sub>, styrylpyridine in the <i>trans</i> configuration) ligand driven light-induced spin change
(LD-LISC) complexes. In all cases, the present calculations provide
an accurate description of both structural and electronic properties
of the LD-LISC complexes and, importantly, predict spin-crossover
temperatures in good agreement with the corresponding experimental
data. Fundamental insights into the dependence of <i>T</i><sub>1/2</sub> on the nature of the axial ligands are obtained from
the direct analysis of the underlying electronic structure in terms
of the relevant molecular orbitals
Systematic Study of Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of HCl(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub><i>n</i></sub> Clusters from Semiempirical Replica Exchange Simulations
The structural and thermodynamic
properties of HClÂ(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub><i>n</i></sub> clusters
with <i>n</i> =
4â10 are studied using BornâOppenheimer replica exchange
molecular dynamics simulations with the PM3-MAIS semiempirical Hamiltonian.
Independently of the cluster size, the simulations predict that HCl
exists in the dissociated form in all low-energy isomers. Different
local structures are identified within the clusters due to the presence
of the dissociated proton, including Zundel, Eigen, Eigen-like, H<sub>7</sub>O<sub>3</sub><sup>+</sup>, and intermediate ZundelâEigen
configurations. As the cluster size increases, several groups of isomers
are identified, whose relative stabilities vary as a function of temperature.
A detailed analysis of the heat capacity indicates that the melting
behavior of HClÂ(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub><i>n</i></sub> clusters
is strongly size-dependent. In particular, melting is observed in
clusters with <i>n</i> = 7â10 in the temperature
range <i>T</i> = 100â150 K. By contrast, melting
is not observed in clusters with <i>n</i> = 4â6.
Minimum energy structures for HClÂ(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub><i>n</i></sub> clusters with <i>n</i> = 11â15 and <i>n</i> = 21 are also characterized
Assessing Many-Body Effects of Water Self-Ions. I: OH<sup>â</sup>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub><i>n</i></sub> Clusters
importance of many-body effects in the hydration of the hydroxide
ion (OH<sup>â</sup>) is investigated through a systematic analysis
of the many-body expansion of the interaction energy carried out at
the CCSDÂ(T) level of theory, extrapolated to the complete basis set
limit, for the low-lying isomers of OH<sup>â</sup>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub><i>n</i></sub> clusters, with <i>n</i> = 1â5. This is accomplished by partitioning individual fragments
extracted from the whole clusters into âgroupsâ that
are classified by both the number of OH<sup>â</sup> and water
molecules and the hydrogen bonding connectivity within each fragment.
With the aid of the absolutely localized molecular orbital energy
decomposition analysis (ALMO-EDA) method, this structure-based partitioning
is found to largely correlate with the character of different many-body
interactions, such as cooperative and anticooperative hydrogen bonding,
within each fragment. This analysis emphasizes the importance of a
many-body representation of inductive electrostatics and charge transfer
in modeling OH<sup>â</sup> hydration. Furthermore, the rapid
convergence of the many-body expansion of the interaction energy also
suggests a rigorous path for the development of analytical potential
energy functions capable of describing individual OH<sup>â</sup>âwater many-body terms, with chemical accuracy. Finally, a
comparison between the reference CCSDÂ(T) many-body interaction terms
with the corresponding values obtained with various exchange-correlation
functionals demonstrates that range-separated, dispersion-corrected,
hybrid functionals exhibit the highest accuracy, while GGA functionals,
with or without dispersion corrections, are inadequate to describe
OH<sup>â</sup>âwater interactions
Guest-Dependent Stabilization of the Low-Spin State in Spin-Crossover Metal-Organic Frameworks
Computer simulations
are carried out to characterize the variation
of spin-crossover (SCO) behavior of the prototypical {FeÂ(pz)Â[PtÂ(CN)<sub>4</sub>]} metal-organic framework (MOF) upon adsorption of chemically
and structurally different guest molecules. A detailed analysis of
both strength and anisotropy of guest moleculeâframework interactions
reveals direct correlations between the mobility of the guest molecules
inside the MOF pores, the rotational mobility of the pyrazine rings
of the framework, and the stabilization of the low-spin state of the
material. On the basis of these correlations, precise molecular criteria
are established for predicting the spin state of {FeÂ(pz)Â[PtÂ(CN)<sub>4</sub>]} upon guest adsorption. Finally, predictions of the SCO
temperature upon adsorption of various toxic gases demonstrate that
in silico modeling can provide fundamental insights and design principles
for the development of spin-crossover MOFs for applications in gas
detection and chemical sensing
Molecular-Level Characterization of the Breathing Behavior of the Jungle-Gym-type DMOF-1 MetalâOrganic Framework
Fundamental insights into the molecular mechanisms that
the breathing behavior of the jungle-gym-type DMOF-1 metalâorganic
framework upon adsorption of benzene and isopropyl alcohol are gained
from computer simulations. In all cases, good agreement is obtained
between the calculated and experimental structural parameters. In
the case of benzene adsorption, DMOF-1 is predicted to exist in a
narrow pore configuration at high loadings and/or low temperature.
A structural transition into a large pore configuration is then observed
as the temperature increases and/or the loading decreases, which is
directly related to the spatial distribution and molecular interactions
of the benzene molecules within the pores. The isopropyl alcohol adsorption
simulations indicate that DMOF-1 undergoes two distinct structural
transitions (from large pore to narrow pore and then back to large
pore) as the number of adsorbed molecules increases, which is explained
in terms of the formation of hydrogen bonds between the isopropyl
molecules and the framework
Spin Crossover in the {Fe(pz)[Pt(CN)<sub>4</sub>]} MetalâOrganic Framework upon Pyrazine Adsorption
spin-crossover behavior of the {FeÂ(pz)Â[PtÂ(CN)<sub>4</sub>]} metalâorganic
framework (MOF) upon pyrazine adsorption is investigated through hybrid
Monte Carlo/molecular dynamics (MC/MD) simulations. In contrast to
previous theoretical studies, which reported a transition temperature
of âŒ140 K, the present MC/MD simulations predict that the high-spin
state is the most stable state at all temperatures, in agreement with
the experimental observations. The MC/MD simulations also indicate
that the pyrazine molecules adsorbed in the MOF pores lie nearly parallel
but staggered by 60° relative to the pyrazine ligands of the
framework. The analysis of the magnetization curve as a function of
the temperature demonstrates that the staggered configuration assumed
by the guest pyrazine molecules within the framework is responsible
for the stabilization of the high-spin state. Both the guest pyrazine
molecules and the pyrazine ligands of the framework are effectively
locked into the minimum-energy configuration and do not display any
rotational mobility
Elucidating the Competitive Adsorption of H<sub>2</sub>O and CO<sub>2</sub> in CALF-20: New Insights for Enhanced Carbon Capture MetalâOrganic Frameworks
In light of the pressing need for efficient carbon capture
our study investigates the simultaneous adsorption of water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as a function of relative
humidity in CALF-20, a highly scalable and stable metalâorganic
framework (MOF). Advanced computer simulations reveal that due to
their similar interactions with the framework, H2O and
CO2 molecules compete for the same binding sites, occupying
similar void regions within the CALF-20 pores. This competition results
in distinct thermodynamic and dynamical behaviors of H2O and CO2 molecules, depending on whether one or both
guest species are present. Notably, the presence of CO2 molecules forces the H2O molecules to form more connected
hydrogen-bond networks within smaller regions, slowing water reorientation
dynamics and decreasing water entropy. Conversely, the presence of
water speeds up the reorientation of CO2 molecules, decreases
the CO2 entropy, and increases the propensity for CO2 to be adsorbed within the framework due to stronger water-mediated
interactions. Due to the competition for the same void spaces, both
H2O and CO2 molecules exhibit slower diffusion
when molecules of the other guest species are present. These findings
offer valuable strategies and insights into enhancing the differential
affinity of H2O and CO2 for MOFs specifically
designed for carbon capture applications
Water Dynamics in MetalâOrganic Frameworks: Effects of Heterogeneous Confinement Predicted by Computational Spectroscopy
The behavior of water confined in
MIL-53Â(Cr), a flexible metalâorganic
framework (MOF), is investigated through computational infrared spectroscopy.
As the number of molecules adsorbed inside of the pores increases,
the water OH stretch band of the linear infrared spectrum grows in
intensity and approaches that of bulk water. To assess whether the
water confined in MIL-53Â(Cr) becomes liquid-like, two-dimensional
infrared spectra (2DIR) are also calculated. Confinement effects result
in distinct chemical environments that appear as specific features
in the 2DIR spectra. The evolution of the 2DIR line shape as a function
of waiting time is well described in terms of the orientational dynamics
of the water molecules, with chemical exchange cross peaks appearing
at a time scale similar to the hydrogen bond rearrangement lifetime.
The confining environment considerably slows the hydrogen bond dynamics
relative to bulk as a result of the competition between waterâframework
and waterâwater interactions
Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy of Liquid Water through âFirst-Principlesâ Many-Body Molecular Dynamics
Vibrational spectroscopy is a powerful
technique to probe the structure
and dynamics of water. However, deriving an unambiguous molecular-level
interpretation of the experimental spectral features remains a challenge
due to the complexity of the underlying hydrogen-bonding network.
In this contribution, we present an integrated theoretical and computational
framework (named many-body molecular dynamics or MB-MD) that, by systematically
removing uncertainties associated with existing approaches, enables
a rigorous modeling of vibrational spectra of water from quantum dynamical
simulations. Specifically, we extend approaches used to model the
many-body expansion of interaction energies to develop many-body representations
of the dipole moment and polarizability of water. The combination
of these âfirst-principlesâ representations with centroid
molecular dynamics simulations enables the simulation of infrared
and Raman spectra of liquid water under ambient conditions that, without
relying on any <i>ad hoc</i> parameters, are in good agreement
with the corresponding experimental results. Importantly, since the
many-body energy, dipole, and polarizability surfaces employed in
the simulations are derived independently from accurate fits to correlated
electronic structure data, MB-MD allows for a systematic analysis
of the calculated spectra in terms of both electronic and dynamical
contributions. The present analysis suggests that, while MB-MD correctly
reproduces both the shifts and the shapes of the main spectroscopic
features, an improved description of quantum dynamical effects possibly
combined with a dissociable water potential may be necessary for a
quantitative representation of the OH stretch band