1,268 research outputs found
Using time reversal symmetry for sensitive incoherent matter-wave Sagnac interferometry
We present a theory of the transmission of incoherent guided matter-waves
through Sagnac interferometers. Interferometer configurations with only one
input and one output port have a property similar to the phase rigidity
observed in the transmission through Aharonov-Bohm interferometers in coherent
mesoscopic electronics. This property is connected to the existence of
counterpropagating paths of equal length and enables the operation of such
matter-wave interferometers with incoherent sources. High finesse
interferometers of this kind have a rotation sensitivity inversely proportional
to the square root of the finesse
Dynamic Matter-Wave Pulse Shaping
In this paper we discuss possibilities to manipulate a matter-wave with
time-dependent potentials. Assuming a specific setup on an atom chip, we
explore how one can focus, accelerate, reflect, and stop an atomic wave packet,
with, for example, electric fields from an array of electrodes. We also utilize
this method to initiate coherent splitting. Special emphasis is put on the
robustness of the control schemes. We begin with the wave packet of a single
atom, and extend this to a BEC, in the Gross-Pitaevskii picture. In analogy to
laser pulse shaping with its wide variety of applications, we expect this work
to form the base for additional time-dependent potentials eventually leading to
matter-wave pulse shaping with numerous application
On the Phenomenology of Tachyon Radiation
We present a brief overview of the different kinds of electromagnetic
radiations expected to come from (or to be induced by) space-like sources
(tachyons). New domains of radiation are here considered; and the possibility
of experimental observation of tachyons via electromagnetic radiation is
Coupling between internal spin dynamics and external degrees of freedom in the presence of colored noise
We observe asymmetric transition rates between Zeeman levels (spin-flips) of
magnetically trapped atoms. The asymmetry strongly depends on the spectral
shape of an applied noise. This effect follows from the interplay between the
internal states of the atoms and their external degrees of freedom, where
different trapped levels experience different potentials. Such insight may
prove useful for controlling atomic states by the introduction of noise, as
well as provide a better understanding of the effect of noise on the coherent
operation of quantum systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; accepted to PR
Analysis of a Magnetically Trapped Atom Clock
We consider optimization of a rubidium atom clock that uses magnetically
trapped Bose condensed atoms in a highly elongated trap, and determine the
optimal conditions for minimum Allan variance of the clock using microwave
Ramsey fringe spectroscopy. Elimination of magnetic field shifts and
collisional shifts are considered. The effects of spin-dipolar relaxation are
addressed in the optimization of the clock. We find that for the interstate
interaction strength equal to or larger than the intrastate interaction
strengths, a modulational instability results in phase separation and symmetry
breaking of the two-component condensate composed of the ground and excited
hyperfine clock levels, and this mechanism limits the clock accuracy.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Programmable trap geometries with superconducting atom chips
We employ the hysteretic behavior of a superconducting thin film in the
remanent state to generate different traps and flexible magnetic potentials for
ultra-cold atoms. The trap geometry can be programmed by externally applied
fields. This new approach for atom-optics is demonstrated by three different
trap types realized on a single micro-structure: a Z-type trap, a double trap
and a bias field free trap. Our studies show that superconductors in the
remanent state provide a new versatile platform for atom-optics and
applications in ultra-cold quantum gases
One-mirror Fabry-Perot and one-slit Young interferometry
We describe a new and distinctive interferometry in which a probe particle
scatters off a superposition of locations of a single free target particle. In
one dimension, probe particles incident on superposed locations of a single
"mirror" can interfere as if in a Fabry-Perot interferometer; in two
dimensions, probe particles scattering off superposed locations of a single
"slit" can interfere as if in a two-slit Young interferometer. The condition
for interference is loss of orthogonality of the target states and reduces, in
simple examples, to transfer of orthogonality from target to probe states. We
analyze experimental parameters and conditions necessary for interference to be
observed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX, submitted to PR
Organized Current Patterns in Disordered Conductors
We present a general theory of current deviations in straight current
carrying wires with random imperfections, which quantitatively explains the
recent observations of organized patterns of magnetic field corrugations above
micron-scale evaporated wires. These patterns originate from the most efficient
electron scattering by Fourier components of the wire imperfections with
wavefronts along the direction. We show that long range
effects of surface or bulk corrugations are suppressed for narrow wires or
wires having an electrically anisotropic resistivity
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