43 research outputs found
Techniques for precision interferometry in space
Gravitational waves are an important prediction of Einstein's General theory of Relativity. Derived as a solution to the Einstein field equations, they are predicted to be produced in systems where there is an asymmetric acceleration of matter, and exist as a time varying quadrupolar distortion in spacetime.
Due to the rich variety of scientifically interesting astrophysical sources predicted to be producing gravitational radiation, there is significant international effort directed towards their detection. A large network of ground based interferometric detectors is in operation, with upgrades to increase sensitivity already in progress. They operate on the principle of measuring the time varying displacement in the interferometer path length an incident gravitational wave will induce. However, the predicted amplitude of gravitational waves requires the measurement to be made over several kilometres with a displacement sensitivity of less than 10^-18m/sqrt(Hz).
Ground based detectors operate in the ~10-10000 Hz region, and are fundamentally limited at the low frequency end by the noisy gravitational environment of the Earth. To enable detection of low frequency sources, LISA - the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna - is a planned mission to place an interferometric gravitational wave detector in space, sensitive to gravitational waves in the 0.1-1000 mHz region. Consisting of a triangular constellation of three spacecraft, LISA will aim to detect gravitational waves by monitoring the fluctuation in the separation between free-falling test masses over a baseline of 5 million kilometres with an accuracy of around 10pm/sqrt(Hz).
To demonstrate that LISA technology, such as the ability to place test masses into a suitably quiet gravitational free-fall, is viable, a precursor mission - LISA Pathfinder - will launch in the next few years. LISA Pathfinder will monitor the relative displacement between two free-falling inertial test masses using an interferometer, with the goal of verifying that the required quality of free-fall is achievable in LISA. This work presented in this thesis relates to the development of interferometry for LISA Pathfinder and LISA, the construction of the LISA Pathfinder flight model interferometer, and initial work on developing the interferometer for LISA.
The interferometers required for LISA and LISA Pathfinder must be constructed to be durable enough to survive launch and stable enough to measure displacements of a few picometres at frequencies down to a few mHz. Further, to help minimise noise from sources such as residual jitter of the test masses, the beams which probe the test masses must be aligned to within ±25 micrometers of the nominal reflection point. Using ultra low expansion substrates like Zerodur, and attaching optical components with hydroxide catalysis bonding offers one solution which can provide the durability and stability required.
To achieve the accuracy of beam positioning, a system which allows measurement of absolute propagation direction of a laser beam was developed. Combined with a coordinate measuring machine, this allows the absolute position of a mm-scale laser beam to be measured with an accuracy of around ±5 micrometers and ±20 microradians. This system can operate in two modes: first as a measurement system allowing measurement of an existing beam; and secondly as a target, where it can be positioned to a desired theoretical (such as the nominal reflection point of a test mass) and a beam can be aligned onto it. Combined with a method of precision adjusting optical components at the sub-micron and microradian level prior to hydroxide catalysis bonding, it enables absolute alignment of ultra-stable interferometers to micron level.
Using these techniques, the flight model interferometer for LISA Pathfinder was successfully constructed to meet the alignment and performance requirements. The control system that will maintain the test masses in near free-fall requires a very accurate measure of the attitude of the test masses. This measurement will be provided by the interferometer using differential wavefront sensing (DWS). The flight model interferometer was calibrated to establish the coupling factors between the DWS read-out and the attitude of the test mass to ensure maximum performance of the control system.
Building upon the experience gained in developing and building the LISA Pathfinder interferometer, a prototype of the LISA optical bench is in development. The LISA interferometer is significantly more complicated than that of LISA Pathfinder. Some of its features include: imaging systems to minimise coupling of beam tilt to displacement noise; a precision beam expander to generate a beam appropriate for the telescope; a redundant fibre injector system, creating two beams collinear to within a few microns and 10-20 microradians; and polarisation optics for beam steering. The development and current state of the design for the prototype optical bench is presented, along with an overview of its features
Automated precision alignment of optical components for hydroxide catalysis bonding
We describe an interferometric system that can measure the alignment and separation of a polished face of a optical component and an adjacent polished surface. Accuracies achieved are ∼ 1μrad for the relative angles in two orthogonal directions and ∼ 30μm in separation. We describe the use of this readout system to automate the process of hydroxide catalysis bonding of a fused-silica component to a fused-silica baseplate. The complete alignment and bonding sequence was typically achieved in a timescale of a few minutes, followed by an initial cure of 10 minutes. A series of bonds were performed using two fluids - a simple sodium hydroxide solution and a sodium hydroxide solution with some sodium silicate solution added. In each case we achieved final bonded component angular alignment within 10 μrad and position in the critical direction within 4 μm of the planned targets. The small movements of the component during the initial bonding and curing phases were monitored. The bonds made using the sodium silicate mixture achieved their final bonded alignment over a period of ∼ 15 hours. Bonds using the simple sodium hydroxide solution achieved their final alignment in a much shorter time of a few minutes. The automated system promises to speed the manufacture of precision-aligned assemblies using hydroxide catalysis bonding by more than an order of magnitude over the more manual approach used to build the optical interferometer at the heart of the recent ESA LISA Pathfinder technology demonstrator mission. This novel approach will be key to the time-efficient and low-risk manufacture of the complex optical systems needed for the forthcoming ESA spaceborne gravitational waves observatory mission, provisionally named LISA
Developing an integrated concept for the E-ELT Multi-Object Spectrograph (MOSAIC): design issues and trade-offs
We present a discussion of the design issues and trade-offs that have been
considered in putting together a new concept for MOSAIC, the multi-object
spectrograph for the E-ELT. MOSAIC aims to address the combined science cases
for E-ELT MOS that arose from the earlier studies of the multi-object and
multi-adaptive optics instruments. MOSAIC combines the advantages of a
highly-multiplexed instrument targeting single-point objects with one which has
a more modest multiplex but can spatially resolve a source with high resolution
(IFU). These will span across two wavebands: visible and near-infrared
Construction of rugged, ultrastable optical assemblies with optical component alignment at the few microradian level
A method for constructing quasimonolithic, precision-aligned optical assemblies is presented. Hydroxide-catalysis bonding is used, adapted to allow optimization of component fine alignment prior to the bond setting. We demonstrate the technique by bonding a fused silica mirror substrate to a fused silica baseplate. In-plane component placement at the submicrometer level is achieved, resulting in angular control of a reflected laser beam at the sub-10-μrad level. Within the context of the LISA Pathfinder mission, the technique has been demonstrated as suitable for use in space-flight applications. It is expected that there will also be applications in a wide range of areas where accuracy, stability, and strength of optical assemblies are important
Mechanisation of Precision Placement and Catalysis Bonding of Optical Components
Precision-aligned, ultra-stable optical assemblies are needed for an increasing number of space applications, in areas such as science, metrology and geodesy
Sub-system mechanical design for an eLISA optical bench
We present the design and development status of the opto-mechanical sub-systems that will be used in an experimental demonstration of imaging systems for eLISA. An optical bench test bed design incorporates a Zerodur® baseplate with lenses, photodetectors, and other opto-mechanics that must be both adjustable - with an accuracy of a few micrometers - and stable over a 0 to 40°C temperature range. The alignment of a multi-lens imaging system and the characterisation of the system in multiple degrees of freedom is particularly challenging. We describe the mechanical design of the precision mechanisms, including thermally stable flexure-based optical mounts and complex multi-lens, multi-axis adjuster mechanisms, and update on the integration of the mechanisms on the optical bench
MOSAIC optical relay module: optical design, performance, and flexure analysis
The Optical Relay Module of the MOSAIC multiple-object spectrograph is used to relay 400-1800nm light picked off from the ELT focal plane to either a fibre-based integral field unit or a natural guide star wavefront sensor. Here we present the preliminary optical design offering a telecentric exit beam with a focal-ratio of F/17.718 and the opto-mechanical analysis of flexures with a study of the impact in the optical layout performances such as: deviation of the PSF centroid, tip-tilt of the image focal plane, variations of the wavefront error, optical quality and pupil wandering at the deformable mirror position
An elegant Breadboard of the optical bench for eLISA/NGO
The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, as well as its reformulated European-only evolution, the New Gravitational-Wave Observatory, both employ heterodyne laser interferometry on million kilometer scale arm lengths in a triangular spacecraft formation, to observe gravitational waves at frequencies between 3 × 10−5 Hz and 1 Hz. The Optical Bench as central payload element realizes both the inter-spacecraft as well as local laser metrology with respect to inertial proof masses, and provides further functions, such as point-ahead accommodation, acquisition sensing, transmit beam conditioning, optical power monitoring, and laser redundancy switching.
These functions have been combined in a detailed design of an Optical Bench Elegant Breadboard, which is currently under assembly and integration. We present an overview of the realization and current performances of the Optical Bench subsystems, which employ ultraprecise piezo mechanism, ultrastable assembly techniques, and shot noise limited RF detection to achieve translation and tilt metrology at Picometer and Nanoradian noise levels