7 research outputs found
English Café Identity Construction: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Having a specific identity helps English cafe to be one of popular English courses in Jogjakarta. This research aims to understand the discourses in the social interaction for English cafe identity construction and how each discourse construct its identity as an English learning institution. This research used Critical Discourse Analysis as the approach to answer the question about the identity construction. To collect the data, the researcher used three data collection techniques; interview, observation, and document review. The result of the research is that English cafe uses several media, such as website, social media, banner, poster and flyer, to convey their identity for their future customers. Setting, relationship of the class participants, and interaction modes are parts of the learning process that strengthen the identity construction. Daily talk premium, questionnaire, and management weekly meeting are English cafe’s effort to maintain the construction when there are complaints from its costumers. To conclude, English Cafe has a unique and different concept compared to the other conventional English course. The institution does not only offer a concept, but also constructs its identity in their customers and future customers perception
This paper (1) explores learners’ initial perceptions of English, and (2) explains the development of the perceptions before coming to Kampung Inggris. This paper is based on ethnographic research using interpretivism as a paradigm to understand the learners’ perceptions. The research site was Kampung Inggris TulungRejo village, Pare, Kediri, East Java. The participants were the students in the village. The data were collected through interview. The data were analyzed using iterative model from Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2013). In this model, data condensation, data display and conclusion drawing/verification were used to analyze the data. In the data analysis process, multiple coding and categorizations were used to figure out patterns. The theoretical framework was used in data interpretation. This study found out that (1) the learners’ initial perception on English varied according to their experiences. Most of the perceptions before coming to Kampung Inggris were negative. These perception were affected by the learners’ learning process, the environment and the surrounding people. In the learners’ reality, English was viewed merely on its intrinsic feature. (2) The learners’ perception was developed due to their life experiences. After experiencing some turning points, they believed that English was important for their lives. This change of perception also changed their attitude and became their motivations in learning English in Kampung Inggris
English Social Construction in Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri: A Social Constructivist Study.
The aims of this research are (1) to reveal what are the initial perceptions of people on English before coming to some courses in Kampung Inggris, (2) to explain how the learning process in Kampung Inggris construct the language skill, and (3) to understand how the learning process re-construct the learner’s perception toward English
This is Qualitative Research. The research used ethnographic and interpretivism or social constructivism as a paradigm. The research site was Kampung Inggris Tulung Rejo village, Pare sub-district, Kediri district, East Java. The research participants were the students in the village. The data collection techniques were observation and interview. The observation was conducted in three different courses in the village. The data were analyzed using iterative model from Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2013). In this model, data condensation, data display and conclusion drawing/verification were used after the data were gathered. In the process of data analysis, multiple coding and categorizations were used to figure out patterns, and the research theoretical framework was used to interpret the data. The data were displayed descriptively using diagrams and figures.
This research found out that (1) the students’ initial perception on English varied according to their past experiences. Most of the perceptions were negative affected by the students’ relationship with their teachers, environments and feedback of their learning. In the students’ reality, English was viewed merely on its intrinsic feature. This position of English in their reality was shifted due to their life experience. (2) There were several knowledge constructions in Kampung Inggris. They were construction of learning reality, construction of speaking skill, and construction of grammar knowledge. The learning reality was constructed by the location of the village, the limited learning time, other students who had similar motivation and the variation of the programs offered in the village. The speaking skill was constructed by direct speaking practice, indirect speaking practice, and vocabulary and grammar knowledge review. The grammar knowledge was constructed by grammar knowledge review and grammar exercise. The learning process in Kampung Inggris followed the learning principle in social constructivism, but there were some activities that still used traditional or transmission of knowledge process. (3) There were two new students’ perceptions constructed after learning in Kampung Inggris: English became easier to learn and the learning process became joyful for the students. The factors of this construction were the people who communicated with the students, the environment, and the learning process experienced by the students
The Effect of British Council for Teens Website on Students’ Vocabulary at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN-1 Palangka Raya
English vocabulary is crucial. However, students struggled with vocabulary. This study examined how the British Council for Teens website affected Senior High School tenth-graders’ English vocabulary. This website taught English vocabulary using topic-related graphics and audio. This pre-experimental investigation used a one-group pre- and post-test. The researcher used purposive sampling to choose the SMAN-1 Palangka Raya X-6 class. Data was collected via a short answer test. Pre- and post-tests were provided. The researcher circulated a questionnaire to assess the British Council for Teens website’s impact on vocabulary learning. The Paired Sample T-Test in SPSS version 25 was used to examine the data at 5% (0.05). T-test analysis accepted Ha and rejected Ho. Hence, British Council for Teens improved SMAN-1 Palangka Raya tenth graders’ English vocabulary. The British Council for Teens website’s favorable questionnaire result supported that. Consequently, this website was effective on expanding students’ English vocabulary
This research aims to develop reading materials in the form of short stories based on Central Kalimantan culture. Reading materials for university level in the form of local content are still limited. In fact, Dayak culture can be an interesting alternative reading material besides providing academic texts to students. Based on the needs analysis, it is known that at the English Education Study Program of Universitas Palangka Raya, there is a need for reading materials that are able to improve reading skills while containing relevant texts with text difficulty levels that are appropriate for student levels. Further, the reading materials should be in accordance with student interests and needs, contain effective learning strategies, and integrate culture or local content. This research applies Developmental Research in accordance with the ADDIE stages (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Based on the Evaluation, the developed reading materials are in the form of short stories that contain Central Kalimantan cultural aspects embedded in activities, name of people, name of places, and name of food. The reading materials also contain exercises that demand students' skills in reading comprehension
Pendampingan Pemanfaatan Gamifikasi untuk Pendidikan di Masa Depan
Salah satu strategi bidang Teknologi Informasi dalam bidang pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode game untuk mengembangkan metode pembelajaran. Pembelajaran merupakan kegiatan utama dari proses pendidikan di sekolah yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perubahan tingkah laku. Pemanfaatan gamification dalam pembelajaran memerlukan strategi dalam menggunakannya seperti mekanika permainan, estetika, dan pemikiran permainan untuk melibatkan orang, memberikan dorongan semangat dan motivasi, dan belajar memecahkan masalah. Hasil analisis yang dilakukan terhadap kajian pustaka memberikan gambaran dari empat tool yang berbasis gamification yang digunakan masing-masing memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Pendampingan dan pemanfaatan tool gamification dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan pada SDN Semangat Bakti dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembelajaran. Pendampingan pemanfaatan gamifikasi untuk pendidikan di masa depan perlu dilakukan untuk menyiapkan generasi penerus bangsa supaya proses pembelajaran bisa menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan kemajuan teknologi infomasi dan komunikasi