6 research outputs found

    DataSheet_2_The analysis of lysine succinylation modification reveals the mechanism of oxybenzone damaging of pakchoi (Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis).docx

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    Oxybenzone (OBZ), one of a broad spectrum of ultraviolet (UV) absorbents, has been proven to be harmful to both plants and animals, while omics analysis of big data at the molecular level is still lacking. Lysine succinylation (Ksuc) is an important posttranslational modification of proteins that plays a crucial role in regulating the metabolic network in organisms under stress. Here, we report the changes in intracellular Ksuc modification in plants under OBZ stress. A total of 1276 succinylated sites on 507 proteins were identified. Among these sites, 181 modified proteins were hypersulfinylated/succinylated in OBZ-stressed pakchoi leaves. Differentially succinylated proteins (DSPs) are distributed mainly in the chloroplast, cytoplasm, and mitochondria and are distributed mainly in primary metabolic pathways, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging, stress resistance, energy generation and transfer, photosynthetic carbon fixation, glycolysis, and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Comprehensive analysis shows that Ksuc mainly changes the carbon flow distribution, enhances the activity of the antioxidant system, affects the biosynthesis of amino acids, and increases the modification of histones. The results of this study first showed the profiling of the Kusc map under OBZ treatment and proposed the adaptive mechanism of pakchoi in response to pollutants and other abiotic stresses at the posttranslational level, which revealed the importance of Ksuc in the regulation of various life activities and provides a reference dataset for future research on molecular function.</p

    DataSheet_1_The analysis of lysine succinylation modification reveals the mechanism of oxybenzone damaging of pakchoi (Brassica rapa L. ssp. chinensis).xlsx

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    Oxybenzone (OBZ), one of a broad spectrum of ultraviolet (UV) absorbents, has been proven to be harmful to both plants and animals, while omics analysis of big data at the molecular level is still lacking. Lysine succinylation (Ksuc) is an important posttranslational modification of proteins that plays a crucial role in regulating the metabolic network in organisms under stress. Here, we report the changes in intracellular Ksuc modification in plants under OBZ stress. A total of 1276 succinylated sites on 507 proteins were identified. Among these sites, 181 modified proteins were hypersulfinylated/succinylated in OBZ-stressed pakchoi leaves. Differentially succinylated proteins (DSPs) are distributed mainly in the chloroplast, cytoplasm, and mitochondria and are distributed mainly in primary metabolic pathways, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging, stress resistance, energy generation and transfer, photosynthetic carbon fixation, glycolysis, and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Comprehensive analysis shows that Ksuc mainly changes the carbon flow distribution, enhances the activity of the antioxidant system, affects the biosynthesis of amino acids, and increases the modification of histones. The results of this study first showed the profiling of the Kusc map under OBZ treatment and proposed the adaptive mechanism of pakchoi in response to pollutants and other abiotic stresses at the posttranslational level, which revealed the importance of Ksuc in the regulation of various life activities and provides a reference dataset for future research on molecular function.</p

    Image_4_Spatial Expression and Functional Analysis of Casparian Strip Regulatory Genes in Endodermis Reveals the Conserved Mechanism in Tomato.TIF

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    <p>Casparian strip (CS) is an impregnation of endodermal cell wall, forming an apoplastic diffusion barrier which forces the symplastic and selective transport of nutrients across endodermis. This extracellular structure can be found in the roots of all higher plants and is thought to provide the protection of vascular tissues. In Arabidopsis, a genetic toolbox regulating the formation of Casparian strips has emerged recently. However, Arabidopsis has the stereotypical root which is much simpler than most other plant species. To understand the Casparian strip formation in a more complex root system, we examined CS regulatory pathways in tomato. Our results reveal a spatiotemporally conserved expression pattern of most essential components of CS machinery in tomato. Further functional analyses verify the role of homologous CS genes in the Casparian strip formation in tomato, indicating the functional conservation of CS regulatory cascade in tomato.</p

    Table_1_Spatial Expression and Functional Analysis of Casparian Strip Regulatory Genes in Endodermis Reveals the Conserved Mechanism in Tomato.PDF

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    <p>Casparian strip (CS) is an impregnation of endodermal cell wall, forming an apoplastic diffusion barrier which forces the symplastic and selective transport of nutrients across endodermis. This extracellular structure can be found in the roots of all higher plants and is thought to provide the protection of vascular tissues. In Arabidopsis, a genetic toolbox regulating the formation of Casparian strips has emerged recently. However, Arabidopsis has the stereotypical root which is much simpler than most other plant species. To understand the Casparian strip formation in a more complex root system, we examined CS regulatory pathways in tomato. Our results reveal a spatiotemporally conserved expression pattern of most essential components of CS machinery in tomato. Further functional analyses verify the role of homologous CS genes in the Casparian strip formation in tomato, indicating the functional conservation of CS regulatory cascade in tomato.</p

    Table_3_Spatial Expression and Functional Analysis of Casparian Strip Regulatory Genes in Endodermis Reveals the Conserved Mechanism in Tomato.PDF

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    <p>Casparian strip (CS) is an impregnation of endodermal cell wall, forming an apoplastic diffusion barrier which forces the symplastic and selective transport of nutrients across endodermis. This extracellular structure can be found in the roots of all higher plants and is thought to provide the protection of vascular tissues. In Arabidopsis, a genetic toolbox regulating the formation of Casparian strips has emerged recently. However, Arabidopsis has the stereotypical root which is much simpler than most other plant species. To understand the Casparian strip formation in a more complex root system, we examined CS regulatory pathways in tomato. Our results reveal a spatiotemporally conserved expression pattern of most essential components of CS machinery in tomato. Further functional analyses verify the role of homologous CS genes in the Casparian strip formation in tomato, indicating the functional conservation of CS regulatory cascade in tomato.</p

    Image_5_Spatial Expression and Functional Analysis of Casparian Strip Regulatory Genes in Endodermis Reveals the Conserved Mechanism in Tomato.TIF

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    <p>Casparian strip (CS) is an impregnation of endodermal cell wall, forming an apoplastic diffusion barrier which forces the symplastic and selective transport of nutrients across endodermis. This extracellular structure can be found in the roots of all higher plants and is thought to provide the protection of vascular tissues. In Arabidopsis, a genetic toolbox regulating the formation of Casparian strips has emerged recently. However, Arabidopsis has the stereotypical root which is much simpler than most other plant species. To understand the Casparian strip formation in a more complex root system, we examined CS regulatory pathways in tomato. Our results reveal a spatiotemporally conserved expression pattern of most essential components of CS machinery in tomato. Further functional analyses verify the role of homologous CS genes in the Casparian strip formation in tomato, indicating the functional conservation of CS regulatory cascade in tomato.</p