2,907 research outputs found

    Momentum dependence of the symmetry potential and its influence on nuclear reactions

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    A Skyrme-type momentum-dependent nucleon-nucleon force distinguishing isospin effect is parameterized and further implemented in the Lanzhou Quantum Molecular Dynamics (LQMD) model for the first time, which leads to a splitting of nucleon effective mass in nuclear matter. Based on the isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model, we investigate the influence of momentum-dependent symmetry potential on several isospin-sensitive observables in heavy-ion collisions. It is found that symmetry potentials with and without the momentum dependence but corresponding to the same density dependence of the symmetry energy result in different distributions of the observables. The mid-rapidity neutron/proton ratios at high transverse momenta and the excitation functions of the total π−/π+\pi^{-}/\pi^{+} and K0/K+K^{0}/K^{+} yields are particularly sensitive to the momentum dependence of the symmetry potential.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Preequilibrium particle emissions and in-medium effects on the pion production in heavy-ion collisions

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    Within the framework of the Lanzhou quantum molecular dynamics (LQMD) transport model, pion dynamics in heavy-ion collisions near threshold energies and the emission of preequilibrium particles (nucleons and light complex fragments) have been investigated. A density, momentum and isospin dependent pion-nucleon potential based on the Δ\Delta-hole model is implemented in the transport approach, which slightly leads to the increase of the π−/π+\pi^{-}/\pi^{+} ratio, but reduces the total pion yields. It is found that a bump structure of the π−/π+\pi^{-}/\pi^{+} ratio in the kinetic energy spectra appears at the pion energy close to the Δ\Delta(1232) resonance region. The yield ratios of neutrons to protons from the squeeze-out particles perpendicular to the reaction plane are sensitive to the stiffness of nuclear symmetry energy, in particular at the high-momentum (kinetic energy) tails.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, submitted EPJA. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1509.0479

    Production of heavy isotopes in transfer reactions by collisions of 238^{238}U+238^{238}U

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    The dynamics of transfer reactions in collisions of two very heavy nuclei 238^{238}U+238^{238}U is studied within the dinuclear system (DNS) model. Collisions of two actinide nuclei form a super heavy composite system during a very short time, in which a large number of charge and mass transfers may take place. Such reactions have been investigated experimentally as an alternative way for the production of heavy and superheavy nuclei. The role of collision orientation in the production cross sections of heavy nuclides is analyzed systematically. Calculations show that the cross sections decrease drastically with increasing the charged numbers of heavy fragments. The transfer mechanism is favorable to synthesize heavy neutron-rich isotopes, such as nuclei around the subclosure at N=162 from No (Z=102) to Db (Z=105).Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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