23,092 research outputs found

    Spin transfer in ultrathin BiFeO3 film under external electric field

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    First-principals calculations show that up-spin and down-spin carriers are accumulating adjacent to opposite surfaces of BiFeO3(BFO) film with applying external bias. The spin carriers are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, and down-spin carriers move to the direction opposing the external electric field while up-spin ones along the field direction. This novel spin transfer properties make BFO film an intriguing candidate for application in spin capacitor and BFO-based multiferroic field-effect device

    A Hierarchical Allometric Scaling Analysis of Chinese Cities: 1991-2014

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    The law of allometric scaling based on Zipf distributions can be employed to research hierarchies of cities in a geographical region. However, the allometric patterns are easily influenced by random disturbance from the noises in observational data. In theory, both the allometric growth law and Zipf's law are related to the hierarchical scaling laws associated with fractal structure. In this paper, the scaling laws of hierarchies with cascade structure are used to study Chinese cities, and the method of R/S analysis is applied to analyzing the change trend of the allometric scaling exponents. The results show that the hierarchical scaling relations of Chinese cities became clearer and clearer from 1991 to 2014 year; the global allometric scaling exponent values fluctuated around 0.85, and the local scaling exponent approached to 0.85. The Hurst exponent of the allometric parameter change is greater than 0.5, indicating persistence and a long-term memory of urban evolution. The main conclusions can be reached as follows: the allometric scaling law of cities represents an evolutionary order rather than an invariable rule, which emerges from self-organized process of urbanization, and the ideas from allometry and fractals can be combined to optimize spatial and hierarchical structure of urban systems in future city planning.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    Limit theorems for sample eigenvalues in a generalized spiked population model

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    In the spiked population model introduced by Johnstone (2001),the population covariance matrix has all its eigenvalues equal to unit except for a few fixed eigenvalues (spikes). The question is to quantify the effect of the perturbation caused by the spike eigenvalues. Baik and Silverstein (2006) establishes the almost sure limits of the extreme sample eigenvalues associated to the spike eigenvalues when the population and the sample sizes become large. In a recent work (Bai and Yao, 2008), we have provided the limiting distributions for these extreme sample eigenvalues. In this paper, we extend this theory to a {\em generalized} spiked population model where the base population covariance matrix is arbitrary, instead of the identity matrix as in Johnstone's case. New mathematical tools are introduced for establishing the almost sure convergence of the sample eigenvalues generated by the spikes.Comment: 24 pages; 4 figure
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