206 research outputs found

    Subharmonic Almost Periodic Functions of Slow Growth

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    We obtain a complete description of the Riesz measures of almost periodic subharmonic functions with at most of linear growth on the complex plane; as a consequence we get a complete description of zero sets for the class of entire functions of exponential type with almost periodic modulus

    Perturbations of discrete lattices and almost periodic sets

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    A discrete set in the pp-dimensional Euclidian space is {\it almost periodic}, if the measure with the unite masses at points of the set is almost periodic in the weak sense. We propose to construct positive almost periodic discrete sets as an almost periodic perturbation of a full rank discrete lattice. Also we prove that each almost periodic discrete set on the real axes is an almost periodic perturbation of some arithmetic progression. Next, we consider signed almost periodic discrete sets, i.e., when the signed measure with masses ±1\pm1 at points of a discrete set is almost periodic. We construct a signed discrete set that is not almost periodic, while the corresponding signed measure is almost periodic in the sense of distributions. Also, we construct a signed almost periodic discrete set such that the measure with masses +1 at all points of the set is not almost periodic.Comment: 6 page

    On critical points of Blaschke products

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    We obtain an upper bound for the derivative of a Blaschke product, whose zeros lie in a certain Stolz-type region. We show that the derivative belongs to the space of analytic functions in the unit disk, introduced recently in \cite{FG}. As an outcome, we obtain a Blaschke-type condition for critical points of such Blaschke products.Comment: 6 pages in LaTe