796 research outputs found

    Nitric Oxide Deficiency Accelerates Chlorophyll Breakdown and Stability Loss of Thylakoid Membranes during Dark-Induced Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis

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    <div><p>Nitric oxide (NO) has been known to preserve the level of chlorophyll (Chl) during leaf senescence. However, the mechanism by which NO regulates Chl breakdown remains unknown. Here we report that NO negatively regulates the activities of Chl catabolic enzymes during dark-induced leaf senescence. The transcriptional levels of the major enzyme genes involving Chl breakdown pathway except for <em>RED CHL CATABOLITE REDUCTASE</em> (<em>RCCR</em>) were dramatically up-regulated during dark-induced Chl degradation in the leaves of Arabidopsis NO-deficient mutant <em>nos1/noa1</em> that exhibited an early-senescence phenotype. The activity of pheide <em>a</em> oxygenase (PAO) was higher in the dark-induced senescent leaves of <em>nos1/noa1</em> compared with wild type. Furthermore, the knockout of <em>PAO</em> in <em>nos1/noa1</em> background led to pheide <em>a</em> accumulation in the double mutant <em>pao1 nos1/noa1</em>, which retained the level of Chl during dark-induced leaf senescence. The accumulated pheide <em>a</em> in darkened leaves of <em>pao1 nos1/noa1</em> was likely to inhibit the senescence-activated transcriptional levels of Chl catabolic genes as a feed-back inhibitory effect. We also found that NO deficiency led to decrease in the stability of photosynthetic complexes in thylakoid membranes. Importantly, the accumulation of pheide <em>a</em> caused by <em>PAO</em> mutations in combination with NO deficiency had a synergistic effect on the stability loss of thylakoid membrane complexes in the double mutant <em>pao1 nos1/noa1</em> during dark-induced leaf senescence. Taken together, our findings have demonstrated that NO is a novel negative regulator of Chl catabolic pathway and positively functions in maintaining the stability of thylakoid membranes during leaf senescence.</p> </div

    Transcript levels of chlorophyll breakdown pathway genes in wild type and <i>nos1/noa1</i> mutant leaves during dark-induced senescence.

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    <p>(A) A suggestive model for chlorophyll breakdown pathway with integrating the recent findings in Arabidopsis. Thickness of arrows reflects relative activities of respective enzymes (Hörtensteiner, 2009). (B–F) qRT-PCR analysis of mRNA abundance of enzyme genes (<i>SGR</i>, <i>NYC1</i>, <i>PPH</i>, <i>PAO</i> and <i>RCCR</i>) involved in chlorophyll degradation in wild type and <i>nos1/noa1</i> mutant leaves during dark-induced senescence. <i>ACTIN2</i> was used as the internal standard. Error bars indicate standard deviations of three technical replicates, and the results were consistent in three biological replicates.</p

    Dark-induced leaf senescence phenotypes of wild type, <i>nos1/noa1</i>, <i>pao1</i> and the double mutant <i>pao1 nos1/noa1</i>.

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    <p>(A) 3-week-old seedling phenotypes of wild type, <i>nos1/noa1</i>, <i>pao1</i> and the double mutant <i>pao1 nos1/noa1</i>. (B) Senescing phenotypes of the detached leaves in dark. The fully-expanded leaves were detached from the plants of the different genotypes shown in (A).</p

    Activities of PAO in wild type and <i>nos1/noa1</i> leaves during dark-induced leaf senescence.

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    <p>HPLC analysis of pFCC-1 generated by PAO-RCCR coupled assay with crude extracts of PAO and RCCR from wild type and <i>nos1/noa1</i> leaves during a 4-d dark treatment. pFCC-1 was eluted after 9 min, as indicated by arrows. The experiment was repeated once with qualitatively identical results.</p

    The file contains more information about the data and privacy compliance, the code, and the list of HEIs included in this study.

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    The file contains more information about the data and privacy compliance, the code, and the list of HEIs included in this study.</p

    Histograms of number of messages across schools by year (blue and red lines represent median and mean, respectively).

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    Histograms of number of messages across schools by year (blue and red lines represent median and mean, respectively).</p

    Analysis of PSII photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) of detached leaves during dark-induced senescence.

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    <p>The fifth leaves were excised from wild type and the indicated mutant plants (21-d-old). Error bars indicate SE (n = 5).</p

    Heatmaps of negative sentiment percentage in all 128 school subreddit communities by year. Each circle represents a school.

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    The right column shows the within-school differences between 2020 to 2022 vs. 2019 (pre-pandemic). The crosses in the 2021 and 2022 plots represent difference values outside the [−20, 20]% range. (30.38% for the University of Notre Dame in 2020; 31.25% for Boise State University, and -28.82% for the University of Idaho in 2021; and 45.72% for the University of Maine, 25.98% for the University of New Mexico-Main Campus, 31.39% for the Tulane University of Louisiana in 2022).</p
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