78 research outputs found
Institutional dynamics of regulatory actors in the recruitment of migrant workers : the case of Indonesia
This paper examines how institutional dynamics among regulatory institutions affect the governance of the recruitment of Indonesian low-skilled migrant workers. Two institutional reforms have been made to create better governance for Indonesian migrant workers in the post-authoritarian era. One was the establishment of the National Agency for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI) while the other was the granting of greater responsibility to sub-national governments to supervise migrant worker recruitment. In spite of these institutional reforms, little progress has been made in the protection of Indonesian migrant workers. The paper reveals that the restrictive regulatory framework for the recruitment of migrant workers, which curbs private recruitment agencies, does not create better migrant worker governance. This regulatory framework does not take into consideration the horizontal relationship between the old and new institutions, and the vertical relationship between the central and sub-national governments. Horizontally, the institutional design of the proposed new regulatory framework has created institutional rivalry between the newly established regulatory actor and the old one. Vertically, the reluctance of central government to decentralise authority to sub-national governments has curtailed the ability of sub-national governments to perform a supervisory role in the recruitment process. These two inter-related factors have hindered the efforts to create a better recruitment process for Indonesian migrant workers
Role conflict and the limits of state identity : the case of Indonesia in democracy promotion
This paper aims to analyse why Indonesia projects democracy as a state identity by taking on the role of democracy promoter? This paper argues that Indonesia's aspiring role as a democracy promoter is not a manifestation of a firm and coherent democratic political culture, which is more likely to be a permanent feature of states. Thus, rather than seeing it as firmly established state identity, instead, Indonesia's democratic identity should be seen as role conception articulated by foreign policy elites in its quest for international prestige. Its role as a democracy promoter has enabled Indonesia to enhance its other roles conceptions such as a regional leader in Southeast Asia as well as a bridge-builder at the global level. However, this paper further argues that Indonesia's role as a democracy promoter has also been hindered due to the inter-role conflicts arising from its enactment of multiple roles. As a result, Indonesia's enactment of the role as democracy promoter has relatively less impactful towards democratization in the region. To substantiate this argument, the paper examines Indonesia's strategies in promoting democracy and human rights in three case studies, namely Indonesia's role in mainstreaming human rights in ASEAN, Indonesia's democracy promotion through the Bali Democracy Forum, and Indonesia's engagement towards democratization in Myanmar
Liberal world order in the age of disruptive politics: a Southeast Asian perspective
There is no question that the current liberal world order faces yet another challenge. The upcoming challenge that we are about to confront is an exceptionally different kind of challenge. This challenge is the emergence of what I call a disruptive politics in the heartland of consolidated liberal states. The two main side effects of disruptive politics can be seen at both the domestic and international levels. Domestically, there is growing rise of populism in stable western democracies epitomized with the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. Internationally, there is a growing rejection of globalization and integration, exemplified by the UK leaving the EU. Many commentators and pundits have observed that the rise of disruptive politics is the very threat to the liberal world order that could eventually cause it to collapse from within. While the side effects of disruptive politics should be addressed with caution; however, it is misleading to equate the disruptive politics with its side effects such as the rise of populism and the growing contend with the globalization. I would argue that disruptive politics is necessary for the survival of the liberal world order. Disruptive politics is a way to make us realize that liberal democracy is not perfect and we need to fix it. This essay explores the notion of disruptive politics and the challenge it poses. It begins by unpacking the notion. It then offers three insights on how to maintain the liberal world order in an age of disruptive politics
Integrating European muslims through discourse? Understanding the development and limitations of Euro-Islam in Europe
This paper examines the dynamics of the development of Euro-Islam as a discourse which offers a modern interpretation of Islam that fits with European context. It investigates how Europe-wide Muslim umbrella organisations promote Euro-Islam discourse while at the same time gain position to represent European Muslims at the European level by mobilising the discourse. Drawing from constructivist literature, this paper argues that Tariq Ramadan’s version of Euro-Islam has been in the stage of socialisation characterised by (1) the existence of network of organisational platforms such as Federation of Islamic Organisation in Europe (FIOE) and Forum of European Muslim Youth and Student Organisations (FEMYSO), (2) the support from supranational actors such as European Parliament and European Commission, and (3) the efforts to codify the discourse through the creation of the Muslims of Europe Charter. However, given the lack of organisational infrastructure to diffuse the discourse due to the diverse nature of Muslim communities in Europe, further internalisation of the discourse has been hindered. Additionally, the connection between Euro-Islam’s organisational platforms with Islamist movement has made the discourse on Euro-Islam being perceived as a camouflage for Islamist agenda. Thus, at this stage, Euro-Islam has become “empty signifier” that are open to continual contestation which serves Muslim umbrella organisations with speaker position to lobby at the European level
KONSTRUKSI IDENTITAS PENGGEMAR KLUB SEPAK BOLA MANCHESTER UNITED INDOMANUTD DI KOTA SURABAYA (Studi Fenomenologi Terhadap Penggemar Klub Sepak Bola Manchester United IndoManUtd di Kota Surabaya)
(Phenomenology Studies To a Manchester United Football Club Fan IndoManUtd in
The goal of this study was to determine how the identities construction of Manchester
United football club fans IndoManUtd in Surabaya. which is connected with the theory of
social construction Berger and Luckmann, and four stages of identity forming, Personal
Layer, Enacment Layer, Relational and Communal.The method used in this study is a
qualitative research, and the data in this study were obtained through In-depth interview with
informants who met the criteria.
The conclusions obtained from this study is that all informants had experienced four
stages of identity forming as a IndoManUtd They joined and come together on the basis of
their love of Manchester United football club. And identity IndoManUtd is the code that
defines its membership, the code of symbols, forms of dress, words, and meaning it needs to
be recognized in the society both as individuals and social being.
Keywords : Identity Construction, Fans, Manchester United, IndoManUt
Model Matematika Penularan Penyakit COVID-19 dengan Penerapan Vaksinasi Dua Dosis: Studi Kasus di Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Penyakit COVID-19 masih menjadi pandemi di Indonesia pada tahun 2021, khususnya di Sidoarjo. Coronavirus (CoV) adalah keluarga besar virus zoonosis, yaitu ditularkan dari hewan ke manusia, dan menyebabkan gejala mulai dari flu biasa hingga penyakit yang lebih serius. Salah satu upaya dalam mengendalikan penularan penyakit COVID-19 yaitu adanya vaksinasi. Vaksinasi dilakukan dua kali sehingga diperoleh lima kompartemen yaitu individu rentan , individu yang telah vaksinasi pertama , individu yang telah vaksinasi kedua , individu terinfeksi , individu sembuh . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memodelkan penularan penyakit COVID-19 dengan penerapan vaksinasi dua dosis dengan menggunakan model . Pada penelitian ini telah dapat ditentukan titik kesetimbangan bebas penyakit dan titik kesetimbangan endemik sistem yang selanjutnya ditentukan kestabilannya dengan analisis nilai eigennya. Selanjutnya, dengan menggunakan algoritma genetika dilakukan estimasi parameter dan nilai awal sistem untuk keperluan simulasi sistem. Dari model matematika tersebut, diperoleh bilangan reproduksi dasar . Jika , maka diperoleh kestabilan titik kesetimbangan bebas penyakit. Jika , maka diperoleh kestabilan titik kesetimbangan endemik. Estimasi parameter dan nilai awal dilakukan dalam dua periode yaitu pada bulan Juli 2021 dan bulan Oktober 2021. Dari simulasi yang dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa pada periode bulan Juli 2021 . Hal ini sesuai dengan keadaan sesungguhnya bahwa pada periode bulan Juli 2021 terjadi peningkatan penularan COVID-19. Pada bulan Oktober 2021 , hal ini sesuai dengan keadaan sesungguhnya bahwa pada periode Oktober penularan COVID-19 sudah melandai
Waiting for hard balancing? : explaining Southeast Asia’s balancing behaviour towards China
The continuity of stable peace in East Asia, especially Southeast Asia, since the end of the Cold War raises one major question: why is there no apparent balancing behaviour against China, the emerging great power in East Asia? In response to this question, exceptionalists argue that there will be no balancing behaviour against China from Southeast Asian states, while soft balancing theorists argue that the balancing behaviour has already occurred in the form of institutional balancing. This article refutes those arguments and maintains that balancing behaviour is not yet apparent in Southeast Asian balancing, yet it exists in an indirect form. In order to make this argument, this article examines the recent military build-up among Southeast Asian states as well as recent assessments of the ineffectiveness of the Southeast Asian regional security framework. The article also further analyses the conditions under which Southeast Asia’s indirect balancing might turn into hard balancing
Udang merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor perikanan Indonesia yang banyak diolah dalam bentuk udang beku. Produk udang segar beku sangat mudah terkontaminasi oleh mikrooganisme patogen serta mudah mengalami kerusakan yang dikarenakan komponen penyusunnya sangat baik bagi pertumbuhan mikroorganisme sehingga diperlukan penanganan yang baik untuk mencegah resiko kerusakan terhadap pangan. Hal inilah yang mendasari perlunya suatu sistem pengawasan dan kontrol pada proses pengolahan udang beku Peeled Tail On untuk meminimalkan bahaya yang kemungkinan dapat ditimbulkan.
Sistem HACCP akan berjalan efektif dengan persyaratan yaitu adanya penerapan GMP (good manufacturing practice) dan SSOP (sanitation standard operating procedure) pada industri tersebut. Pokok Pembahasan penerapan GMP berkaitan dengan cara mengolah yang baik. Sedangkan penerapan SSOP yang dibahas diantaranya mengenai keamaan air dan es yang digunakan untuk proses produksi, Kebersihan permukaan yang kontak langsung dengan bahan pangan, upaya pencegahan kontaminasi silang, fasilitas cucitangan, sanitasi dan toilet, pelabelan dan penyumpanan bahan kimia, pengendalian hama, dan penanganan limbah.
Berdasarkan 12 langkah penerapan HACCP di PT. Toxindo Prima yang meliputi pembentukan tim HACCP, deskripsi produk, identifikasi penggunaan, penyusunan diagram alir proses, pemeriksaan bagan alir proses, analisis bahaya, penetapan CCP (critical control point), penetapan batas kritis, penentuan prosedur monitoring, tindakan koreksi, tindakan verifikasi, dan penetapan dokumentasi sudah dijalankan namun kurang baik dalam penerapanya. Hal ini terlihat dari rendahnya tingkat pengawasan terhadap kesehatan dan kebersihan karyawan dalam menerapkan SSOP.
Critical Control Point di PT. Toxindo Prima yaitu pada proses penerimaan bahan baku, restan, treatment, pembekuan, deteksi logam, dan penyimpanan. Penerimaan bahan baku merupakan titik CCP karena kemungkinan terdapat kandungan bahan pencemar dalam bahan baku udang segar seperti antibiotik, lumut, maupun krikil dan pasir yang diperoleh saat pasca panen. Sedangkan untuk restan, treatment, pembekuan dan penyimpanan merupakan titik CCP yang perlu diperhatikan karena kemungkinan berbagai bakteri patogen dapat tumbuh karena penanganan yang kurang tepat yang akan berdampak pada proses selanjutnya. Selain itu pada proses pendeteksian logam juga menjadi titik CCP, karena kemungkinan pada tahap ini masih terdapat indikasi logam berat pada final produ
Penggunaan sistem informasi sangat dibutuhkan di zaman modern ini oleh institusi pendidikan, sistem informasi sangat membutuhkan sistem keamanan yang sanggup menjaga kerahasiaan data-data penting, begitu juga dengan Sistem Informasi untuk SMK 1 Satu Maret Garut yang juga memerlukan sistem keamanan.
Segala bentuk penyalahgunaan internet karena adanya serangan dari Hacker membahayakan keamanan data-data yang bersifat sensitif , maka dari itu diperlukan sistem keamanan yang mampu mengetahui gangguan penyalahgunaan internet.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) adalah sebuah aplikasi perangkat lunak atau perangkat keras yang dapat mendeteksi aktivitas yang mencurigakan dalam sebuah sistem atau jaringan. IDS dapat melakukan inspeksi terhadap lalu lintas inbound dan outbound dalam sebuah sistem atau jaringan, melakukan analisis dan mencari bukti dari percobaan intrusi (penyusupan). Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) merupakan kombinasi antara fasilitas blocking capabilities dari firewall dan kedalaman inspeksi paket data dari Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Kedua aplikasi tersebut dapat mencegah dan mengamankan data-data yang bersifat sensitif dari hacker yang mencoba masuk kedalam jaringan .
Kata kunci : Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) ,Hacker, firewall , blocking capabilities
Martha wedding organizer adalah sebuah bisnis yang menawarkan jasa di bidang pernikahan. Martha wedding organizer berdiri sejak tahun 1990. Selama ini Martha wedding Organizer hanya melakukan promosi melalui media
cetak/brosur. Tentunya dengan seiring perkembangan jaman teknik pemasaran yang hanya mengandalkan media cetak/brosur sangatlah tidak cukup. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan teknik pemasaran baru yang sesuai dengan perkembangan jaman..
Penelitian ini bermaksud memberikan solusi dengan dibuatkannya sebuah website yang dapat membantu Martha Wedding Organizer melakukan promosi dengan cara lebih eksklusif Pembuatan website ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Dimana dalam penerapannya akan dimasukkan beberapa fitur untuk mendukung promosi Martha Wedding Organizer. Dimana didalamnya terdapat form boking paket,
testimoni, hot news, nota boking paket, portofolio foto, form pengelolaan booking paket, custom paket, promo, SMS gateway.
Kata kunci : Website Martha Wedding Organizer, Website promosi, SMS Gatewa
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