165 research outputs found

    Nonperturbative renormalization group approach to Lifshitz critical behaviour

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    The behaviour of a d-dimensional vectorial N=3 model at a m-axial Lifshitz critical point is investigated by means of a nonperturbative renormalization group approach that is free of the huge technical difficulties that plague the perturbative approaches and limit their computations to the lowest orders. In particular being systematically improvable, our approach allows us to control the convergence of successive approximations and thus to get reliable physical quantities in d=3.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    A glassy phase in quenched disordered graphene and crystalline membranes

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    We investigate the flat phase of DD-dimensional crystalline membranes embedded in a dd-dimensional space and submitted to both metric and curvature quenched disorders using a nonperturbative renormalization group approach. We identify a second order phase transition controlled by a finite-temperature, finite-disorder fixed point unreachable within the leading order of Ï”=4−D\epsilon=4-D and 1/d1/d expansions. This critical point divides the flow diagram into two basins of attraction: that associated to the finite-temperature fixed point controlling the long distance behaviour of disorder-free membranes and that associated to the zero-temperature, finite-disorder fixed point. Our work thus strongly suggests the existence of a whole low-temperature glassy phase for quenched disordered graphene, graphene-like compounds and, more generally, crystalline membranes.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Universal behaviors in the wrinkling transition of disordered membranes

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    The wrinkling transition experimentally identified by Mutz et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 923 (1991)] and then thoroughly studied by Chaieb et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 078101 (2006)] in partially polymerized lipid membranes is reconsidered. One shows that the features associated with this transition, notably the various scaling behaviors of the height-height correlation functions that have been observed, are qualitatively and quantitatively well described by a recent nonperturbative renormalization group (NPRG) approach to quenched disordered membranes by Coquand et al. [Phys. Rev E 97, 030102 (2018)]. As these behaviors are associated with fixed points of RG transformations they are universal and should also be observed in, e.g., defective graphene and graphene-like materials.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, published versio

    Enantiospecific sp(2)-sp(3) coupling of secondary and tertiary boronic esters

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    The cross-coupling of boronic acids and related derivatives with sp(2) electrophiles (the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction) is one of the most powerful C-C bond formation reactions in synthesis, with applications that span pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and high-tech materials. Despite the breadth of its utility, the scope of this Nobel prize-winning reaction is rather limited when applied to aliphatic boronic esters. Primary organoboron reagents work well, but secondary and tertiary boronic esters do not (apart from a few specific and isolated examples). Through an alternative strategy, which does not involve using transition metals, we have discovered that enantioenriched secondary and tertiary boronic esters can be coupled to electron-rich aromatics with essentially complete enantiospecificity. As the enantioenriched boronic esters are easily accessible, this reaction should find considerable application, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry where there is growing awareness of the importance of, and greater clinical success in, creating biomolecules with three-dimensional architectures.</p

    A Feynman integral in Lifshitz-point and Lorentz-violating theories in R<sup>D</sup> ⚁ R<i><sup>m</sup></i>

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    We evaluate a 1-loop, 2-point, massless Feynman integral ID,m(p,q) relevant for perturbative field theoretic calculations in strongly anisotropic d=D+m dimensional spaces given by the direct sum RD ⚁ Rm . Our results are valid in the whole convergence region of the integral for generic (noninteger) codimensions D and m. We obtain series expansions of ID,m(p,q) in terms of powers of the variable X:=4p2/q4, where p=|p|, q=|q|, p Є RD, q Є Rm, and in terms of generalised hypergeometric functions 3F2(−X), when X&lt;1. These are subsequently analytically continued to the complementary region X≄1. The asymptotic expansion in inverse powers of X1/2 is derived. The correctness of the results is supported by agreement with previously known special cases and extensive numerical calculations

    Ownership and control in a competitive industry

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    We study a differentiated product market in which an investor initially owns a controlling stake in one of two competing firms and may acquire a non-controlling or a controlling stake in a competitor, either directly using her own assets, or indirectly via the controlled firm. While industry profits are maximized within a symmetric two product monopoly, the investor attains this only in exceptional cases. Instead, she sometimes acquires a noncontrolling stake. Or she invests asymmetrically rather than pursuing a full takeover if she acquires a controlling one. Generally, she invests indirectly if she only wants to affect the product market outcome, and directly if acquiring shares is profitable per se. --differentiated products,separation of ownership and control,private benefits of control

    Stereospecific conversion of alcohols into pinacol boronic esters using lithiation-borylation methodology with pinacolborane

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    The synthesis of primary and secondary pinacol boronic esters via lithiation–borylation of carbamates and benzoates with pinacolborane is described. This new protocol enables the highly selective synthesis of enantioenriched and geometrically defined boronic esters that cannot otherwise be accessed by alternative methodologies
