24 research outputs found

    Kesan Modul-Modul Multimedia Berasaskan Komputer Yang Mempunyai Beban Kognitif Berbeza Ke Atas Pencapaian Konsep-Konsep Konkrit Dalam Biologi

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    Tanggapan sukamya subjek sains tulen telah dikenal pasti sebagai satu punca kemerosotan pendaftaran sains di sekolah menengah. Pencapaian kurang memuaskan dalam subjek sains boleh disebabkan pertambahan beban kognitif akibat cara maklumat dalam bahan pengajaran dibentangkan. The perceived difficulty of pure science subjects was identified as one reason for the falling science enrolment in secondary schools. The low achievement in science may be due to increased cognitive load resulting from the presentation format of instructional material

    Enhancing Students’ Local Knowledge Through Themed Garden Project

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    Traditional or local knowledge is a major issue to be focused on, particularly since the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 and the Aichi Targets “Living in Harmony with Nature”. According to the strategic goals, by 2020, conservation of biodiversity and its sustainable use incorporate what local and indigenous communities have within their traditional knowledge, innovation and practice and their customary use of biological resources are respected at all relevant levels. The older generation among the local people usually use medicinal herbs for various ailments, health care and other cultural purposes. However, encroaching industrialization and the changes in today’s life styles are responsible for the decreasing practice in the local use of herbs especially for healing purposes. It is, therefore, felt worthwhile to encourage young generations such as school children to gain knowledge about these local herbs and record the native uses of these herbs before the information is lost. One biodiversity education program was conducted to facilitate secondary school students to set up a themed garden and find out the local knowledge of the plants they grew in their garden from their family members or communities. The findings revealed that students’ local knowledge on healing improved after they joined the program. Therefore, it is proposed that the themed garden project can enhance students’ local knowledge

    Kesan Penggunaan Perisian Kursus (Courseware) Dengan Peta Konsep Terhadap Pencapaian Pelajar (The Effect Of Using Courseware With Concept Map On Student's Achievement)

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    Dalam kajian ini, keberkesanan penggunaan peta konsep dalam perisian kursus telah diselidiki. Perisian ini digunakan dalam pengajaran tajuk "Lambaian Kaabah" bagi mata pelajaran pengetahuan Agama Islam Tingkatan empat. Sampel terdiri daripada 82 orang murid Tingkatan empat sebuah sekolah menengah di Pulau Pinang. Terdapat 39 orang murid dalam kumpulan eksperimen dan 43 orang murid dalam kumpulan kawalan. Kumpulan eksperimen diajar dengan menggunakan perisian kursus yang mengandungi peta konsep. Kumpulan kawalan pula diajar dengan menggunakan perisian kursus yang tidak mengandungi peta konsep. Pengajaran telah dilaksanakan bagi lima sesi pengajaran. Ujian ANCOVA digunakan untuk menentukan kesan signifkan ujian pos. Skor min kumpulan eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada skor min kumpulan kawalan. Ujian-t sampel berpasangan digunakan untuk analisis data bagi soalan kajian kedua. Skor min bagi peta konsep ujian pos lebih tinggi daripada skor min peta konsep ujian pra. Kajian ini mencadangkan bahawa perisian kursus yang mengandungi peta konsep adalah berkesan untuk pengajaran tajuk ini

    Local Knowledge On Plants

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    The immense richness of the biodiversity of Malaysian flora has earned her a place as one of the twelve mega-biodiversity areas of the world. The local communities have long benefited from this biodiversity through various uses, as a result of their local knowledge of these flora. As such, efforts to document local knowledge regarding the flora and their uses, need to be intensified before this biodiversity become threatened or destroyed. To date, many parties have been involved in the preservation and conservation of the biodiversity of local flora. These include the establishment of a conservatory of living plants, documentation of species, known or previously newly discovered one, scientific investigations of various aspects of the local flora, as well as the manufacture of bioproducts based on the local flora. Some of the formulations of the bioproducts are also based on the local knowledge of certain communities. There are several bioproducts that has been succesfully commercialised, as a result of the research and development carried out by universities and certain government agencies. Sharing of these knowledge with the public has also been carried out, for example through environmental education activities, by various local agencies and organisations

    Aswara As An Institution For Continuity In Culture And Heritage

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    Culture is an expression of the ways of living developed by a community and passed on from generation to generation, including customs, practices, places, objects, artistic expressions and values. Heritage is the full range of our inherited traditions, monuments, objects, and culture. Knowledge in the disciplines of culture and heritage receives less attention by the present generation especially the youth. Therefore, various efforts have been taken to attract the youth to participate in these disciplines. ASWARA Malaysia (Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan) or National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage founded in 1994 has initiated moves to involve the younger generation in culture and heritage. ASWARA also is a higher institution which provides teaching and learning, research and staff publications as well as professional advice in culture and heritage. ASWARA also has staffs who are authentic practitioners. This institution merges the traditional and modern elements in disseminating knowledge as reported by the respondents who study gamelan music that includes modern and traditional musical instruments such as guitar and bass. This can attract the youth to participate in culture and heritage. It can be concluded that ASWARA is an institution that plays a role in the continuity of our own culture and heritage so that it will not become extinct

    Kesan penggunaan sumber sejarah digital terhadap kemahiran pemikiran sejarah

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    Kajian eksperimental ini bertujuan untuk meninjau kesan penggunaan sumber sejarah digital terhadap kemahiran pemikiran sejarah murid Tingkatan Empat.Aspek yang telah dikaji ialah perbezaan kemahiran pemikiran sejarah murid yang menggunakan sumber sejarah digital secara terbimbing dengan murid yang menggunakan sumber sejarah digital secara bebas dan Portal EBuku Teks.Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada tiga jenis kemahiran pemikiran sejarah iaitu kemahiran memahami kronologi, kemahiran meneroka bukti dan kemahiran membuat interpretasi.Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 104 orang murid yang dipilih secara rawak dari tiga buah sekolah menengah di utara Malaysia (Kumpulan eksperimen 1 n=33, kumpulan eksperimen 2 n=34, kumpulan kawalan n=37). Kumpulan eksperimen 1 menggunakan sumber sejarah digital secara terbimbing manakala kumpulan eksperimen 2 menggunakan sumber sejarah digital secara bebas dan kumpulan kawalan menggunakan sumber E-Buku Teks.Ujian Pencapaian Sejarah dan protokol temu bual telah digunakan sebagai instrumen kajian.Data kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan ujian deskriptif dan Ujian ANOVA Satu Hala.Secara keseluruhannya, dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam min kemahiran memahami kronologi antara ketiga-tiga kumpulan.Walau bagaimanapun terdapat perbezaan min yang signifikan dalam kemahiran meneroka bukti dan kemahiran membuat interpretasi bagi murid yang menggunakan sumber sejarah digital secara terbimbing berbanding dengan murid yang menggunakan sumber sejarah digitalsecara bebas dan sumberE-Buku Teks.Kajian ini juga telah meninjau persepsi serta cabaran yang dihadapi oleh murid dalam menggunakansumber sejarah digital.Hasil temu bual mendapati bahawa murid secara keseluruhannya menunjukkan sikap yang positif terhadap penggunaan sumber sejarah digital sungguh pun dibatasi oleh pelbagai cabaran

    Hubungan gajah dengan orang Melayu (di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu): Tumpuan terhadap aspek sosial

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    Alam Melayu mempunyai satu ruang geografi yang istimewa lantaran memiliki satu ketamadunan yang tinggi.Sejarah membuktikan ketamadunan yang tinggi yang dilakarkan oleh masyarakat Melayu ini amat berkait rapat dengan fenomena alam yang menjadi salah satu medium pencetus kepada kepelbagaian dan kepentingan budaya di Alam Melayu. Selain dari tumbuh-tumbuhan yang memainkan peranan yang penting terhadap orang Melayu, haiwan turut menjadi penyumbang utama kepada kepentingan sumber semulajadi di Alam Melayu. Melalui penelitian ini hubungan orang Melayu dengan elemen semulajadi ini sebenarnya telah wujud dalam satu tempoh masa yang panjang. Sejarah telah membuktikan hubungan yang terlakar ini wujud dalam satu kondisi yang cukup unik, lebih-lebih lagi penelitian diperincikan terhadap hubungan orang Melayu dengan gajah.Kajian ini merupakan satu usaha awal untuk melihat sejarah tempatan dari sisi yang sedikit berbeza.Melalui perbincangan dalam makalah ini memperlihatkan gajah bukan hanya berperanan besar terhadap kepentingan golongan bangsawan semata-mata, malah sangat penting dalam kehidupan sosial orang Melayu silam. Sehubungan dengan itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetengahkan hubungan gajah dengan orang Melayu yang diperlihatkan menerusi aspek sosial. Bentuk hubungan dari sudut sosial ini sebenarnya adalah rentetan daripada hubungan politik telah wujud. Bagi tujuan penelitian ini, kajian bersifat kualitatif dengan merujuk kepada sumber-sumber dari medium kepustakaan seperti manuskrip atau naskhah-naskhah Melayu, ataupun catatan barat dan yang seumpama dengannya. Oleh itu, makalah ini akan cuba untuk membuktikan, kepentingan gajah yang bukan hanya tertumpu terhadap aspek politik, malah turut signifikan terhadap aspek sosiobudaya. Menerusi makalah ini juga, diharapkan membuka satu pandangan baru umum perihal peranan dan fungsi yang dimainkan gajah terhadap orang Melayu silam. Justeru, dengan perbincangan ini dapat menjadi batu loncatan kepada pengkaji seterusnya bagi meneliti hubungan, fungsi serta keterlibatan haiwan-haiwan lain yang turut berperanan penting terhadap pelbagai aspek kehidupan orang Melayu silam

    Conserving Local Knowledge In Traditional Healing Through Knowledge Transfer

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    Local knowledge (LK) basically refers to the knowledge that people in a given community have developed over time, and continues to develop, through practices and based on experiences. Local beliefs pertaining to ilmu, a central concept in Malay culture that refers to knowledge, is essential among the traditional healers. The vast repository of knowledge and its relevance to locality and local situation makes the conservation of LK a necessity.However, due to the dominance of modern knowledge, diminished inter-generational knowledge transfer has led to LK being threatened with extinction. The fact that LK is practiced by only a few these days could be due to lack of knowledge transfer to the younger generations from the traditional healers who are knowledgeable in the communities. The common transfer mode of local knowledge, usually via words of mouth, may not be sustainable because the LK could vanish when knowledgeable elders die before it is transferred or during resettlements of individuals or communities. The need to conserve LK through knowledge transfer is also pertinent for the continued sustenance of their culture by recognizing, protecting and enforcing the rights of local communities to have continued access to biological resources as well as by protecting their LK, acquired over thousand of years of experimentation and experience, about the uses of these biological resources in traditional healing. Therefore, it is important to have a governance framework to effectively protect this LK of the local communities for the continued sustenance of their culture. This conceptual paper attempts to highlight the significance of conserving LK in traditional healing via effective knowledge transfer method, which should thereafter be translated into a working governance framework that protects the knowledge as well as the holders of such knowledge

    Transforming waste management practices among school children towards sustainable development through vermicomposting.

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    Solid waste generation continues to rise and poses problems of disposal and management.There is therefore an urgent need to educate the public about waste reduction as a viable means of solid waste management. Exposing students to vermicomposting as a viable waste reduction activity become concrete experiences from which they learn about the benefits of waste reduction to the environment and promote this practice among themselves. Penghasilan sisa pepejal semakin meningkat dan menyebabkan pelbagai masalah pelupusan dan pengurusan. Dengan ini amatlah penting bagi masyarakat dididik tentang pengurangan sisa sebagai satu kaedah yang sesuai bagi mengurus sisa pepejal.Pendedahan pelajar kepada aktiviti vermikompos sebagai satu kaedah pengurangan sisa menjadi pengalaman konkrit.Melalui aktiviti ini mereka mempelajari tentang faedah pengurangan sisa kepada alam sekitar dan menggalakkan amalan ini dalam kalangan mereka

    Contribution of local knowledge towards urban agroforestry as a sustainable approach on climate change adaptation

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    A crucial role in climate change adaptation is the one that should be played by cities. These are major contributors to climate change as well as most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. As urban population in cities increases, so does the greenhouse gas emissions. Urbanisation and the growth of cities continues at great speed, and today the global urban population has increased nine fold since 100 years ago. Though presented with current challenges and threats such as environmental degradation, urban poverty and food security, urban density could create a better quality of life and a lower carbon footprint by innovative approach and more efficient infrastructure planning. Creative solutions are implemented as part of the sustainability component of an integrated, climate resilient city, which comprises of fundamental aspects such as food, water, energy and transport. Application of local knowledge on agroforestry can be utilized in an urban setting, and has positive impacts on a microclimate scale, such as reduces impact of higher rainfall, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and reduces vulnerability on the urban poor. Urban agroforestry largely contributes to sustainable urban food production opportunities, and encompasses four main fields of practice, including agroecology, urban forestry, urban agriculture and permaculture. This paper examines the local knowledge of agroforestry and how the local knowledge can be transferred into practice in an urban setting, thus providing a sustainable approach towards climate change adaptation in cities