12,604 research outputs found
Acoustic transducer apparatus with reduced thermal conduction
A horn is described for transmitting sound from a transducer to a heated chamber containing an object which is levitated by acoustic energy while it is heated to a molten state, which minimizes heat transfer to thereby minimize heating of the transducer, minimize temperature variation in the chamber, and minimize loss of heat from the chamber. The forward portion of the horn, which is the portion closest to the chamber, has holes that reduce its cross-sectional area to minimize the conduction of heat along the length of the horn, with the entire front portion of the horn being rigid and having an even front face to efficiently transfer high frequency acoustic energy to fluid in the chamber. In one arrangement, the horn has numerous rows of holes extending perpendicular to the length of horn, with alternate rows extending perpendicular to one another to form a sinuous path for the conduction of heat along the length of the horn
Guadalupe pluton–Mariposa Formation age relationships in the southern Sierran Foothills: Onset of Mesozoic subduction in northern California?
We report a new 153 ± 2 Ma SIMS U-Pb date for zircons from the hypabyssal Guadalupe pluton which crosscuts and contact metamorphoses upper crustal Mariposa slates in the southern Sierra. A ~950 m thick section of dark metashales lies below sandstones from which clastic zircons were analyzed at 152 ± 2 Ma. Assuming a compacted depositional rate of ~120 m/Myr, accumulation of Mariposa volcanogenic sediments, which overlie previously stranded Middle Jurassic and older ophiolite + chert-argillite belts in the Sierran Foothills, began no later than ~160 Ma. Correlative Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian strata of the Galice Formation occupy a similar position in the Klamath Mountains. We speculate that the Late Jurassic was a time of transition from (1) a mid-Paleozoic–Middle Jurassic interval of mainly but not exclusively strike-slip and episodic docking of oceanic terranes; (2) to transpressive plate underflow, producing calcalkaline igneous arc rocks ± outboard blueschists at ~170–150 Ma, whose erosion promoted accumulation of the Mariposa-Galice overlap strata; (3) continued transpressive underflow attending ~200 km left-lateral displacement of the Klamath salient relative to the Sierran arc at ~150–140 Ma and development of the apparent polar wander path cusps for North and South America; and (4) then nearly orthogonal mid and Late Cretaceous convergence commencing at ~125–120 Ma, during reversal in tangential motion of the Pacific plate. After ~120 Ma, nearly head-on subduction involving minor dextral transpression gave rise to voluminous continent-building juvenile and recycled magmas of the Sierran arc, providing the erosional debris to the Great Valley fore arc and Franciscan trench
MEXIT: Maximal un-coupling times for stochastic processes
Classical coupling constructions arrange for copies of the \emph{same} Markov
process started at two \emph{different} initial states to become equal as soon
as possible. In this paper, we consider an alternative coupling framework in
which one seeks to arrange for two \emph{different} Markov (or other
stochastic) processes to remain equal for as long as possible, when started in
the \emph{same} state. We refer to this "un-coupling" or "maximal agreement"
construction as \emph{MEXIT}, standing for "maximal exit". After highlighting
the importance of un-coupling arguments in a few key statistical and
probabilistic settings, we develop an explicit \MEXIT construction for
stochastic processes in discrete time with countable state-space. This
construction is generalized to random processes on general state-space running
in continuous time, and then exemplified by discussion of \MEXIT for Brownian
motions with two different constant drifts.Comment: 28 page
We report results of a survey of 608 Ohio agribusinesses in 1999 and show them to be divided in their attitudes and acceptance of e-commerce. Half of the respondents report that their business has a web site, although many had taken a negative stance toward such a move. Nearly all say that the internet will significantly change their sector, and the majority of managers report that e-commerce has significantly affected the way they view their business.Marketing,
Automotive Stirling Engine Development Program
Mod I engine testing and test results, the test of a Mod I engine in the United States, Mod I engine characterization and analysis, Mod I Transient Test Bed fuel economy, Mod I-A engine performance are discussed. Stirling engine reference engine manufacturing and reduced size studies, components and subsystems, and the study and test of low-cost casting alloys are also covered. The overall program philosophy is outlined, and data and results are presented
Similarity models for viscous vortex cores
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76178/1/AIAA-1990-592-491.pd
The orbital motion, absolute mass, and high-altitude winds of exoplanet HD209458b
For extrasolar planets discovered using the radial velocity method, the
spectral characterization of the host star leads to a mass-estimate of the star
and subsequently of the orbiting planet. In contrast, if also the orbital
velocity of the planet would be known, the masses of both star and planet could
be determined directly using Newton's law of gravity, just as in the case of
stellar double-line eclipsing binaries. Here we report on the detection of the
orbital velocity of extrasolar planet HD209458b. High dispersion ground-based
spectroscopy during a transit of this planet reveals absorption lines from
carbon monoxide produced in the planet atmosphere, which shift significantly in
wavelength due to the change in the radial component of the planet orbital
velocity. These observations result in a mass determination of the star and
planet of 1.00+-0.22 Msun and 0.64+-0.09 Mjup respectively. A ~2 km/sec
blueshift of the carbon monoxide signal with respect to the systemic velocity
of the host star suggests the presence of a strong wind flowing from the
irradiated dayside to the non-irradiated nightside of the planet within the
0.01-0.1 mbar atmospheric pressure range probed by these observations. The
strength of the carbon monoxide signal suggests a CO mixing ratio of 1-3x10-3
in this planet's upper atmosphere.Comment: 11 Pages main article and 6 pages suppl. information: A final, edited
version appears in the 24 May 2010 issue of Natur
Hedonic Price Indexes for Personal Computer Operating Systems and Productivity Suites
Results of hedonic price regressions for personal computer operating systems and productivity suites advertised in PC World magazine by retail vendors during the time period 1984 to 2000 are reported. Among the quality attribute variables we use are new measures capturing the presence of network effects in personal computer operating systems, such as connectivity and compatibility, and product integration among components of productivity suites. Average annual growth rates of quality-adjusted prices of personal computer operating systems range from -15 to -18 percent, while those for productivity suites generally range between -13 and -16 percent. Price declines are generally greater in the latter half of the samples.
Controlling quantum systems by embedded dynamical decoupling schemes
A dynamical decoupling method is presented which is based on embedding a
deterministic decoupling scheme into a stochastic one. This way it is possible
to combine the advantages of both methods and to increase the suppression of
undesired perturbations of quantum systems significantly even for long
interaction times. As a first application the stabilization of a quantum memory
is discussed which is perturbed by one-and two-qubit interactions
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