647 research outputs found

    The Charmonium Spectrum on the Lattice: A Status Report

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    We present our most recent results on the charmonium spectrum using relativistic Wilson fermions. We study the dependence of the spectrum on the charm quark mass and the Wohlert-Sheikholeslami improvement term.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures (eps), needs espcrc2.sty, epsf.sty. FERMILAB-CONF-92/330-

    First results from the asymmetric O(a) improved Fermilab action

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    We present first results from calculations using O(a) improved (FNAL) space-time asymmetric action on a 12^3 x 24 quenched lattice at \beta = 5.7 and c_SW = 1.57. The asymmetry parameter is determined non-perturbatively from the energy-momentum dispersion relation. This improvement scheme is mass dependent, and the calculations have been done in the charm and bottom quark mass sectors since it is at these heavier masses that the asymmetry is expected to be relevant.Comment: 3 pp. LaTeX2e, 6PostScript figures, uses espcrc2.sty. Contribution to Lattice99 (Pisa) proceedings (Improvement and Renormalisation

    B -> pi l nu at three lattice spacings

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    The increasing accuracy of experimental results for the exclusive, semileptonic decay B -> pi l nu requires a similarly accurate calculation of the hadronic matrix elements, to determine |Vub|. We present preliminary results for the form factors of the B to light meson decay mode. Using results from three lattices in the range 5.7 <= beta <= 6.1 we study the dependence on the lattice spacing.Comment: LATTICE98(heavyqk), LaTeX, 3 pages, 4 postscript figures, uses espcrc2.st

    Estimated Errors in |Vcd|/|Vcs| from Semileptonic D Decays

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    We estimate statistical and systematic errors in the extraction of the CKM ratio |Vcd|/|Vcs| from exclusive D-meson semileptonic decays using lattice QCD and anticipated new experimental results.Comment: LATTICE98(heavyqk), LaTeX, 3 pages, 2 postscript figures, uses espcrc2.sty and hyperbasics.te

    O(αsa)O(\alpha_{s}a) matching coefficients for axial vector current and ΔB\Delta B==2 operator

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    We present a calculation of the perturbative matching coefficients including mixing with higher dimensional operators for the temporal component of the heavy-light axial current, A4A_{4}, and the ΔB=2\Delta B=2 operator, OSO_S. For A4static,NRQCDA_{4}^{\scriptsize static, NRQCD}, calculations with various RG-improved gauge actions are peformed. Matching coefficients with NRQCD and heavy-clover actions are also compared.Comment: LATTICE99 (Heavy Quarks), 3 pages, 2 figures, espcrc2.st
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