18 research outputs found
Empowering Human Resources Management in Technology to Improve Leadership Function in Business Practice: Systematic Review
This study identifies scientific findings of the relationship between HR empowerment and technology skills to empower leadership skills in functional business areas. Scientists' advice shows a close relationship between HR governance and technological skills and the empowerment of leadership roles in the business world. For that, we reviewed dozens of international publications, and we specialized in around 50 preliminary formulation papers and problems and ten leading publications as important findings data. We chose data analysis utilizing the coding and in-depth interpretation for valid and reliable findings and answered the research questions. We are looking for data sources electronically on Google scholar, Publication ERIC, and Microsoft academic data sources from 2015 to 2021 so that the analyzed data is indeed updated. After reviewing the discussion, we can summarize the findings of published evidence stating that human resource management in the business world in the modern era requires technological power to work there truly compete because HR management is closely related to superior policies and practices businesses need. Thus this simple finding becomes an impactful input for researchers, university instructors, and another world of business practice
The Rise of Food & Beverages MSMEs During COVID-19 Pandemic in Tanjungpinang, Kepulauan Riau : A Motivational Perspective
Purpose: This study aims to explore the entrepreneurial motivation behind food and beverage MSMEs in Tanjungpinang during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Method: This study adopted a qualitative method. A total of 11 food and beverage MSMEs owners in Tanjungpinang that started their businesses in 2020 and 2021 were interviewed. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data gathered.
Result: The result of this study shows that financial rewards, independence, personal satisfaction, as well as the existence of opportunities as the driving forces behind a person’s decision to become an entrepreneur in the food and beverages industry in Tanjungpinang during the COVID-19 pandemic. This finding hopefully may give insight into the motivation behind an individual decision to become an entrepreneur in the food and beverages industry and why the number of food and beverages MSMEs is increasing
Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Desa Air Glubi yang kondisi masyarakatnya selain sebagai nelayan, mereka juga bekerja sebagai petani. Hasil pertaniannya sebagian besar hanya dikonsumsi sendiri dan belum dijadikan sebagai salah satu peluang usaha guna meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat. Tujuan pada kegiatan ini untuk mengedukasi masyarakat guna memanfaatkan lahan kosong yang kurang produktif untuk kegiatan pertanian agar meningkatkan perekonomian, melalui program PERMATA (Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui Tanaman Alpukat). Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan masyarakat akan pelatihan serta kebenaran dari masalah yang ditemukan adalah Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA); berupa wawancara nonformal dengan masyarakat desa secara acak baik pemuda, maupun tokoh masyarakat dan pelaku usaha pertanian. Pelaksanaan program antara lain; sosialisasi program dan seminar bisnis pertanian, persiapan tempat, alat, dan prasarana, praktik okulasi, penanaman; dan pelatihan pengelolaan pemasaran. Tingkat kepuasan peserta dalam seluruh rangkaian kegiatan ini mencapai nilai 4,53 artinya pelaksanaan telah terlaksana dengan baik dan masyarakat mampu memahami materi dan dapat langsung mempraktikannya.  
This study aims to analyze the effect of Online Learning, emotional intelligence, intellectual intelligence, sosial intelligence partially and simultaneously on student performance. The type of data used in this study is quantative data with data techniques using a questionnaire. The population in this study is management students of Riau Kepulauan University. The sampling using the Slovin formula and getting a sample of 60 students. The results of this study indicate that: 1. Online learning affects student performance, 2. Emotional intelligence affects student performance, 3. Intellectual intelligence does not affect student performance, 4. Social intelligence affects student performance. as evidenced by the value of fcount 30.447 > ftabel 2.05 and a significance value of 0.000 <0.05
Pemberdayaan Ibu-Ibu Kampung Tanjung Sengkuang Melalui Produksi Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)
Air Glubi adalah daerah yang sangat potensial untuk pengembangan bisnis minyak kelapa murni (VCO). Sebagai daerah pesisir keberadaan pohon kelapa sangat melimpah dan dapat mendukung pengembangan bisnis VCO karena bahan baku dapat dipenuhi dengan mudah. Virgin coconut oil merupakan minyak yang diperoleh dari ekstraksi yang dilakukan dari buah kelapa segar yang diproses dengan berbagai cara salah satunya adalah dengan cara tradisional, menggunakan peralatan dapur rumah tangga. VCO yang memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi dan memiliki kegunaan sebagai obat, dari hasil. Cara pembuatan VCO dilakukan dengan cara praktek bersama sama antara pemateri dengan mitra KUBE Kemuning Indah. Hasil tanggapan peserta terhadap pelaksanaan pelatihan memiliki nilai rerata mencapai 4,68 dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan kegiatan telah terlaksana dengan sangat baik dan mampu meningkatkan pemahaman peserta
The Effect Of Job Satisfaction And Compensation On Performance Of Employees In Multinational Automotive Company
Employee performance is individual because each employee has a different level of ability in carrying out their duties. Performance depends on a combination of abilities, efforts, and opportunities that are obtained. This study aims to see how much the influence of compensation and job satisfaction together on the performance of employees of PT. ASTRA International Tbk - Daihatsu partially and simultaneously. In this study, the type of research used is associative research. Where the writer tries to know the relationship between two variables partially or simultaneously. This study's method of collecting data used a questionnaire with multiple linear regression analysis methods. The results of the study show that partial compensation and job satisfaction affect the performance of employees at PT. ASTRA International Tbk - Daihatsu. Simultaneously partial compensation and job satisfaction affect the performance of employees of PT. ASTRA International Tbk – Daihatsu with a contribution of 65.9%
Analysis of the Experience of Teachers on Student Achievement in Economics at Private High School
The purpose of this research is to analyze the experience of economics education teachers on student achievement in economics at Private High Schools. This research uses a causal research type with a quantitative approach. Population in this study are Private High Schools Students in Medan City in 2022. Sample is taken randomly using snowball sampling technique. So, sample in this study are 100 Private High Schools Students in Medan City. The data analysis method used simple linear regression analysis. The results show that the experience of economics education teachers has significant effect on student achievement in economics at Private High Schools
Anteseden dan Motivasi Kerja
This research examines antecedent and consequent of work motivation. Variables in antecedent are perceived organizational support and job satisfaction, while variables in consequent are job performance and intention to leave. The respondent are 80 employees (civil servants) of Riau Archipelago’s mining and energy agency. The method used in this research is survey method, which uses questionnaire and it is distributed to the respondents. The result indicates the perceived organizational support positively affects job satisfaction, work motivation positively affects job performance, and there is a negative affects between work motivation and intention to leave. Job satisfaction is not affecting work motivation, perceived organizational support is not affecting motivation and job performance is not affecting intention to leave.</p