13 research outputs found
Sebagai kitab suci, Al-Quran diperlukan bagi umat Islam untuk mencari kaidah-kaidah yang berkaitan dengan segala permasalahan kehidupan. Untuk keperluan tersebut, umat Islam secara umum, atau pelajar khususnya, akan mencari ayat yang sesuai dengan yang dikehendaki. Tentu ada kesulitan tersendiri jika diharuskan mencari ayat yang spesifik membahas hal tertentu dari sekian banyak surah dan ayat. Kitab Fathurrahman merupakan salah satu yang banyak dirujuk untuk digunakan dalam pencarian ayat. Penelitian ini membahas tentang perangkat lunak yang menerapkan metode pencarian ayat Al-Quran berdasarkan kitab tersebut. Kata kunci: Fathurrahman, aplikasi pencarian ayat Al-Qura
Implementasi Metode Waterfall Pada Sistem Informasi Persediaan Rempah Untuk Produksi Jamu Madura
Abstract— Rempah merupakan salah satu kekayaan di Indonesia yang banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai obat tradisional dalam menangani masalah kesehatan. Obat tradisional tersebut disebut jamu. Salah satu jamu yang tersohor di tanah air bahkan hingga ke mancanegara adalah jamu Madura. Permintaan jamu Madura yang cukup tinggi, membuat pelaku industri jamu Madura berupaya memproduksi jamu dengan kuantitas tinggi. Produksi jamu dalam jumlah banyak berdampak pada kebutuhan rempah sebagai bahan baku produksi jamu. Persediaan rempah harus mampu mencukupi kebutuhan produksi jamu agar memenuhi permintaan pasar. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem informasi yang dapat mengelola persediaan rempah sebagai bahan baku produksi jamu Madura. Dalam penelitian ini dibangun sistem informasi persediaan rempah untuk produksi jamu Madura. Untuk menunjang pembangunan sistem informasi tersebut, maka metode waterfall dalam SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa sistem informasi persediaan rempah terdiri dari beberapa fitur. Seperti fitur mengelola data rempah yang memungkinkan pengguna sistem untuk menambah dan meng-update data rempah untuk setiap produksi jamu Madura serta beberapa fitur lain terkait kebutuhan rempah. Setelah melakukan pengujian terhadap sistem didapatkan 21 dari 24 skenario uji coba berjalan sesuai hasil yang diharapkan.
Kata Kunci—Jamu Madura, Persediaan, Rempah, Sistem Informasi, Waterfal
Physical Computing Modul for Informatics Learning
Informatics is a relatively new subject in Elementary and Secondary Education in Indonesia. Referring to the Guidelines for the Implementation of Informatics Content/Subjects of the 2013 Curriculum and related regulations and circulars, the subjects implemented since the 2019-2020 school year must have a School Repository. The Repository contains a collection of Learning Plans, Teaching Materials, and Portfolios that record the implementation of Informatics subjects. The challenge in developing subject material is the need to develop a combination of hardware and software for informatics learning class. This research aims to develop a Physical Computing Teaching Modul in order to answer the challenge. This research method includes a Literature Review, Material Design in the Teaching Module, and the creation of a Teaching Module with attractive packaging suitable for use in class. The research output is a Physical Computing teaching Modul
Bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa nasional yang digunakan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan sehari-hari, mulai dari kegiatan Pendidikan, politik hingga bisnis. Pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia berperan penting dalam Pendidikan, karena mata Pelajaran bahasa Indonesia menjadi sarana untuk bernalar dan berpikir kritis. Kegiatan pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia harus diimplementasikan dengan baik agar memperoleh hasil yang maksimal. Peneliti menemukan hasil belajar yang rendah pada materi merawat anggota tubuh mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia pada siswa kelas 1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah At Taufiq Lakarsantri Surabaya. Sebagai upaya melakukan perbaikan hasil belajar peneliti menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dengan model spiral Stephen Kemmis dan taggart dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran digital. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Melalui Media Pembelajaran Digital Kelas 1 MI At Taufiq Lakarsantri Surabaya. berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui ketuntasan klasikal pra siklus yaitu 50%, setelah diberi Tindakan pada Siklus I mengalami peningkatan hasil belajar menjadi 67% dan mengalami peningkatan kembali menjadi 88% setelah dilakukan Tindakan pada Siklus II. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan dari kualifikasi cukup menjadi kualifikasi sangat baik
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Maskumambang (Maskumambang College of Tarbiyah), Gresik Regency, fully understands the importance of improving students' writing skills. This was conveyed through holding seminars on writing scientific papers for students. This article presents the results of holding a scientific paper writing seminar for students, with a focus on using the Padlet and introduction to Zotero. The results of the questionnaire on the participants showed that in terms of student experience in using Zotero, only 5 percent of students had ever used it. The remaining 92 percent have never used Zotero. Meanwhile, from the suggestions column for the implementation of the training, one of the participating students was stated to be good. However, the training held did not provide enough writing practice sessions for participating students. This is understandable considering the format of the event is a seminar.Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Maskumambang (Maskumambang College of Tarbiyah), Gresik Regency, fully understands the importance of improving students' writing skills. This was conveyed through holding seminars on writing scientific papers for students. This article presents the results of holding a scientific paper writing seminar for students, with a focus on using the Padlet and introduction to Zotero. The results of the questionnaire on the participants showed that in terms of student experience in using Zotero, only 5 percent of students had ever used it. The remaining 92 percent have never used Zotero. Meanwhile, from the suggestions column for the implementation of the training, one of the participating students was stated to be good. However, the training held did not provide enough writing practice sessions for participating students. This is understandable considering the format of the event is a seminar.
Rancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Algoritma Pemrograman Berbasis Android
The digital age in the era of society 5.0 creates a technology that currently has significant developments that education needs to provide a new image of Indonesian education, namely by implementing a curriculum that is by the current curriculum. In teaching and learning activities, achieving an optimal result needs to pay attention to the existing learning principles. That is one way to attract the attention of students in the learning process. As well as with current technological advances making a physical book is something that is no longer attractive to today's students where at this time students are more and more often using smartphones. In teaching and learning activities carried out in schools today, informatics subjects still use physical books provided by the government. This causes students to not understand the concepts being taught and students will feel less interested in learning algorithms and programming. This study uses the Hannafin and Peck research method with the software used in product manufacture, namely ISpring Suite 10 and Website 2 APK Build. The results of this study are that the learning media product for Android-based programming algorithms using Blackbox Testing gives the result that the designed product works according to the expected results and is very suitable for use in students’ learning process
Computer Based Test Using the Fisher-Yates Shuffle and Smith Waterman Algorithm
Tests are used to determine a person’s level of understanding of a subject. The inhibiting factors in tests are less varied questions, questions with insufficient difficulty, subjective assessments, and the length of time in their correction. This research aimed to develop a Computer Based Test (CBT) application. The type of questions in this CBT are multiple choice and essays. This CBT employs categorization of questions, randomization of the questions, and automatic assessment. Questions were categorized manually based on Bloom’s Taxonomy of a lecture. Then the randomization process was carried out using the Fisher-Yates Shuffle algorithm for each question category. The Smith Waterman algorithm was used to automatically assess the essay-type questions. The steps of the Smith Waterman algorithm were preprocessing, data comparison using Smith Waterman, and percentage similarities conversion to test scores. The results of the study showed that the CBT application was able to randomize questions using the Fisher-Yates Shuffle algorithm and automatically assess answers using the Smith Waterman algorithm. RMSE was used to measure of the accuracy of the Smith Waterman algorithm: a value of 1.86 was obtained.
Keywords: Computer based test, assessment, Fisher-Yates Shuffle, Smith Waterma
Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah mengubah paradigma bisnis, mempengaruhi usaha-usaha kecil dan menengah, termasuk Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) Desa Klampar, Kabupaten Pamekasan, menjadi contoh potensial dalam pemanfaatan digital marketing dan sistem informasi chatbot untuk memperluas jangkauan pasar serta meningkatkan pendapatan. Hasilnya menunjukkan peningkatan efisiensi pemasaran, kualitas layanan, dan kepercayaan pelanggan. Penerapan teknologi ini bisa menjadi solusi efektif untuk meningkatkan daya saing BUMDES dan usaha kecil lainnya di era digital. Studi ini memberikan panduan bagi BUMDES lain dalam mengadopsi teknologi serupa guna meningkatkan kinerja mereka
Pelatihan Pemanfaatan E-Commerce Bagi Peningkatan Mutu Sosial Tenaga Kerja dan Wanita di Kelurahan Rongtengah Sampang Madura
Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) has important role in economic growth. Along with the advance development of information technology emerging new tools for promoting product which can be used by SME. Through Public Service, the Department of Informatics Education Universitas Trunojoyo Madura sees potential economic development for SME for using tools such as e-commerce and Marketplace which is could guide to the enhancement of social quality of women and women labor, especially in Madura. Through the Public Service, it could be concluded further development of the attendees to use and promote their SME’s product