19 research outputs found

    The Development of the Irish Private Health Insurance Market and Evidence of Selection Effects Therein

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    This paper tracks the development of the Irish private health insurance market, both in terms of its legislative background and the development of competition. Literature on adverse selection and risk selection is then reviewed. Data from two surveys of consumers are then analysed to determine whether evidence exists of adverse selection or risk selection in the Irish private health insurance market. Both of these issues are relevant in the context of the debate over risk equalisation in the market in Ireland.Private health insurance, adverse selection, risk selection

    The rise & fall of the Irish Celtic Tiger: Why fiscal policy matters

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    This paper traces the development of the Irish economy from independence, to economic decline, to unprecedented levels of growth and prosperity, and back to decline and bankruptcy. We look at the role of fiscal policy in this rollercoaster ride and see how fiscal policy was used to both create and subsequently destroy the Irish economic miracle, commonly referred to as the Celtic Tiger. Ireland went from being the shining light of Europe, with unprecedented levels of economic growth, record low unemployment and record high GDP per capita, to being the first economy in Europe to officially enter recession in 2008 and the second to receive IMF/EU/ECB bailout funds following the collapse of the Irish banking sector and with it the Irish economy. The paper considers the role of fiscal policy in contributing to this crisis and also look ahead to determine what role fiscal policy can and must play in reviving the prospects of the Irish economy over the next decade

    Development of a Definition of Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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    IMPORTANCE: SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with persistent, relapsing, or new symptoms or other health effects occurring after acute infection, termed postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), also known as long COVID. Characterizing PASC requires analysis of prospectively and uniformly collected data from diverse uninfected and infected individuals. OBJECTIVE: To develop a definition of PASC using self-reported symptoms and describe PASC frequencies across cohorts, vaccination status, and number of infections. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: Prospective observational cohort study of adults with and without SARS-CoV-2 infection at 85 enrolling sites (hospitals, health centers, community organizations) located in 33 states plus Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico. Participants who were enrolled in the RECOVER adult cohort before April 10, 2023, completed a symptom survey 6 months or more after acute symptom onset or test date. Selection included population-based, volunteer, and convenience sampling. EXPOSURE: SARS-CoV-2 infection. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: PASC and 44 participant-reported symptoms (with severity thresholds). RESULTS: A total of 9764 participants (89% SARS-CoV-2 infected; 71% female; 16% Hispanic/Latino; 15% non-Hispanic Black; median age, 47 years [IQR, 35-60]) met selection criteria. Adjusted odds ratios were 1.5 or greater (infected vs uninfected participants) for 37 symptoms. Symptoms contributing to PASC score included postexertional malaise, fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms, palpitations, changes in sexual desire or capacity, loss of or change in smell or taste, thirst, chronic cough, chest pain, and abnormal movements. Among 2231 participants first infected on or after December 1, 2021, and enrolled within 30 days of infection, 224 (10% [95% CI, 8.8%-11%]) were PASC positive at 6 months. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: A definition of PASC was developed based on symptoms in a prospective cohort study. As a first step to providing a framework for other investigations, iterative refinement that further incorporates other clinical features is needed to support actionable definitions of PASC

    Identifying Spatial Markets for Personal Legal Services in Ireland

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    This paper attempts to identify possible spatial markets for the previously neglected area of personal legal services. The market for domestic conveyancing services is examined using data from a telephone survey of solicitor firms. The importance of correctly identifying conveyancing markets is illustrated by analysing summary characteristics of legal services with particular emphasis on an analysis of concentration. The implications of this analysis arise in the policy arena, where previous government attempts to deregulate this market failed. The results show that market structure is endogenous to market fundamentals and therefore arbitrary geographical boundaries are no basis for competition. It is suggested that the deregulation debate concerning this market be reopened. Cet article cherche Ă  repĂ©rer une demande Ă©ventuelle de services juridiques aux particuliers, ce qui a Ă©tĂ© nĂ©gligĂ©e jusqu'Ă  nos jours. A partir des donnĂ©es provenant d'une enquĂȘte par tĂ©lĂ©phone menĂ©e par un cabinet de notaires, on examine la demande de services nĂ©cessaires Ă  la rĂ©daction des actes de propriĂ©tĂ©. Une analyse des caractĂ©risitiques sommaires des services juridiques, analysant en particulier la concentration, illustre bien l'importance du repĂ©rage de la demande de services nĂ©cessaires Ă  la rĂ©daction des actes de propriĂ©tĂ©. Les implications de cette analyse sont importantes pour la politique, dans la mesure oĂč des gouvernements prĂ©cĂ©dents n'ont pas rĂ©ussi Ă  dĂ©rĂ©glementer ce secteur. Les rĂ©sultats laissent voir que la structure de la demande s'explique par les principes de base de la demande. Par la suite, un repĂ©rage gĂ©ographique arbitraire ne sert pas de base Ă  la concurrence. On propose la rĂ©ouverture du dĂ©bat sur la dĂ©rĂ©glementation de ce secteur. Dieser Aufsatz versucht, in Frage kommende, rĂ€umlich festgelegte MĂ€rkte fĂŒr das bisher vernachlĂ€ssigte Gebiet persönlicher, von RechtanwĂ€lten angebotenen Dienstleistungen zu identifizieren. Zur Untersuchung des Marktes fĂŒr Dienstleistungen bei EigentumsĂŒbertragung wurden Daten einer telefonischen Umfrage unter RechtsanwĂ€lten herangezogen. Die Bedeutung der korrekten Identifizierung des Marktes fĂŒr EigentumsĂŒbertragungen wird mittels Analyse eines Überblicks der Merkmale juristischer Dienstleistungen illustriert, mit besonderer Betonung einer Analyse des Umfangs der Konzentration. Die Implikationen dieser Analyse entstehen in der politischen Arena, wo frĂŒhere Versuche der Regierung, diesen Markt dem freien Wettbewerb zu ĂŒberlassen, fehlschlugen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Marktstruktur mit Marktgrundlagen einhergeht, und wilkĂŒrliche geographisehe Grenzziehung keine Basis fĂŒr Wettbewerb darstellt. Es wird angeregt, die Debatte, diesen Markt dem freien Wettbewerb zu ĂŒberlassen, wieder aufzunehmen.Market, Definition, Professions, Personal, Legal, Services,

    Measuring Irish housing quality

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    Measuring Irish housing quality

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    Reviews the development of Irish housing policy from the eighteenth century to the present. Emphasizes the importance of measuring quality in housing, where housing may be described by a vector of measured characteristics. Undertakes a detailed price determination of these various characteristics using a hedonic model. Explains observed house prices in terms of the various housing characteristics using a hedonic model, from which a set of implicit or “hedonic” prices emerges. Reviews the theoretical basis of such an approach and develops a model specifically for aggregated data, as other studies in this area used disaggregated models. Obtains quantitative estimates of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the housing bundle before and after a series of model transformations. The results indicate the premium associated with certain housing characteristics. They emphasize, in particular, the importance of floor area and location in determining new Irish estate house prices.Housing, Ireland, Prices, Quality