77 research outputs found
Systematic model behavior of adsorption on flat surfaces
A low density film on a flat surface is described by an expansion involving
the first four virial coefficients. The first coefficient (alone) yields the
Henry's law regime, while the next three correct for the effects of
interactions. The results permit exploration of the idea of universal
adsorption behavior, which is compared with experimental data for a number of
Glutathione and Gts1p drive beneficial variability in the cadmium resistances of individual yeast cells
Phenotypic heterogeneity among individual cells within isogenic populations is widely documented, but its consequences are not well understood. Here, cell-to-cell variation in the stress resistance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, particularly to cadmium, was revealed to depend on the antioxidant glutathione. Heterogeneity was decreased strikingly in gsh1 mutants. Furthermore, cells sorted according to differing reduced-glutathione (GSH) contents exhibited differing stress resistances. The vacuolar GSH-conjugate pathway of detoxification was implicated in heterogeneous Cd resistance. Metabolic oscillations (ultradian rhythms) in yeast are known to modulate single-cell redox and GSH status. Gts1p stabilizes these oscillations and was found to be required for heterogeneous Cd and hydrogen-peroxide resistance, through the same pathway as Gsh1p. Expression of GTS1 from a constitutive tet-regulated promoter suppressed oscillations and heterogeneity in GSH content, and resulted in decreased variation in stress resistance. This enabled manipulation of the degree of gene expression noise in cultures. It was shown that cells expressing Gts1p heterogeneously had a competitive advantage over more-homogeneous cell populations (with the same mean Gts1p expression), under continuous and fluctuating stress conditions. The results establish a novel molecular mechanism for single-cell heterogeneity, and demonstrate experimentally fitness advantages that depend on deterministic variation in gene expression within cell populations
Stress and estrous cycle affect strategy but not performance of female C57BL/6J mice
Stress induces a switch in learning strategies of male C57BL/6J mice from predominantly spatial to more stimulus-response learning. To study generalization of these findings over sex, we investigated female C57BL/6J mice at three phases of the estrous cycle under non stress and acute (10 min) restraint stress conditions. On a circular hole board (CHB) task, about half of the naive female mice used spatial and stimulus-response strategies to solve the task. Under stress, female mice favored spatial over stimulus-response strategies, with 100% of female mice in the estrus phase. Performance expressed as latency to solve the task is only improved in stressed female mice in the estrus phase. We conclude that the use of learning strategies is influenced by sex and this difference between sexes is aggravated by acute stress
Evaluation of poultry litter on sorghum straw intake and dry matter disappearance using dry cows
A Critical Analysis of the Medical Model as used in the Study of Pregnancy and Childbirth
Mortality problems in Brazil and in Germany: past-present-future. Learning from each other?
Estabelecimento de normas DRIS para o algodoeiro com diferentes critérios de seleção da população de referência
Reparametrização do modelo baseado na lei de superfície para predição da fração digestível da fibra em detergente neutro em condições brasileiras
Níveis de proteína na dieta de bovinos Nelore de três condições sexuais: consumo, digestibilidades total e parcial, produção microbiana e parâmetros ruminais
The stigma turbine:A theoretical framework for conceptualizing and contextualizing marketplace stigma
Stigmas, or discredited personal attributes, emanate from social perceptions of physical characteristics, aspects of character, and “tribal” associations (e.g., race; Goffman 1963). Extant research emphasizes the perspective of the stigma target, with some scholars exploring how social institutions shape stigma. Yet the ways stakeholders within the socio-commercial sphere create, perpetuate, or resist stigma remain overlooked. We introduce and define marketplace stigma as the labeling, stereotyping, and devaluation by and of commercial stakeholders (consumers, companies and their employees, stockholders, institutions) and their offerings (products, services, experiences). We offer the Stigma Turbine (ST) as a unifying conceptual framework that locates marketplace stigma within the broader sociocultural context, and illuminates its relationship to forces that exacerbate or blunt stigma. In unpacking the ST, we reveal the critical role market stakeholders can play in (de)stigmatization, explore implications for marketing practice and public policy, and offer a research agenda to further our understanding of marketplace stigma and stakeholder welfare
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