3,730 research outputs found
Ground State Asymptotics of a Dilute, Rotating Gas
We investigate the ground state properties of a gas of interacting particles
confined in an external potential in three dimensions and subject to rotation
around an axis of symmetry. We consider the so-called Gross-Pitaevskii (GP)
limit of a dilute gas. Analyzing both the absolute and the bosonic ground state
of the system we show, in particular, their different behavior for a certain
range of parameters. This parameter range is determined by the question whether
the rotational symmetry in the minimizer of the GP functional is broken or not.
For the absolute ground state, we prove that in the GP limit a modified GP
functional depending on density matrices correctly describes the energy and
reduced density matrices, independent of symmetry breaking. For the bosonic
ground state this holds true if and only if the symmetry is unbroken.Comment: LaTeX2e, 37 page
Proof of Bose-Einstein Condensation for Dilute Trapped Gases
The ground state of bosonic atoms in a trap has been shown experimentally to
display Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). We prove this fact theoretically for
bosons with two-body repulsive interaction potentials in the dilute limit,
starting from the basic Schroedinger equation; the condensation is 100% into
the state that minimizes the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional. This is the
first rigorous proof of BEC in a physically realistic, continuum model.Comment: Revised version with some simplifications and clarifications. To
appear in Phys. Rev. Let
On the maximal ionization of atoms in strong magnetic fields
We give upper bounds for the number of spin 1/2 particles that can be bound
to a nucleus of charge Z in the presence of a magnetic field B, including the
spin-field coupling. We use Lieb's strategy, which is known to yield N_c<2Z+1
for magnetic fields that go to zero at infinity, ignoring the spin-field
interaction. For particles with fermionic statistics in a homogeneous magnetic
field our upper bound has an additional term of order
.Comment: LaTeX2e, 8 page
Stability of Relativistic Matter With Magnetic Fields
Stability of matter with Coulomb forces has been proved for non-relativistic
dynamics, including arbitrarily large magnetic fields, and for relativistic
dynamics without magnetic fields. In both cases stability requires that the
fine structure constant alpha be not too large. It was unclear what would
happen for both relativistic dynamics and magnetic fields, or even how to
formulate the problem clearly. We show that the use of the Dirac operator
allows both effects, provided the filled negative energy `sea' is defined
properly. The use of the free Dirac operator to define the negative levels
leads to catastrophe for any alpha, but the use of the Dirac operator with
magnetic field leads to stability.Comment: This is an announcement of the work in cond-mat/9610195 (LaTeX
The Ground States of Large Quantum Dots in Magnetic Fields
The quantum mechanical ground state of a 2D -electron system in a
confining potential ( is a coupling constant) and a homogeneous
magnetic field is studied in the high density limit , with fixed. It is proved that the ground state energy and
electronic density can be computed {\it exactly} in this limit by minimizing
simple functionals of the density. There are three such functionals depending
on the way varies as : A 2D Thomas-Fermi (TF) theory applies
in the case ; if the correct limit theory
is a modified -dependent TF model, and the case is described
by a ``classical'' continuum electrostatic theory. For homogeneous potentials
this last model describes also the weak coupling limit for arbitrary
. Important steps in the proof are the derivation of a new Lieb-Thirring
inequality for the sum of eigenvalues of single particle Hamiltonians in 2D
with magnetic fields, and an estimation of the exchange-correlation energy. For
this last estimate we study a model of classical point charges with
electrostatic interactions that provides a lower bound for the true quantum
mechanical energy.Comment: 57 pages, Plain tex, 5 figures in separate uufil
A Fresh Look at Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
This paper is a non-technical, informal presentation of our theory of the
second law of thermodynamics as a law that is independent of statistical
mechanics and that is derivable solely from certain simple assumptions about
adiabatic processes for macroscopic systems. It is not necessary to assume
a-priori concepts such as "heat", "hot and cold", "temperature". These are
derivable from entropy, whose existence we derive from the basic assumptions.
See cond-mat/9708200 and math-ph/9805005.Comment: LaTex file. To appear in the April 2000 issue of PHYSICS TODA
Stability and Instability of Relativistic Electrons in Classical Electro magnetic Fields
The stability of matter composed of electrons and static nuclei is
investigated for a relativistic dynamics for the electrons given by a suitably
projected Dirac operator and with Coulomb interactions. In addition there is an
arbitrary classical magnetic field of finite energy. Despite the previously
known facts that ordinary nonrelativistic matter with magnetic fields, or
relativistic matter without magnetic fields is already unstable when the fine
structure constant, is too large it is noteworthy that the combination of the
two is still stable provided the projection onto the positive energy states of
the Dirac operator, which defines the electron, is chosen properly. A good
choice is to include the magnetic field in the definition. A bad choice, which
always leads to instability, is the usual one in which the positive energy
states are defined by the free Dirac operator. Both assertions are proved here.Comment: LaTeX fil
On the flux phase conjecture at half-filling: an improved proof
We present a simplification of Lieb's proof of the flux phase conjecture for
interacting fermion systems -- such as the Hubbard model --, at half filling on
a general class of graphs. The main ingredient is a procedure which transforms
a class of fermionic Hamiltonians into reflection positive form. The method can
also be applied to other problems, which we briefly illustrate with two
examples concerning the model and an extended Falicov-Kimball model.Comment: 23 pages, Latex, uses epsf.sty to include 3 eps figures, to appear in
J. Stat. Phys., Dec. 199
An equivalence relation of boundary/initial conditions, and the infinite limit properties
The 'n-equivalences' of boundary conditions of lattice models are introduced
and it is derived that the models with n-equivalent boundary conditions result
in the identical free energy. It is shown that the free energy of the
six-vertex model is classified through the density of left/down arrows on the
boundary. The free energy becomes identical to that obtained by Lieb and
Sutherland with the periodic boundary condition, if the density of the arrows
is equal to 1/2. The relation to the structure of the transfer matrix and a
relation to stochastic processes are noted.Comment: 6 pages with a figure, no change but the omitted figure is adde
There are No Unfilled Shells in Hartree-Fock Theory
Hartree-Fock theory is supposed to yield a picture of atomic shells which may
or may not be filled according to the atom's position in the periodic table. We
prove that shells are always completely filled in an exact Hartree-Fock
calculation. Our theorem generalizes to any system having a two-body
interaction that, like the Coulomb potential, is repulsive.Comment: 5 pages, VBEHLMLJPS--16/July/9
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