486 research outputs found
QCD Saturation and Soft Processes
We show that an approximate solution to the amended non-linear
Balitsky-Kovchegov evolution equation which was formulated for hard QCD
processes, can be extended to provide a good description of photoproduction and
soft hadronic (non perturbative) reactions.Comment: 3 pages, 4 Postscript figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of the
International European Conference on High Energy Physics EPS (July 17-23,
2003) Aachen, German
Survival probability of large rapidity gaps in QCD and N=4 SYM motivated model
In this paper we present a self consistent theoretical approach for the
calculation of the Survival Probability for central dijet production . These
calculations are performed in a model of high energy soft interactions based on
two ingredients:(i) the results of N=4 SYM, which at the moment is the only
theory that is able to deal with a large coupling constant; and (ii) the
required matching with high energy QCD. Assuming, in accordance with these
prerequisites, that soft Pomeron intercept is rather large and the slope of the
Pomeron trajectory is equal to zero, we derive analytical formulae that sum
both enhanced and semi-enhanced diagrams for elastic and diffractive
amplitudes. Using parameters obtained from a fit to the available experimental
data, we calculate the Survival Probability for central dijet production at
energies accessible at the LHC. The results presented here which include the
contribution of semi-enhanced and net diagrams, are considerably larger than
our previous estimates.Comment: 11 pages, 10 pictures in .eps file
Behaviour of the forward peak in hard diffractive leptoproduction of vector mesons
The measured forward slope in elastic and inelastic leptoproduction of vector
mesons differ by a substantial amount. In an attempt to describe this
phenomenon we construct a two radii model for the target proton, and estimate
the effective parameters of the hard Pomeron obtained from a pQCD dipole model
with eikonal shadowing corrections (SC). We show that the SC reduce the
intercept of the hard Pomeron and generate an effective shrinkage of the
forward peak and a diffractive dip at , which appears to
affect the value of the experimentally measured slope.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, one table, everything in tar.gz fil
A model for strong interactions at high energy based on the CGC/saturation approach
We present our first attempt to develop a model for soft interactions at high
energy, based on the BFKL Pomeron and the CGC/saturation approach. We construct
an eikonal-type model, whose opacity is determined by the exchange of the
dressed BFKL Pomeron. The Green's function of the Pomeron is calculated in the
framework of the CGC/saturation approach. Using five parameters we achieve a
good description of the experimental data at high energies (
). The model results in different behaviour for the single
and double diffraction cross sections at high energies. The single diffraction
cross section reaches a saturated value (about 10 mb) at high energies, while
the double diffraction cross section continues growing slowlyComment: 21 pp. 16 figures in eps file
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