49,003 research outputs found

    Yukawa couplings and proton decay in SUSY models

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    We discuss proton decay induced by dimension--5 operators in supersymmetric models containing extra hypercharge-1/3 color-triplets. We derive a general formula relating dimension-5 operator to the color-triplet mass matrix. We show that certain zeros in the triplet mass-matrix together with some triplet coupling selection rules can lead to elimination of dimension-5 operators. We apply this mechanism to SU(5) and flipped SU(5) theories with extended Higgs sectors.Comment: 6 pages, uses JHEP.cls, talk given at the Trieste Meeting of the TMR Network on Physics Beyond the Standard Model, 24-27 February 1999, Trieste, Italy (to appear in the proceedings

    Topology and Strings: Topics in N=2N=2

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    A review on topological strings and the geometry of the space of two dimensional theories. (Lectures given by C. Gomez at the Enrico Fermi Summer School, Varenna, July 1994)Comment: 61 pages, late

    Holography and the C-Theorem

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    We review the geometric definition of C-function in the context of field theories that admit a holographic gravity dual.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the TMR 2000 Paris Conferenc

    A Note on the String Analog of N=2N=2 Super-Symmetric Yang-Mills

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    A connection between the conifold locus of the type II string on the W P112264W\:P_{11226}^4 Calabi-Yau manifold and the geometry of the quantum moduli of N=2N = 2 SU(2)SU(2) super Yang-Mills is presented. This relation is obtained from the anomalous behaviour of the SU(2)SU(2) super Yang-Mills special coordinates under SS-duality transformation in Sl(2;Z)/Γ2Sl(2;Z) / \Gamma_2.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    Comments on event driven animation

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    Event driven animation provides a general method of describing controlling values for various computer animation techniques. A definition and comments are provided on genralizing motion description with events. Additional comments are also provided about the implementation of twixt
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