9 research outputs found
Banking Reforms and the Nigerian Economy, 1990 – 2007.
The resultant effect of financial liberalization opened up the Nigerian economy to global financial markets, which has generated increasing apprehension in the economy and has exposed the fragility and vulnerability of her financial system. It is therefore imperative for the Central Bank of Nigeria to introduce measures that will reduce the exposure and enhance the stability of the nation’s financial system. A defensive measure that will strengthen the existing banks and put the new ones on a firm base is needed. This led to the introduction of a new capital base of N25 billion. The study employed secondary data obtained from bank journals, CBN annual reports, NDIC annual reports and magazines. Also thermatic method was adopted in writing this essay. In conclusion, the study notes the need to bolster reforms through the deliberate adoption of policies that would ensure convergence of domestic and international rates of return on financial market investments
Evaluation of Domestic Solid Waste Disposal in Two Selected Housing Estates in Awka, Anambra State (Case Study of Udoka and Real Estates).
Sequel to the need to efficiently and effectively tackle the problem of urban waste disposal management in Nigeria, this work was conceived, evaluating indiscriminate domestic solid waste disposal in two selected housing estates in Awka, Anambra State (Udoka and Real Estates) with the aim of ascertaining effective ways of managing the so generated in the area. The study adopted survey method employing Questionnaire and Field observation. The data so generated was tested using chi-square and percentages and it was found that there is a significant relationship between the indiscriminate disposal of solid waste and the health problems
Investigating the Place of Population Increase and Level of Income Earning in Food Security A Study of Yam Supply in Awka Urban, Anambra State of Nigeria
This research was carried out to present yam supply and food security situation in Awka urban, Anambra State. Data used were collected through questionnaires and oral interview, using the simple random sampling to select the respondents. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was employed in testing the hypotheses formulated. It was found out that there is a significant relationship between population increase and yam supply and that there is a significant relationship between the income of the consumers and yam consumption. The increase in the population in Awka urban has led to a decrease in food production causing the people to look outward for food supply. This can be averted if agricultural productivity is increased and more jobs are provided for the people to earn income to purchase food
Evaluation of Urban Forestry and Housing Patterns in Awka Metropolis of Anambra State, Nigeria
This study evaluated urban forestry and housing patterns in Awka metropolis of Anambra State in Nigeria, with the aim of establishing the trend of housing and urban forestry / urban greening in the study area over a period of ten years (2001-2010) and to suggest ways of improving urban agriculture for a better environmental quality in Awka and other cities with high rate of developmental projects / urbanization. In other to establish this trend, the linear regression and correlation coefficient of the land use data over the time period was calculated using the concept of housing and urban forestry as a benchmark. The data analyses confirmed that there is a significant correlation between housing pattern (urbanization) and the vegetal distribution of trees (forestry) in Awka. Also, housing and urban forestry in Awka metropolis is spatially distributed in space; as shown in the results from the satellite imageries. The result of the least square regression showed that the rate of forest displacement is as a result of the increasing structural development in the study area. The work thus concluded by recommending the adoption of some tree planting techniques among urban structures and the replacement of failed trees by new one to be undertaken by the government, urban planners, land developers, the community and every individual
Comparative Economic Analysis of Upland and Lowland Rice Production in Izzi Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.
A study on comparative economic analysis of upland and lowland rice production in Izzi Local Government Area was carried out. A total of 112 rice farmers were interviewed (56 from upland rice and 56 from lowland rice) in the study area using multistage random sampling techniques. The result of gross-margin analysis revealed that upland rice is more profitable than lowland rice as justified by 75% and 51% respectively as was calculated from gross-margin. Linear and exponential forms of the four functional form of regression analysis were chosen as the lead equation for socio-economic factors and production factors respectively. From the findings, it was established that upland rice production is more profitable than lowland rice production. The study therefore recommended the provision of capital, input subsidy, market and weather information, strengthening of farmers by disseminating information and assisting them adopt improved packages for rice production as ways to enhance rice production in the area
An Investigation of the Pattern And Environmental Impact of Oil Spillage in Etche Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria
Sequel to the threat posed by incessant oil spill in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, this work was conceived with the aim of examining the pattern of oil spillage in Etche Local Government, in Rivers State of Nigeria and the consequent impact on the environment. The study adopted the survey research design. Interviews, questionnaire and observation instruments were employed in data generation and collection. Graphic illustrations and percentage analysis were also employed to describe the relative ratio of each factor to other factors. Result revealed that about 29 oil spill incidents occurred within the period under study (2001-2007). The volume of oil spilled cumulated to 4,270 barrels; with year 2003 having the highest (4171.5 barrels) and year 2005, having the lowest (0.1 barrel). The work concluded by recommending HSE Training (Staff/contractors), Improved asset integrity management (that may include: Flowline replacement, Flowline burial, Flowstation and facilities upgrade, Integrity testing and inspection), emergency response to spill cases, Surveillance by communities, Awareness campaigns, Improved interaction with communities and Presence of Joint Task Force (JTF) for efficient and effective spill management law enforcement
Evaluation of the Impacts of Flooding On Socio-Economic Activities in Oleh, Isoko South Local Government Area, Delta State
The study aimed at evaluating the impacts of flooding on socio-economic activities in Oleh, Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State. The study employed questionnaires, oral interviews, and personal observations. The data obtained from questionnaires and oral interviews were presented and interpreted using percentages, averages, bar graphs and pie charts. The hypothesis was formulated and tested. The statistical technique used in testing the hypothesis was Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Thus, the hypothesis reveals that flooding has significant relationship with socio-economic activities in Oleh. In addition, loss of portable water and agricultural products were revealed as some of the negative impacts of flooding in the study area. Furthermore, the researcher recommends provision of improved varieties of crops that are highly water resistant to farmers. Also, individual, corporate bodies and government should allocate adequate fund to disaster management bodies for proper planning of the area. In addition, community-based flood warning system should be developed. This will go a long way in creating awareness and preparedness of the inhabitants of Oleh against severe flooding. Keywords: Evaluation, impacts, flooding, socio-economic, activitie
Evaluating the Causes of the Road Failure of Onitsha-Enugu Expressway, Southeastern Nigeria.
Considering the persistence of road failure along the Onitsha -Enugu expressway and many other roads in the southeastern Nigeria, this work was conceived with the aim of evaluating the causes of the road failure in other to help marshal out effective and efficient measures of tackling this problem of road failure. The study adopted a survey design which employed the use of a well structured questionnaire to gather information on the causes and effects of the road failure. To determine the sample size, volumetric analysis was used and the data so generated was analyzed using One-way Analysis of Variance and Post HOC test. The ANOVA shows the variation among the causes is not significantly different while the Post HOC test ranked the causative factors treated. The work thus concluded that all the factors listed contribute to the failure of the road with inadequate maintenance, mismanagement by the government and old age of the road pavement being the major factors. The work therefore recommends that there should be Quality Determination for materials during construction, Effective Maintenance Programme (routine or preventive maintenance, periodic maintenance, and disaster maintenance or major repairs of our roads) and Establishment of an Active Maintenance Crew
Mapping incidents of infant mortality arising from gastroenteritis: a case study from South-East Nigeria
Background: The upsurge of deaths from gastroenteritis in South-East Nigeria within the last decade has become an issue of concern. Using Anambra State as a case study, this paper examined the trend of reported cases of gastroenteritis and associated fatalities among children with a view to mapping the spatial pattern and underlying causes.Data source and methods: Water samples collected from the available domestic sources in each of the selected 21 study localities were analyzed for aerobic heterotrophic count, total coliform, faecal coliform and enterococci, and regressed with gastroenteritis data sourced from the State epidemiological surveillance unit.Results: The results showed that the near-epidemic 58,269 incidents of gastroenteritis recorded in Anambra State, Southeast Nigeria between 2004 and 2008 had a spatial pattern and occurred in clusters with the highest number of 287 deaths occurring in Idemili North/South constituency. The study further showed that the consumption of contaminated water was responsible for the spread of the diseaseConclusion: Hand washing practices, food hygiene, proper waste management, and the provision of basic infrastructure for improved health outcomes among the population are suggested inorder to curb the spread of gastroenteritis