9 research outputs found

    Quality Dimensions of Purchase Behavior Decision on Fishery Products

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    The role of fishery product has been developed and acknowledged in terms of food security both as income sources and food supplies for developing countries. On the other hand, quality control has become a challenge in overcoming consumers\u27 decision to purchase the products. The objective of research is to understand and evaluate consumer behavior in purchasing the products in regards to quality dimension on fishery products by using non-probability sampling technique to 142 consumers in three different locations in Pontianak (shops, mini/supermarkets, and local markets). Data were gathered by in-depth interviews divided into four categories consisting of consumer profiles; product knowledge; perception and preference; and quality dimension variable with conjoint analysis. The result shows that price, flavor, moistness, texture, nutrition, packaging color, and packaging size do not affect consumers\u27 decision to purchase the products. On the contrary, package durability attribute is the primary factor in their decision to purchase, and it is then followed by packaging material, availability, flavor, guarantee, guarantee source, brand, packaging form, and product form. This is beneficial for producers to improve the quality factors and develop market opportunities in the future. Besides, consumers can obtain information on product characteristics to fulfill their expectation and satisfaction

    Strategic Policy of Coastal Sustainability Based on Local Conditions and Needs in Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan

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    Recently, there has been a growing controversy on strategic policy issues in coastal areas. Coastal regions have the most diverse, complex, and productive ecosystems due to demographic and economic pressure. This ecosystems are important for food security. On the other hand, coastal problems are national issues, not just state or local issues. This research aims to propose the priority dimension of a stakeholder role in a strategic policy to promote the coordination and sustainability of socioeconomic activities in coastal areas involving stakeholders as primary data, i.e. fishermen, merchants, private, and government using SUSTAIN indicators with AHP and Rap-Coastal methods. The result reveals that governance dimension was still the most priority and the most sustainable index to achieve policies; monitoring tools; human resources capacity building, implementation of good management practices; and public participation. Meanwhile, social well-being dimension was the most priority to achieve the economy through transportation; and attaining the goal of equity was the priority for government policy. There are three sensitive aspects of coastal sustainability management, including integrated program, identified parties actively informed and involved, and partnership between local governments and communities

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Konsumen dalam Pembelian Produk Kerajinan Rotan Nuriah di Kota Pontianak

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    Perilaku konsumen menyangkut masalah keputusan yang diambil seseorang dalam penentuan untuk mendapatkan dan mempergunakan barang dan jasa, termasuk konsumen yang membeli kerajinan rotan Nuriah. Perilaku konsumen merupakan hal yang kompleks, karena hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor dominan yang biasanya terdapat pada setiap perilaku konsumen di dalam keputusan pembelian. Oleh karena itu perlu bagi pengusaha atau pengrajin untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor perilaku konsumen dalam pembelian kerajinan rotan untuk mengetahui pola pembeliannya, mengenai apa yang dibeli konsumen, dimana mereka membeli, bagaimana dan berapa banyak mereka membeli, serta mengapa mereka membeli. Adapun tujuan dari harian regional adalah untuk mengkaji faktor budaya, sosial, pribadi, dan psikologis apakah memiliki pengaruh yang nyata terhadap perilaku konsumen dalam pembelian produk kerajinan rotan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 30 responden, Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik Accidental Sampling dan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Rank Spearman. Variabel yang diteliti yaitu faktor budaya, sosial, pribadi dan psikologis yang merupakan variabel bebas dan perilaku pembelian konsumen merupakan variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan SPSS Versi 19 menunjukkan bahwa : (1). Faktor budaya diketahui r = 0,625 > Rho tabel 0,364. Ini berarti bahwa, faktor budaya memiliki hubungan atau pengaruh yang nyata dan signifikan terhadap pembelian kerajinan rotan yang dilakukan oleh konsumen. (2). Faktor sosial diketahui r = 0,495 > Rho tabel 0,364. Ini berarti bahwa, faktor sosial memiliki hubungan atau pengaruh yang nyata dan signifikan terhadap pembelian kerajinan rotan yang dilakukan oleh konsumen. (3). Faktor pribadi diketahui r = 0,389 > Rho tabel 0,364. Ini berarti bahwa, faktor pribadi memiliki hubungan atau pengaruh yang nyata dan signifikan terhadap pembelian kerajinan rotan yang dilakukan oleh konsumen. (4). Faktor psikologis diketahui r = 0,580 > Rho tabel 0,36. Ini berarti bahwa, faktor psikologis memiliki hubungan atau pengaruh yang nyata dan signifikan terhadap pembelian kerajinan rotan yang dilakukan oleh konsumen

    Sustainability of Fishery Pond Polyculture with and Without Mangrove Integration

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    This research aims to analyze the sustainability of two types of fishery pond polyculture of milkfish-tiger shrimp with and without mangrove integration on small-scale farms. Sustainability dimensions considered in this research included are the ecology, economy, social-culture, technology-infrastructure, and laws-institutions as the dimensions analyzed. The performance of each aspect was analyzed by using Multi-dimensional scaling (Rapfish) and leverage analysis. The result shows that the current multidimensional sustainability status of the fishery pond polyculture both with and without mangrove integration was less sustainable (sustainability index of 44.98 and 36.18 respectively). The result of leverage analysis indicates that out of 73 attributes, there were 16 and 23 sensitive attributes respectively that affect the sustainability of polyculture fishpond with and without mangrove integration. These attributes should be managed immediately in order to improve the sustainability index of fishery pond polyculture, this includes organic pesticides application, source of capital, the availability of seeds of milkfish and tiger shrimp, market location, selling price, waste treatment technology, availability of agribusiness facilities and infrastructure, aquaculture technology, information technology, standardizing the quality of fishery products, availability of micro finance institution and others

    The Discrepancy Between Knowledge and Competency of Independent Smallholder Farmer's

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    Recently, independent smallholders faced the crucial challenges of certification requirements, i.e. The lack of farmers' organization, the cost barrier; doesn't possess the mandatory legal documents; don't use appropriate best practices or keep records; and lack of skill and knowledge. Therefore, the understanding of the discrepancy between knowledge and competence was urged to overcome the critical issues in certification for achieving the sustainable development of palm oil production. The analyzed data using in-depth interviews of 150 respondents that is structured base for Indonesian sustainable palm oil (ISPO) with non-hierarchical clustering methods. The result proved that the largest discrepancy between knowledge and competence level was sustainable business improvement aspect, while, farmers' organization and farm management aspect were the smallest in overall clusters. Thus, an affordable information intervention, extension and target groups through the required motivation for self-improvement and evaluate the pattern of information for minimizing the gaps

    Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Aming Coffee: Experiential Marketing

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    Aming Coffee is a coffee shop that is very well known by coffee connoisseurs in Pontianak. Over time, Aming coffee tried to get closer to the connoisseurs of Aming coffee by presenting a more modern appearance of the booth to provide comfort for the connoisseurs by increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, with the number of coffee shops popping up in recent years, it is very influential for Aming coffee with the emergence of similar business competition, so this is a threat for Aming to continue to maintain satisfaction for its consumers. This study aims to analyze the effect of experiential marketing on Aming Coffee customer satisfaction and loyalty and the influence of satisfaction on Aming Coffee customer loyalty in Pontianak. This study used a questionnaire method with 150 respondents taken by purposive sampling at two Aming Coffee locations. Data analysis using SEM-PLS, WarpPLS 6.0 software. The results of this study indicate that experiential marketing variables significantly influence customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The customer satisfaction variable mediates the effect of experiential marketing on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction is the most influential factor in experiential marketing which can ultimately lead to customer loyalty. There needs to be an increase in all aspects of experiential marketing (sense, feel, think, act, relate) to support Aming Coffee to be a comfortable gathering place for visitors, especially young people and able to give prestige to visitors

    Analisis Kepuasan Konsumen Madu Lokal di Kota Pontianak

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    Honey is a natural substance that bees produce from flower-neutral raw materials. Honey is one of the commodities of non-timber forest products that provide many benefits. The purpose of this research was to analyze the satisfaction of the honey consumers to Syaiful in Pontianak city. In this study there were 100 key respondents to answer questionnaires. Through five dimensions namely product quality dimensions, service quality dimensions, price dimensions, emotional dimensions, and ease dimensions will be known attributes - what attributes need to be maintained, performance, improved or reduced and determine the top priority, maintain achievements, low priority and excessive priority into cartesian diagrams. Respondents with accidental sampling who happened to meet with researchers to be analyzed using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). IPA results showed that the dimensions of consumer satisfaction that became the main priority in improving the performance of its implementation are honey color, honey aroma, neat-looking employees, affordable prices, prices according to product quality, proud to consume local honey. CSI results showed that the contingency satisfaction level in Syaiful honey shop fell into the category of satisfied with avalue of 71.20%

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT. Finnantara Intiga Melalui Program Desa Makmur Peduli Api (Dmpa) Bidang Pertanian Pangan

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    The Desa Makmur Peduli Api (DMPA) Program is a form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from PT. Finnantara Intiga. This program aims to empower the local community in a productive economic sector which focuses on increasing the local people's income. The various DMPA programs that have been prepared are fish farming, cattle farming, rice, and corn farming. Based on the results of the study and agreement with the local community, the DMPA program focuses on corn farming. The purpose of this study was to determine a strategy to improve the performance of corn farming. The research method uses descriptive methods with SWOT analysis tools to determine strategic alternatives and QSPM analysis to select strategic priorities. The respondents consisted of 4 key informants and 18 regular informants for SWOT analysis and 4 experts for QSPM analysis. The result of the SWOT analysis is WO (Weakness - Opportunity) strategy with 4 alternative strategies. Based on the results of the QSPM analysis, the priority strategy is for the company have to collaborate with the government to train farmers routinely