174 research outputs found

    Use of Standardized Patient Scenarios to Train Medical Assistants in an Ambulatory Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic

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    Objectives: To improve the efficiency of our outpatient Rehabilitation Medicine clinic without sacrificing high value/quality patient care. To clarify the responsibilities of the MA and identify areas of redundancy in the rooming process. To demonstrate the utility of in-situ simulation for MA training. To reduce the time it takes for MAs to complete all assigned tasks to 10 minutes or less per encounter in at least 50% of patient encounters within two months from the time of intervention. To potentially highlight other areas in which to improve clinic efficiency and overall patient satisfaction (e.g. front desk registration process, resident and attending physician encounters, clinic and exam room accessibility).https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1051/thumbnail.jp


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    The project explores the relationship between the architecture and the engineering behind thin-shelled concrete structures. Initially, hanging chain models were used to observe pure compression; then, this model was improved upon using software like Rhinocerus, AutoCAD. From AutoCAD, the model was imported into SAP2000 for analysis

    The Impact of Tobacco Smoking on One Year Patient Outcomes at a Family Medicine Residency Clinic

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    Abstract Objectives: In Appalachia, tobacco smoking rates are significantly higher than the United States average, and many of the comorbidities that exist with tobacco are prominent. The researchers investigated the impact of tobacco smoking on patients for one year of health outcomes at our resident primary care clinic. Methods: The present study examined outpatient clinic charts and hospital records for a calendar year to determine patient self-reported tobacco rates. Patient medical comorbidities were tracked as well as rates of hospital utilization during the calendar year, and those figures were compared for a group of 90 patients who currently smoke and another group of 90 patients who have never smoked. Results: Tobacco smokers in the present study were more likely to have a history of several medical comorbidities including COPD, musculoskeletal problems, psychiatric treatment, and substance abuse issues. Additionally, tobacco smokers were more likely to have visited the emergency department and to have been admitted to the hospital during the year. Conclusions: The problem of tobacco smoking is complex and primary care clinics provide a wealth of information to investigate numerous comorbid concerns. Consistent with prior research, tobacco users in this study were at greater risk for many medical problems. Abstract Word Count: 19

    When less is more in neural quality estimation of machine translation. An industry case study

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    Quality estimation (QE) of machine translation (MT), the task of predicting the quality of an MT output without human references, is particularly suitable in dynamic translation workflows, where translations need to be assessed continuously with no specific reference provided. In this paper, we investigate sentence-level neural QE and its applicability in an industry use case. We assess six QE approaches, which we divide into two-phase and one-phase approaches, based on quality and cost. Our evaluation shows that while two-phase systems perform best in terms of the predicted QE scores, their computational costs suggest that alternatives should be considered for large-scale translation production

    Preschool Bipolar Disorder

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    Corra, homem negro! – uma análise discursiva de identidade, gênero e raça no filme GET OUT/ Run, black man! - a discursive analysis of identity, gender and race in GET OUT movie

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    O presente estudo visa compreender como a análise discursiva sobre representações de masculinidades negras no cinema pode contribuir para uma educação antirracista. através do filme Corra! (2017). Para tanto, utilizamos como aparato teórico e metodológico o modelo tridimensional de Análise de Discurso para apontar possíveis pontos de diálogos que contribuam para reflexão sobre estereótipos racistas. A pesquisa busca lançar um olhar crítico para a reprodução da imagem estigmatizada do homem negro no cinema, indicar possíveis apropriações pedagógicas do filme a fim de contribuir com a mudança no imaginário social construído sobre o homem negro. Especificamente, focalizamos a reprodução discursiva de estereótipos raciais acerca dos homens negros provenientes de um pensamento colonial. Os principais estudos indicam que a masculinidade hegemônica é branca, heterossexual e burguesa, porém, o privilégio social pela condição de gênero não é compartilhado por todos os homens de maneira análoga, visto que o quesito classe, etnia, religião ou orientação sexual, reconfigura o status e poder social. Os resultados preliminares apontam através da análise da obra que o cinema pode se constituir como um importante material didático para mediar reflexões sobre as ideias circulantes da masculinidade negra e romper com a visão (hegemônica) historicamente  sustentada pelos grupos dominantes. Buscamos, por meio desse trabalho, dar visibilidade às produções que envolvem o tema da masculinidade negra, escassas no ambiente acadêmico, bem como fomentar discussões e reflexões acerca dos desdobramentos pluriangulares que o tema proposto inscreve no contexto cinematográfico contemporâneo

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pemesanan Air Bersih Berbasis Android Dengan Menggunakan Model Prototype

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    Air sebagai sumber kehidupan makhluk hidup terutama manusia yang berkembang dengan berbagai macam kebutuhan dasar manusia (basic human need). Air menjadi kebutuhan primer yang diperlukan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti minum, masak, mandi sampai kebutuhan pengolahan industri, sehingga fungsi air tidak hanya terbatas untuk menjalankan fungsi ekonomi saja, namun juga sebagai fungsi sosial. Penelitian ini menawarkan sebuah aplikasi pemesanan air bersih agar dapat membatu proses pemesanan air bersih di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan (TTS) Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) menggunakan aplikasi digital. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang sistem aplikasi pemesanan air bersih berbasih andorid. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini menggunakan model prototype. Aplikasi pemesana ini dikembang berdasarkan sistem aplikasi android. Aplikasi pemesanan ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java, XML, SQLite, PHP, Javascript dan database MySql. Software pengembang aplikasi android menggunakan android studio. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 2 user berbeda yaitu admin dan customer. Setiap fitur pada masing-masing user berhasil untuk menampilkan, memesan produk, menambahkan produk, serta update data produk. Dari Hasil pengujian yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan pengujian alpha dan pengujian beta, sistem aplikasi berhasil mengoperasikan bagian-bagian menu serta memperoleh nilai persentase 93.20% berupa hasil pengujian yang dicoba pada pengguna

    Objectively measured physical activity of Vietnamese adults with type 2 diabetes: Opportunities to intervene

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    Objectives: To objectively determine and compare the physical activity (PA) levels of adults newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and adults without T2D in Vietnam using an accelerometer. Methods: A total of 120 participants with newly diagnosed T2D and 120 adults without T2D were recruited from a large hospital in Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. All participants wore an ActiGraph GT3X accelerometer for at least 5 days, including 1 weekend day. Freedson cut-off points were used to estimate different intensities of PA. In addition, comparisons between groups were made with respect to achieving the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Diabetes Federation (IDF) recommended PA guidelines. Results: Men with T2D had significantly lower levels of PA than men without T2D. The respective multivariable-adjusted mean values of daily step count, daily light-intensity, moderate-intensity, and moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA were approximately 14%, 19%, and 22% lower in the men with T2D than in their non-T2D counterparts. However, women with T2D accumulated a greater number of steps per day than women without T2D. Only 59.2% of the adults with T2D met the minimum recommended level of PA (WHO and IDF), compared to 74.2% of adults without T2D (p<0.05). After adjusting for potential confounders, participants with T2D experienced 50.0% significantly lower odds of achieving PA recommendations. Conclusions: Vietnamese men with T2D were less physically active than those without T2D, and adults with T2D were less likely to meet PA guidelines. The results suggest a need for integrating PA into the self-management of this chronic condition