68 research outputs found

    Development of Digital Scale Based on Fluxgate Sensor

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    Fluxgate is a magnetic sensor which works by comparing the measurement magnetic field with the magnetic field reference. This research aims to develop digital scales using fluxgate sensor. The steps involved were sensor development, characterization, distance and mass calibration of the fabricated sensor. Here, a digital scale based on fluxgate sensor with oval vitrovac 6025Z type core, 360 windings of excitation coil and 240 windings of pick up coil was successfully fabricated. Characterization result shows that the sensor has 1669.2 mV/μT sensitivity and working area of about ± 1.9 μT, with maximum absolute error found out to be around 0.0573 μT with maximum relative error is 1.464 %. Calibrated sensor value obtained reveals that the sensor works from 15.86 until 27.00 mm in distance, utilizing equation of relationship between mass and output voltage  with the maximum relative error obtained as low as 1.49 %

    Giant Magnetoresistance Effect in Organic Material and Its Potential for Magnetic Sensor

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    Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) material has great potential as next generation magnetic field sensing devices, have magnetic properties and high electrical potential to be developed into various applications such as: magnetic field sensor measurements, current measurements, linear and rotational position sensor, data storage, head recording, and non-volatile magnetic random access memory (MRAM). Today, the new GMR materials based on organic material obtained after allowing for Organic Magnetoresistance (OMAR) was found in OLEDs (organic light-emitting diodes). This organic material is used as a spacer layer in GMR devices with spin-valve structures. Traditionally, metals and semiconductors are used as a spacer layer in spin-valve. However, several factors such as spin scattering caused by large atoms of the spacer material and the interface scattering of ferromagnetic with a spacer, will limit the efficiency of spin-valve. In this paper, we describe a new GMR materials based on organic material that we have developed.Comment: 3 pages, 6 figures, sumbitted to ICICI-BME 2011 "Science and Technology for Health

    Preliminary Study of Double Beta Decay: Simulation of CaMoO4 Scintillation Detector Response Function to the Gamma Ray Radiation

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    CaMoO4 crystal is a material candidate forthe scintillation detector and double beta decay experiment to determinea neutrino mass. The objective of this work is to analyze the response function of CaMoO4 using Monte Carlo GEANT4 simulation. Penelope-low energy method was used as an interaction type for the electromagnetic process. The simulation results show that the presence of the photopeak energies of gamma ray from Cs-137, Co-60 and K-40 sources can be identified and observed in the energy 0.662 MeV, 1.17 MeV, 1.33 MeV and 1.5 MeV. The photoelectric cross section interaction of CaMoO4 is lower than NaI(Tl), but in other hand the incoherent cross section is vice versa

    Giant Magnetoresistance Sensors Based on Ferrite Material and Its Applications

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    In recent decades, new magnetic sensors based on giant magnetoresistance (GMR) have been studied and developed intensively. GMR materials have great potential for next-generation magnetic field sensing devices. The GMR material has many attractive features, for example, its electric and magnetic properties can be varied in a very wide range, low power consumption, and small size. Therefore, GMR material has been developed into various applications of sensor based on magnetic field sensings, such as magnetic field sensor, a current sensor, linear and rotary position sensor, data storage, head recording, nonvolatile magnetic random access memory, and biosensor. In this chapter, the recent development of a GMR thin-film–based ferrite material will be reviewed. Furthermore, recent and future trend application of GMR sensor will be discussed

    The Reliability of Wireless Sensor Network on Pipeline Monitoring System

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    The wireless sensor network (WSN) is an attractive technology, which combines embedded systems and communication networks making them more efficient and effective. Currently, WSNs have been developed for various monitoring applications. In this research, a wireless mesh network for a pipeline monitoring system was designed and developed. Sensor nodes were placed at each branch in the pipe system. Some router fails were simulated and the response of each node in the network was evaluated. Three different scenarios were examined to test the data transmission performance. The results proved that the wireless mesh network was reliable and robust. The system is able to perform link reconfiguration, automatic routing and safe data transmission from the beginning node to the end node

    Pengukuran Temperatur Gas Menggunakan Gelombang Ultrasonik Berbasis Mikrokontroler ISP AT89S8252

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    The gas temperature measurement system has been designed with ultrasonic wave. This method included in non destructive test because It’s used of secure wave spectrum region and nocontact measurement system. The system is very important for industrial progress. This research based on that ultrasonic wave velocity dependent on gas temperature. The Pulse wave velocity calculated by AT89S8252 as a pulses regulator and counter of time of flight since It’s start pulsed until received. The system used 16 bits counter in TL0 and TH0. The time of flight of pulses correlated with temperature by assembly program and displayed the result measurement. The result of instrument design characterized by number of timer/counter with digital oscilloscope D300/100MHz. It is used standard thermometer Schott Gerate type OX1100 Germany for result temperature calibration. From graphic of characterization result that temperature have parabolic equation. It’s used assembly program for give linear system by look-up table algorithm. The linear equation of instrument have Y = 1,02 X – 0,66 R= 0,996 where Y result variable and X is standard variable
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