1,014 research outputs found
The purpose of this paper is to analyse how the specialization of Portuguese productive structures has evolved between 1995 and 2004, using specialization indicators, namely localization quotient estimation, to assess both the relative degree of concentration of a given activity in a certain area and the specialization coefficient, that helps characterize a region’s economy according to its degree of specialization. The Theil Index, together with the diversification/specialization degree of each region was also taken into consideration in this analysis. Reference variables for specialization analysis purposes were Gross Value Added and Employment in an attempt to compare differences observed with productivities, which, in turn, are related to purchasing power evolution within each territorial unit. The main aim of this study was, then, a thorough research into the time-spatial relationship between specialization, productivity and development.Productive specialisation index and regional development, multiple regression, Theil Index
Non-farm businesses local economic integration level: the case of six Portuguese small and medium-sized Markettowns• - a sector approach
Small and medium-sized towns in rural areas are of particular interest at this stage in the evolution of the European CAP. Serious consideration is being given to mechanisms that could transfer resources from the agricultural sector into a more diversified rural economy in order to safeguard the well-being of both the farming community and the wider rural population while still preserving the environmental assets which are such a valued feature of Europe¡¯s rural areas. Small and medium-sized towns are potentially attractive as a focus for future rural development initiatives because: ¡ñ The concentration of initiatives within such settlements takes advantage of the economies of agglomeration while allowing the benefits of such initiatives to spread out from these sub-poles into the surrounding countryside; ¡ñ Small and Medium-sized towns contain the concentration of both human and institutional capacity required for ¡°bottom-up¡± initiatives of which the LEADER approach to integrated rural development is a good example; ¡ñ Small and medium-sized towns often contain the administrative infrastructure required to manage rural development initiatives on behalf of regional, national or European authorities in a properly accountable and auditable manner; ¡ñ In regions where land is scarce and the population density high, small and medium-sized towns provide the right locations to foster beneficial rural development while preserving the environmental assets of the open countryside. The ESDP ¨C European Spatial Development Perspective, a document published in May 1999 by the European Commission regarding the ballanced and sustainable development of the European Union territory stresses the role of small and medium-sized towns in the spatial orientation policies. It points to the ¡°development of a polycentric and balanced urban system¡± as one of the main development guidelines. It also refers the strengthening of partnerships between urban and rural areas¡± as a means of overcoming the outdated dualism between city and countryside. One of the policy options of this polycentric spatial development towards a new urban-rural relashionship mentioned in point 3.2.3 (Indigenous Development, diverse and Productive Rural Areas) make it clear the important role small and medium-sized towns are expected to play as focal points for regional development and promotion of their networking. With this paper we wish to analyze the results provided by around 150 questionnaires addressed to non-farm businesses in each of the three small and three medium-sized Portuguese towns chosen to be studied in order to draw some conclusions about the purchases and sales local economic integration of these firms regarding: - the relative importance of some of the firms¡¯ characteristics; - the question whether the size of the town matters; ¨C the economic sector where the firm developed its activity; and, finally, - the role of the main economic activity of the town in terms of employment and proximity of a metropolitan area.
Total Quality Management and Public Administration – The case of Vila Real town hall
Nowadays, before starting any goods or service production process, one tries to learn something about their quality. This is an issue the customers segment is confronted with when choosing from the supply at one’s disposal. The quality movement’s main idea is that all goods and services must achieve a maximum quality. If one is to understand this movement first one has to be able to understand the implications of its assumptions in the production process and organization. (Connor, 1997). In most countries, public administration is the sector which carries the biggest weight upon employment and one supplying most goods and services. Therefore, it cannot ignore Total Quality Management (TQM) The Portuguese Government acknowledges that "presently quality is universally recognized and accepted as the client’s satisfaction at adequate costs and that it became an imperative for all public organizations following the customers’ growing awareness of their rights”(DL n.º 166-A/99, May 13). Portuguese local public administration is facing the challenge of having to solve new and complex problems resulting from economic, social and technologic changes. It is the purpose of this paper to go into such questions as: how can TQM be implemented in a change context in Vila Real municipality? Are there limits or favourable conditions to that implementation?
This article goal is to analyse firms and manages behaviour on a Portuguese region on construction and industry businesses. The results are based on 251 questionnaires. Usually managers present a low level of school education (changing recently). On what regards management issues it was realized that the main reason for business choice is the past experience of firm owners, and they started their businesses at their own homes (embeddedness?). The strategies followed by these firms reveal a risk adversity attitude and a lack of cooperation, considering their neighbours competitors instead of potential business partners. As a general conclusion it can be realized that in general these firms are not fostering local development.
Entrepreneurship Strategies in Family and Non-family Businesses
The goal of the present paper is to analyse the classic entrepreneurship strategies (Innovation,
Risk and Proactivity) in small and medium-sized businesses. However as presented in the title,
the study will go further by comparing the results of those strategies in familiar and nonfamiliar
businesses. This study was carried on in construction and industry sectors, in the
region of Vale do Sousa, in the north of Portugal. In order to classify businesses as familiar or
non-familiar types two criterion were adopted: (1) Management Control, (2) Family
Employability. On the opposite to some studies that present a larger percentage of familiar
businesses in national and European entrepreneurial fabric, the criterion used leaded to a
larger number of non-familiar businesses (53%). The results showed that in general SMEs in
this region are not following entrepreneurship strategies. Analysing the entire sample without
a separation of businesses by nature (familiar/non-familiar) only proactivity showed to be
more present in the managerial decisions. There is a lack of innovation and risk culture.
Comparing the groups only on proactivity tests was possible to verify some differences. It was
concluded that non-familiar businesses are more proactive than familiar ones. Between those
groups there are no statistical differences on the means of the variables innovation and risk.
At the same time some tests were conducted to test the differences on the variable
entrepreneurship. The results were similar to innovation and risk strategies: There are no
significant differences on entrepreneurship between these groups of businesses
The competitiveness of the Portuguese wine sector and a case study of exports and activity diversification in the Vinhos Verdes region
The world wine market is currently characterised by two principal wine suppliers: the European and the New World. Countries such as France, Italy, Spain and Portugal have witnessed a tremendous growth in the New World wine- makers (Australia, Chile, South Africa, etc.). As competition continues to intensify, wineries are searching for new channels to increase revenues and many vintners chose to develop other activities. Portugal is one of the European countries that present several natural and technical constraints which might be now resulting in modest performance regarding its position in the global wine market, competitiveness and dynamism required to overcome difficulties. The main objective of the study is to provide information to vintners concerning the current situation of the wine industry and possibly to present "holes" in the market which overall might be explored as new business opportunities. To that end, the research will attempt to measure the competitiveness of the Portuguese wine industry and its behaviour during a time period considered. This will be based on indices such as the trade intensity index, revealed comparative advantage, auto- sufficiency and market share ratios. This paper will also try to analyse empirically the specific case of exports and activity diversification in the Vinhos Verdes region.wine industry, competitiveness indices, exports, activity diversification, Vinhos Verdes wine, Agribusiness,
Planning, Cooperation and Competition: A case study in industry and construction in a Portuguese Region
In the present paper we analyzed the behavior of firms in the construction and manufacturing
sectors, located in the region of Vale do Sousa, in the north of Portugal. From the literature, even existing some
disagreements, it is possible to conclude that planning is crucial for firms survival and growth. Cooperation is
another aspect that the literature presents as an important factor for firms sustainability. It also plays a major
role in competition, since firms are adopting coopetition strategies. By studying a sample of 251 firms, it was
possible to realize, that the majority started their business without a formal planning, and they keep going
without using it. In cooperation aspects, there is a lack of cooperation. It was possible to verify, that existing
cooperation has some evidence but at a vertical level. These vertical relations were also identified in
stakeholder’s involvement
A formação profissional e o desenvolvimento regional. O programa Pessoa: estudo do caso dos centros de gestão directa de Vila Real e Bragança
O Programa Operacional Formação Profissional Emprego-Pessoa é, no âmbito do Segundo Quadro comunitário de Apoio, a maior intervenção operacional do Fundo Social Europeu, dirigida prioritariamente ao financiamento de acções no domínio das políticas de Emprego e Formação Profissional (Gomes, 1998).
Este programa assume particular interesse, não só pela sua dimensão física, mas, sobretudo, pela relevância social e económica da sua intervenção regional. Por outro lado, na opinião de Gomes (1998), o Programa também se caracteriza por possuir uma gestão multidimensional, já que objectiva dar resposta à multiplicidade de cenários regionais, bem como se destina a apoiar acções de natureza diversificada, que vão desde intervenções do domínio da formação profissional e emprego, à elaboração de estudos, edificação e equipamento de infra-estruturas de apoio ao desenvolvimento das acções formativas
The present paper considers and analyzes the role of management and entrepreneurship on the firm and region sustainability. This relation was explored in terms of managers’ behaviour related to three aspects of sustainable development, namely, economic, social and environmental.Through a questionnaire survey of 251 micro, small and medium firms in Vale do Sousa region located in the Northern Portugal, it was discovered that, contrary to what most of literature presents, managers are putting in first place the environmental aspect of sustainability, followed by the social aspect, and the economic as the last one. These results lead to a characterization of firms as being sustainable, but with a risk-averse and non innovative behaviour on the part of the firms’ management.small firms, entrepreneurship, sustainability
Strategic planning contribution to the institutional goals achievement in Pará state university
As universidades brasileiras para se adequarem às novas tendências e desafios que surgem, e manterem-se no mercado cada vez mais competitivo, vêm utilizando o planejamento estratégico como uma ferramenta de gestão. Este artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar em que medida o planejamento estratégico realizado por universidades localizadas no Estado do Pará, contribui (positivamente ou negativamente) para a concretização dos objetivos institucionais. A pesquisa pode ser classificada como exploratória com características de estudo multicaso qualitativo, pois, buscou-se explicar as relações causais da contribuição do planejamento estratégico para o alcance dos objetivos institucionais. Foram entrevistados gestores pertencentes aos níveis estratégico e tático das instituições e a coleta de dados foi efetuada através de entrevistas, pesquisa documental e pesquisa por meio de questionários. A análise cruzada dos dados buscou obter explicações e relações de causa, bem como obter conclusões válidas a partir da confrontação com a teoria. Foi constatado na Universidade A que o processo de planejamento estratégico embora tenha realizado quase todas as etapas levantadas ainda não contribui positivamente para o alcance dos objetivos institucionais em virtude de pontos fracos identificados. Já o processo da Universidade B, mesmo com algumas ressalvas nas etapas, tem contribuído para o alcance dos objetivos institucionais.Brazilian universities are using strategic planning as a management tool to face new tendencies and challenges from the, increasingly, competitive market. To verify how strategic planning has been carried out by universities located in Pará State (Brazil) and, how this management tool is contributing (positively or negatively) to the achievement of institutional goals are the main objectives of this article. This research can be classified as exploratory with characteristics of a qualitative and multicase study. In fact, this study intent to explain a causal contribution from strategic planning to the institutional objectives achievement. Data collection was conducted through interviews (top and middle managers were interviewed), documental research and a survey through questionnaire. Cross-analysis of the data attempt to explain and found causal relationships and obtain valid conclusions from the confrontation with the theoretical framework. Results show that, although strategic planning process from the University A was almost complete, it contributes, negatively, to the achievement of institutional objectives due to the weaknesses identified. On the contrary, despite reservations about some steps of the strategic planning process, it was found that University B strategic planning process has contributed, positively, to the achievement of institutional objectives
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