579 research outputs found

    Excitations at the border of a condensate

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    We solve the Bogoliubov--de Gennes equations for an inhomogeneous condensate in the vicinity of a linear turning point. A stable integration scheme is developed using a transformation into an adiabatic basis. We identify boundary modes trapped in a potential whose shape is similar to a Hartree-Fock mean-field treatment. These modes are non-resonantly excited when bulk modes reflect at the turning point and contribute significantly to the spectrum of local density fluctuations

    ProtNN: Fast and Accurate Nearest Neighbor Protein Function Prediction based on Graph Embedding in Structural and Topological Space

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    Studying the function of proteins is important for understanding the molecular mechanisms of life. The number of publicly available protein structures has increasingly become extremely large. Still, the determination of the function of a protein structure remains a difficult, costly, and time consuming task. The difficulties are often due to the essential role of spatial and topological structures in the determination of protein functions in living cells. In this paper, we propose ProtNN, a novel approach for protein function prediction. Given an unannotated protein structure and a set of annotated proteins, ProtNN finds the nearest neighbor annotated structures based on protein-graph pairwise similarities. Given a query protein, ProtNN finds the nearest neighbor reference proteins based on a graph representation model and a pairwise similarity between vector embedding of both query and reference protein-graphs in structural and topological spaces. ProtNN assigns to the query protein the function with the highest number of votes across the set of k nearest neighbor reference proteins, where k is a user-defined parameter. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that ProtNN is able to accurately classify several datasets in an extremely fast runtime compared to state-of-the-art approaches. We further show that ProtNN is able to scale up to a whole PDB dataset in a single-process mode with no parallelization, with a gain of thousands order of magnitude of runtime compared to state-of-the-art approaches

    Epidemiology of perinatal mortality in rural Burkina Faso: A community-based prospective cohort study

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    Background: Perinatal mortality is one of the major public health problems in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that over 6 millions infant deaths occur each year during the perinatal period either as stillbirths or early neonatal deaths. However, the accurate estimates on this burden are rare, especially in Africa where over 40% of all perinatal deaths take place. The lack of reliable data on PNMR in developing countries could be one of the reasons that make it invisible and therefore getting little attention from the funding agencies. We took the opportunity of the PROMISE-EBF trial, a randomized community-based study that aimed at assessing the effect of the promotion of exclusive breastfeeding by peer-counsellors on EBF rates and child morbidity at 12 weeks of age, to describe the magnitude of PNMR in Banfora health district, a rural area, South of Burkina Faso. Study objectives: To measure the PNMR in the EBF cohort in Banfora health district To identify potential risk factors for perinatal death in this cohort. Methods: We performed a secondary analysis on the datasets of the EBF study which was a cluster-randomized trial in 24 villages of Banfora with an intervention package consisting of one antenatal and 6 postnatal individual counselling sessions on EBF. Data of the two arms were considered as those of a single cohort and the PNMR, the stillbirth and the early neonatal mortality rates were estimated. In a multivariable logistic regression using baseline characteristics of the study participants as exposures and the perinatal death as outcome, we calculated crude and adjusted OR for perinatal death, stillbirth and early neonatal death. Covariates with an OR statistically significant (p<0.05) were considered as risk factors for PNMR. Results: 900 pregnant women were sampled for data collection in the EBF trial. Five women were excluded later (wrong inclusions) and 20 women got multiple births (20 pairs of twins), and were excluded from further follow-up. 875 women with a single birth were followed up to day 7 postpartum and included in the final analysis. The PNMR, the stillbirth and the early neonatal mortality rates, were 73.1‰ [95% CI: 55.8-90.4], 56‰ [95% CI:40.7-71.2], and 18.1‰ [95% CI:9-27.2], respectively. In the crude analysis, the young age of the mother (<20 years), the parity (nulliparous women), the season of birth (dry season), and the intervention appeared as the main risk factors for PNMR. In a multivariable logistic regression adjusting for all variables that were found to be important in the occurrence of perinatal deaths, we found that the young age of the mother (OR=2.93 95% CI:1.54-5.57), a birth during the dry season (OR=1.85 95% CI: 1.19-2.87), and the intervention (OR=2.16 95% CI:1.20-3.89) were factors that increased significantly the risk of perinatal death. The intention of the mother to not EBF the future baby had a marginal effect on PNMR (OR=1.55 95% CI:0.97-2.49) but a statistically significant effect on the risk of stillbirth (OR=1.90 95% CI:1.04-3.47). Conclusion: Our study showed the burden of perinatal deaths in a rural area in Burkina with the highest PNMR ever reported in this country. The risk factors identified in this study have been reported in previous studies except the intention of the mother to EBF that need further investigations.Master of philosophy in international healthMAMD-INTHINTH39

    Framework para la ImplementaciĂłn de un Proyecto de la Arquitectura de AplicaciĂłn del Modelo Arquitectura Empresarial para la GestiĂłn de la Trazabilidad Pecuaria

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    This article aims to use the framework Laravel for the development of a technology platform that allows implements one of the identified project in application architecture developed in the work of research called "Development of a model of enterprise architecture to manage the traceability of cattle livestock SMEs in Los Santos province, Panama”  the project has the title: Development and implementation of a software for the management and control of the livestock farms, articulated with the bovine traceability program. We have defined the data structure that is the model the different user views and controllers that allows communication between the layers of the model. All business will be sustainable and competitive if it is able to manage your information.  It is why among its benefits the project aims to achieve a competitive and sustainable sector with the use of ICT, and inform the program of group traceability and traceability of the processes currently running the Ministry of agricultural development (MIDA).  Articulate all the institutions that belong to the agricultural and livestock sector in the country.Keywords:  Framework, model view controller, business architecture, traceability

    Association between Socio economic Factors and Contraceptive Use among Married Women in Guinea and Mali: An Examination of the Demographic and Health Survey Data 2018

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    Introduction: Unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions can seriously affect any sexually active women and have negative impacts on their personal and conjugal life, their families, and societies. unsafe abortions cause the death of thousands of women every year and lead millions more to suffer long-term reproductive problems, including infertility. Rarely any study has explored and compared the prevalence and associated factors of contraceptive use among married women in these two countries. AIM: Therefore, this study seeks to determine the association between socio economic factors and contraceptive use in two sub-Saharan African countries: Guinea and Mali. METHODS: Relevant data on contraceptive use among married women was extracted from the Guinean and Malian 2018 Demographic and Health Survey. Quantitative data was analyzed using the IBM SPSS STATISTICS version RESULTS:89% of our respondents from Guinea and 85% of those from Mali were using no contraceptives. 35% of Malians had the intention to use it later against only 21% from Guinea and difference was statistically significant(p contraceptives (OR=1.37; 95% CI 1.26-1.49) as compared to Mali and the difference was statistically significant at p \u3c 0.001. This is a critical finding compared to the univariate analysis. The poorest are more likely to use contraceptives than other classes; followed by the poorer and the difference was statistically significant. DISCUSSION: In Guinea and Mali, wealth and education have been consistently found to be positively associated with contraceptive use. These findings are constant with previous studies indicating that wealth and education have been reliably found to be completely correlated contraceptive use [Budu et al., 2022]. This may be due to the fact that rich people have more access to health facilities and health education. These results strongly advocate that educational programs should target the poor and those with low educational attainment to encourage family planning

    Analyse de l'exploration et de l'exploitation de gaz de shales au Québec dans une perspective de développement durable

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    Ce rapport est réalisé dans le cadre d’un essai en vue de l’obtention du diplôme de maîtrise en environnement. Il vise à déterminer si l’exploration et l’exploitation des gaz de shales peuvent s’inscrire dans la stratégie de développement durable du Québec. Le Québec n’est pas une province productrice de gaz naturel et son approvisionnement est totalement dépendant de l’Ouest canadien. Selon les études d’estimation, les sous-sols de certaines régions de la province contiennent de grandes quantités de gaz naturel, stockées dans des roches sédimentaires appelées shales. Pour pallier la diminution annoncée des exportations de gaz de l’Ouest canadien, le gouvernement a décidé de mettre en valeur ses ressources en gaz. Cette décision a fait réagir plusieurs citoyens et municipalités. Au Québec, l’exploration et l’exploitation des hydrocarbures sont encadrées principalement par la Loi sur les mines, qui a préséance sur les législations d’aménagement du territoire. Cette situation fait que les municipalités ne peuvent s’opposer à ces projets. En vertu de la Loi sur les mines, certains aspects de l’exploration et de l’exploitation échappent à plusieurs volets de la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement. Le projet de mise en valeur des gaz de shales soulève plusieurs enjeux environnementaux et sociaux dont : les prélèvements de l’eau; la gestion des eaux usées et des déchets; la contamination des compartiments de l’environnement; les risques pour la santé et la sécurité de la population. De plus, le projet tel que présenté par l’industrie ne respecte pas plusieurs principes de la Loi sur le développement durable de la province du Québec. En vue de la considération des principes du développement durable dans ce projet, le gouvernement doit entre autres : mettre en place des redevances sur l’utilisation de l’eau; réévaluer les taux de redevances sur exploitation des hydrocarbures; exiger le traitement des déchets, des eaux usées et la compensation des émissions des gaz à effet de serre. L’exploration et l’exploitation doivent être considérées comme un projet global et assujetti à la procédure d’évaluation et d’examen des impacts sur l’environnement. L’industrie de gaz de shales peut contribuer à la création d’emplois et à l’amélioration de la balance commerciale du Québec. Cependant, les activités de cette industrie présentent plusieurs incertitudes, sur les impacts possibles, sur la santé et l’environnement

    Implementacion de algoritmos estéreo dentro de la plataforma ROS

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    En este proyecto se trabaja en el área de la visión artificial, una disciplina que extrae descripciones tridimensionales de los elementos de una escena con la ayuda de procesos de tratamiento realizados en las imágenes adquiridas con cámaras. Los objetivos de la visión artificial son varios y uno de ellos es la determinación de la distancia a los objetos. Esto se puede conseguir utilizando la visión estéreo con un par de cámaras previamente calibradas. El objetivo de este proyecto es la obtención de imágenes correctamente rectificadas de una de las cámaras de visión estéreo que se pretende incorporar en la plataforma IVVI 2.0 del laboratorio LSI (Laboratorio de sistemas inteligentes) de la universidad Carlos III (un vehículo de investigación para la implementación de sistemas basados en visión por computador, con el objetivo de implementar Sistemas Avanzados de Ayuda a la Conducción [1]) y publicar estas imágenes en ROS, concretamente se trata de la cámara Bumblebee xb3 de Point Grey. Principalmente se trabaja en las dos primeras fases de la visión estéreo, el pretratamiento y el matching para comprobar la correcta rectificación de las imágenes mediante el análisis de los mapas de disparidad a partir de dos imágenes estéreo. Para ello se realiza la rectificación de las imágenes y se sacan los mapas de disparidad con OpenCV (class stereoBM). También se realiza la rectificación de las imágenes y se sacan los mapas de disparidad con el software del fabricante (triclops), se realiza una comparación de los dos métodos de rectificación y se decide realizar el procesamiento de las imágenes con el software del fabricante. Por último, debido al método de procesamiento elegido y la incompatibilidad de las librerías Triclops / ROS, se ha tenido que utilizar la técnica de memoria compartida para poder publicar las imágenes rectificadas en ROS.This project focuses on the area of computer vision, a discipline that uses image processing to extract features of three-dimensional elements in a given scene. There are several objectives of computer vision. One of those objectives is determining the distance to objects that can be achieved using stereo vision with a pair of previously calibrated cameras. The goal of this project is to obtain properly rectified images from one of the stereo vision cameras, Bumblebee xb3 camera of Point Grey, so that it can be endorsed in the IVVI car of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Universidad Carlos III (a research project with the aim of implementing a vehicle´s Advanced Driving Assistance Systems based on vision systems [1]) and publish these images in ROS. The project is based mainly on the first two phases of the stereo vision, pre-processing and matching to verify proper image rectification by analyzing the disparity maps from two stereo images. To carry out these phases, image rectification and maps disparities are performed with OpenCV (class stereoBM). Image rectification and map disparity are also performed with the Point Grey´s software (Triclops), a comparison of the two rectification methods is done and the Triclops method was selected for image processing. Finally, given the Triclops processing method chosen earlier, it was necessary to program a shared memory to publish rectified images in ROS, as ROS and Triclops libraries are not compatible.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic
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