8 research outputs found

    Cumulative probability distributions for the maximum likely dispersal kernel parameters.

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    <p>Cumulative probability distributions for the maximum likely dispersal kernel parameters.</p

    Circular histograms of seed dispersal period in 20° angle classes.

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    <p>Blue bars depict (a) mean seed dispersal directions weighted by dispersal distances and (b) mean wind directions weighted by wind speed; Black arrows show mean directions.</p

    Gene flow of common ash (<i>Fraxinus excelsior</i> L.) in a fragmented landscape - Fig 3

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    <p><b>Frequency distributions of pollen (a) and seed (b) dispersal distances.</b> Lower left shows dispersal events in 100 m distance classes; Upper right shows close-up on short distance dispersal events up to 100 m.</p

    Linear correlations between dispersal distances (DD) and wind speed (WS) in the same angle classes.

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    <p>Linear correlations between dispersal distances (DD) and wind speed (WS) in the same angle classes.</p

    Map of the study site and sampling scheme.

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    <p>(a) Location of the study site in Germany. (b) Sampling of the adult trees (cultivated trees along the road are shown as red circles and native trees in the landscape are marked as yellow circles). (c) Sampling of the offspring (mother trees of the seeds were illustrated as blue stars and the seedlings collected along 3 transects were marked as white circles). The maps were created using ArcMap™ 10.4.1, Copyright © ESRI.</p

    F<sub>ST</sub> pairwise genetic differentiations (below diagonal) and their significance (above diagonal) for the adults and offspring.

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    <p>F<sub>ST</sub> pairwise genetic differentiations (below diagonal) and their significance (above diagonal) for the adults and offspring.</p

    Circular histograms for pollen dispersal period in 20° angle classes.

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    <p>Blue bars represent (a) mean pollen dispersal directions and (b) mean wind directions; Black arrows show mean directions.</p