1,163 research outputs found

    The Impact of Galaxy Formation on the Diffuse Background Radiation

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    The far infrared background is a sink for the hidden aspects of galaxy formation. At optical wavelengths, ellipticals and spheroids are old, even at z∌1.z \sim 1. Neither the luminous formation phase nor their early evolution is seen in the visible. We infer that ellipticals and, more generally, most spheroids must have formed in dust-shrouded starbursts. In this article, we show how separate tracking of disk and spheroid star formation enables us to infer that disks dominate near the peak in the cosmic star formation rate at z \lapproxeq 2 and in the diffuse ultraviolet/optical/infrared background, whereas spheroid formation dominates the submillimetre background.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, to appear in proceedings of IAU symp.204, "The Extragalactic Infrared Background and its Cosmological Implications", Martin Harwit and Michael G. Hauser, ed

    Galaxy Modelling - II. Multi-Wavelength Faint Counts from a Semi-Analytic Model of Galaxy Formation

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    (Abridged) This paper predicts self-consistent faint galaxy counts from the UV to the submm wavelength range. The STARDUST spectral energy distributions described in Devriendt et al. (1999) are embedded within the explicit cosmological framework of a simple semi-analytic model of galaxy formation and evolution. We build a class of models which capture the luminosity budget of the universe through faint galaxy counts and redshift distributions in the whole wavelength range spanned by our spectra. In contrast with a rather stable behaviour in the optical and even in the far-IR, the submm counts are dramatically sensitive to variations in the cosmological parameters and changes in the star formation history. Faint submm counts are more easily accommodated within an open universe with a low value of Ω0\Omega_0, or a flat universe with a non-zero cosmological constant. This study illustrates the implementation of multi-wavelength spectra into a semi-analytic model. In spite of its simplicity, it already provides fair fits of the current data of faint counts, and a physically motivated way of interpolating and extrapolating these data to other wavelengths and fainter flux levels.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, to appear in A&

    The spectral appearance of primeval galaxies

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    The current and forthcoming observations of large samples of high-redshift galaxies selected according to various photometric and spectroscopic criteria can be interpreted in the context of galaxy formation, by means of models of evolving spectral energy distributions (SEDs). We hereafter present STARDUST which gives synthetic SEDs from the far UV to the submm wavelength range. These SEDs are designed to be implemented into semi-analytic models of galaxy formation.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 8 postscript figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the meeting ``Clustering at High Redshift'', ASP Conference Serie

    Galaxy Modelling -- I. Spectral Energy Distributions from Far-UV to Sub-mm Wavelengths

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    (abridged) We present STARDUST, a new self-consistent modelling of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies from far-UV to radio wavelengths. In order to derive the SEDs in this broad spectral range, we first couple spectrophotometric and (closed-box) chemical evolutions to account for metallicity effects on the spectra of synthetic stellar populations. We then use a phenomenological fit for the metal-dependent extinction curve and a simple geometric distribution of the dust to compute the optical depth of galaxies and the corresponding obscuration curve. This enables us to calculate the fraction of stellar light reprocessed in the infrared range. In a final step, we define a dust model with various components and we fix the weights of these components in order to reproduce the IRAS correlation of IR colours with total IR luminosities. This allows us to compute far-IR SEDs that phenomenologically mimic observed trends. We are able to predict the spectral evolution of galaxies in a broad wavelength range, and we can reproduce the observed SEDs of local spirals, starbursts, luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) and ultra luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs). This modelling is so far kept as simple as possible and depends on a small number of free parameters, namely the initial mass function (IMF), star formation rate (SFR) time scale, gas density, and galaxy age, as well as on more refined assumptions on dust properties and the presence (or absence) of gas inflows/outflows.Comment: 20 pages, 23 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Main Journa

    Building Merger Trees from Cosmological N-body Simulations

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    Although a fair amount of work has been devoted to growing Monte-Carlo merger trees which resemble those built from an N-body simulation, comparatively little effort has been invested in quantifying the caveats one necessarily encounters when one extracts trees directly from such a simulation. To somewhat revert the tide, this paper seeks to provide its reader with a comprehensive study of the problems one faces when following this route. The first step to building merger histories of dark matter haloes and their subhaloes is to identify these structures in each of the time outputs (snapshots) produced by the simulation. Even though we discuss a particular implementation of such an algorithm (called AdaptaHOP) in this paper, we believe that our results do not depend on the exact details of the implementation but extend to most if not all (sub)structure finders. We then highlight different ways to build merger histories from AdaptaHOP haloes and subhaloes, contrasting their various advantages and drawbacks. We find that the best approach to (sub)halo merging histories is through an analysis that goes back and forth between identification and tree building rather than one which conducts a straightforward sequential treatment of these two steps. This is rooted in the complexity of the merging trees which have to depict an inherently dynamical process from the partial temporal information contained in the collection of instantaneous snapshots available from the N-body simulation.Comment: 19 pages, 28 figure

    The FIR/submm window on galaxy formation

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    Our view on the deep universe has been so far biased towards optically bright galaxies. Now, the measurement of the Cosmic Infrared Background in FIRAS and DIRBE residuals, and the observations of FIR/submm sources by the ISOPHOT and SCUBA instruments begin unveiling the ``optically dark side'' of galaxy formation. Though the origin of dust heating is still unsolved, it appears very likely that a large fraction of the FIR/submm emission is due to heavily-extinguished star formation. Consequently, the level of the CIRB implies that about 2/3 of galaxy/star formation in the universe is hidden by dust shrouds. In this review, we introduce a new modeling of galaxy formation and evolution that provides us with specific predictions in FIR/submm wavebands. These predictions are compared with the current status of the observations. Finally, the capabilities of current and forthcoming instruments for all-sky and deep surveys of FIR/submm sources are briefly described.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, 5 postscript figures, to appear in ``The Birth of Galaxies'', 1999, B. Guiderdoni, F.R. Bouchet, T.X. Thuan & J. Tran Thanh Van (eds), Editions Frontiere

    LeMoMaF: Lensed Mock Map Facility

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    We present the Lensed Mock Map Facility (LeMoMaF), a tool designed to perform mock weak lensing measurements on numerically simulated chunks of the universe. Coupling N-body simulations to a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation, LeMoMaF can create realistic lensed images and mock catalogues of galaxies, at wavelengths ranging from the UV to the submm. To demonstrate the power of such a tool we compute predictions of the source-lens clustering effect on the convergence statistics, and quantify the impact of weak lensing on galaxy counts in two different filters. We find that the source-lens clustering effect skews the probability density function of the convergence towards low values, with an intensity which strongly depends on the redshift distribution of galaxies. On the other hand, the degree of enhancement or depletion in galaxy counts due to weak lensing is independent of the source-lens clustering effect. We discuss the impact on the two-points shear statistics to be measured by future missions like SNAP and LSST. The source-lens clustering effect would bias the estimation of sigma_8 from two point statistics by 2% -5%. We conclude that accurate photometric redshifts for individual galaxies are necessary in order to quantify and isolate the source-lens clustering effect.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Cloud Dispersal in Turbulent Flows

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    Cold clouds embedded in warm media are very common objects in astrophysics. Their disruption timescale depends strongly on the dynamical configuration. We discuss the evolution of an initially homogeneous cold cloud embedded in warm turbulent gas. Within a couple of dynamical timescales, the filling factor of the cold gas within the original cloud radius drops below 50%. Turbulent diffusivities estimated from the time evolution of radial filling factor profiles are not constant with time. Cold and warm gas are bodily transported by turbulence and mixed. This is only mildly indicated by column density maps. The radiation field within the cloud, however, increases by several orders of magnitudes due to the mixing, with possible consequences for cloud chemistry and evolution within a few dynamical timescales.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRA
