114 research outputs found
Distributions of nonsupersymmetric flux vacua
We continue the study of the distribution of nonsupersymmetric flux vacua in
IIb string theory compactified on Calabi-Yau manifolds, as in hep-th/0404116.
We show that the basic structure of this problem is that of finding
eigenvectors of the matrix of second derivatives of the superpotential, and
that many features of the results are determined by features of the generic
ensemble of such matrices, the CI ensemble of Altland and Zirnbauer originating
in mesoscopic physics. We study some simple examples in detail, exhibiting
various factors which can favor low or high scale supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 28 pages, JHEP Latex format. v2: a correction further favoring high
scale, v3: minor clarification
TASI lectures on complex structures
These lecture notes give an introduction to a number of ideas and methods
that have been useful in the study of complex systems ranging from spin glasses
to D-branes on Calabi-Yau manifolds. Topics include the replica formalism,
Parisi's solution of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, overlap order
parameters, supersymmetric quantum mechanics, D-brane landscapes and their
black hole duals.Comment: 109 pages, 16 figure
Supergravity flows and D-brane stability
We investigate the correspondence between existence/stability of BPS states
in type II string theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau manifold and BPS
solutions of four dimensional N=2 supergravity. Some paradoxes emerge, and we
propose a resolution by considering composite configurations. This in turn
gives a smooth effective field theory description of decay at marginal
stability. We also discuss the connection with 3-pronged strings, the Joyce
transition of special Lagrangian submanifolds, and Pi-stability.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures, reference adde
Attractors at Weak Gravity
We study the attractor mechanism in low energy effective D=4, N=2 Yang-Mills theory weakly coupled to gravity, obtained from the effective action of type IIB string theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau manifold. Using special Kahler geometry, the general form of the leading gravitational correction is derived, and from this the attractor equations in the weak gravity limit. The effective Newton constant turns out to be spacetime-dependent due to QFT loop and nonperturbative effects. We discuss some properties of the attractor solutions, which are gravitationally corrected dyons, and their relation with the BPS spectrum of quantum Yang-Mills theory. Along the way, we obtain a satisfying description of Strominger's massless black holes, moving at the speed of light, free of pathologies encountered in some earlier proposals.Physic
Grassmann Matrix Quantum Mechanics
We explore quantum mechanical theories whose fundamental degrees of freedom
are rectangular matrices with Grassmann valued matrix elements. We study
particular models where the low energy sector can be described in terms of a
bosonic Hermitian matrix quantum mechanics. We describe the classical curved
phase space that emerges in the low energy sector. The phase space lives on a
compact Kahler manifold parameterized by a complex matrix, of the type
discovered some time ago by Berezin. The emergence of a semiclassical bosonic
matrix quantum mechanics at low energies requires that the original Grassmann
matrices be in the long rectangular limit. We discuss possible holographic
interpretations of such matrix models which, by construction, are endowed with
a finite dimensional Hilbert space.Comment: 25 pages + appendice
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