44 research outputs found
Relationship between declining GFR and measures of cardiac and vascular autonomic neuropathy.
Cardiac and vascular autonomic neuropathy contributes to increased morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of a decline in GFR on heart rate variability (HRV) and nocturnal blood pressure dipping
Transtelephonic Electrocardiographic Transmission in the Preparticipation Screening of Athletes
Transtelephonic electrocardiographic transmission (TET) is the most widespread form of telecardiology since it enables clinicians to assess patients at a distance. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of TET either by fixed telephone line (POTS) or by mobile phone in the preparticipation screening of young athletes. A total of 506 players, aged 20.5 ± 6.2 years, from 23 soccer clubs in the prefecture of Thessaloniki, Greece, were physically examined in their playfields by a general practitioner (GP) and had their ECG recorded. In 142 cases, and on the judgment of the GP, the ECG was transmitted via POTS and/or global system for mobile communications (GSM) to a specialised medical centre where it was evaluated by a cardiologist. The mean total time for recording, storing, and transmitting the ECG was four minutes per subject. It was found that the success rate for transmission at first attempt was similar for both fixed and mobile networks, that is, 93% and 91%, respectively. The failure rate in the GSM network was correlated to the reception level at the site of transmission. Only in about half (n = 74) of the transmitted ECGs did the cardiologist confirm “abnormal” findings, although in 16, they were considered to be clinically insignificant. Consequently, 58 athletes were referred for further medical examination. Our results indicate that TET (either by fixed telephone line or by mobile phone) can ensure valid, reliable, and objective measurements, and significantly contribute to the application of medical screening in a great number of athletes. Therefore, it is recommended as an alternative diagnostic tool for the preparticipation screening of athletes living in remote areas
Recommendations for competitive sports participation in athletes with cardiovascular disease: A consensus document from the Study Group of Sports Cardiology of the Working Group of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology and the Working Group of Myocardial and Pericardial Diseases of the European Society of Cardiology
Effects of a Long-Term Wearable Activity Tracker-Based Exercise Intervention on Cardiac Morphology and Function of Patients with Cystic Fibrosis
Several studies have shown that patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), even at a young age, have pulmonary and cardiac abnormalities. The main complications are cardiac right ventricular (RV) systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension, which affects their prognosis. Exercise training (ET) is recommended in patients with CF as a therapeutic modality to improve physical fitness and health-related quality of life. However, questions remain regarding its optimal effective and safe dose and its effects on the patients’ cardiac function. The study aimed to provide a wearable activity tracker (WAT)-based ET to promote physical activity in CF patients and assess its effects on cardiac morphology and function. Forty-two stable CF individuals (aged 16.8 ± 3.6 years) were randomly assigned to either the intervention (Group A) or the control group (Group B). Group A participated in a 1-year WAT-based ET program three times per week. All patients underwent a 6-min walking test (6-MWT) and an echocardiographic assessment focused mainly on RV anatomy and function at the baseline and the end of the study. RV systolic function was evaluated by measuring the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), the systolic tricuspid annular velocity (TVS’), the RV free-wall longitudinal strain (RVFWSL), and the right ventricular four-chamber longitudinal strain (RV4CSL). RV diastolic function was assessed using early (TVE) and late (TVA) diastolic transtricuspid flow velocity and their ratio TVE/A. Pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) was also estimated. In Group A after ET, the 6MWT distance improved by 20.6% (p < 0.05), TVA decreased by 17% (p < 0.05), and TVE/A increased by 13.2% (p < 0.05). Moreover, TAPSE, TVS’, RVFWSL, and RV4CSL increased by 8.3% (p < 0.05), 9.0% (p < 0.05), 13.7% (p < 0.05), and 26.7% (p < 0.05), respectively, while PASP decreased by 7.6% (p < 0.05). At the end of the study, there was a significant linear correlation between the number of steps and the PASP (r = −0.727, p < 0.01) as well as the indices of RV systolic function in Group A. In conclusion, WAT is a valuable tool for implementing an effective ET program in CF. Furthermore, ET has a positive effect on RV systolic and diastolic function
Seasonal variation of aerobic capacity in elite soccer, basketball and volleyball players
Modifications de la consommation maximale d'oxygène au début, au milieu et à la fin du cycle annuel d'entraînemen
Seasonal variation of aerobic capacity in elite soccer, basketball and volleyball players
Modifications de la consommation maximale d'oxygène au début, au milieu et à la fin du cycle annuel d'entraînemen