3 research outputs found
The effect of migrating dune forms on the flow field of an alluviral river
The bed of an alluvial river is highly susceptible to changes during the course of its existence. Besides variations of the large scale topography and plan form of the river, smaller scale dune forms can be observed. These recurring dune forms migrate on top of the large scale topography and can yield local yet important variations in the flow field. In order to study the effect of migrating dune forms on the flow characteristics and consequently the erosive capacity of an alluvial river, an experiment with mobile bed has been carried out in a laboratory flume representing a sharp meander bend. In this experiment, changes to an initially flat, slightly sloped river bed under a steady flow and sediment discharge were observed until a recurring pattern of migrating dune forms could be seen on top of the characteristic pool-bar topography of meander bends. Once the dune forms were established, an Acoustic Doppler Velocity Profiler (ADVP) was placed in several positions alongside the river bend and used to measure the flow depth and flow characteristics under the influence of the passing dunes. Several times during the experiment, the topography was mapped using laser altimetry on a grid of large spatial resolution in order to isolate the dune forms from the large scale topography and determine the dune characteristics and the dune celerity. In this paper the large scale topography and dune characteristics will be shown and the effect of the migrating dune forms on the flow field and the erosive capacity will be discussed in detail
Salt water infiltration in two artificial sea inlets in the Belgian dune area
In the dune area of the Westhoek Nature Reserve, situated in the western Belgian coastal plain, two artificial tidal inlets were made aiming to enhance biodiversity. The infiltration of salt water in these tidal inlets was carefully monitored because a fresh water lens is present in the phreatic dune aquifer. This forms an important source of fresh water which is for instance exploited by a water company. The infiltration was monitored over a period of two years by means of electromagnetic borehole measurements (EM39) and by measurements of fresh water heads and temperature using a large number of observation wells. EM39 observations point to aquifer heterogeneity as a determining factor in the movement of the salt infiltration water. It is shown that part of the infiltration water moves further in the dunes instead of towards the sea. On the long term run, possibility exists that salt water enters the extraction’s capture zone. This issue needs further monitoring and study. Fresh water head and temperature data illustrate that the main period of infiltration is confined to spring tide when large amounts of salt water enter the tidal inlets