960 research outputs found

    Advances in Stability of Composite Airframe Structures Regarding Collapse, Robust Design and Dynamic Loading

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    European aircraft industry demands for reduced development and operating costs, by 20% and 50% in the short and long term, respectively. Structural weight reduction by exploitation of structural reserves in composite aerospace structures contributes to this aim, however, it requires accurate and experimentally validated stability analysis of real structures under realistic loading conditions. This paper presents new achievements from the area of computational and experimental stability research of composite aerospace structures which contribute to that field. The first two topics focus on stringer stiffened panels and the last one on imperfection sensitive unstiffened cylinders. Section 1 presents selected results achieved in the finished EU project COCOMAT, which deals with an accurate and reliable simulation of collapse. The main objective of COCOMAT is a future design scenario which exploits considerable reserves in fibre composite fuselage structures by accurate simulation of collapse. The project results comprise an experimental data base, improved slow and fast computational tools as well as design guidelines. In today’s design process dynamic loading, e.g. due to gusts or landing impact, is assumed to be uncritical, since the dynamic process increases buckling stability. Section 2 shows that rapidly applied loading of stiffened panels can yield critical dynamic behavior in the postbuckling regime. When applying the new design philosophy it has either to be assured that these critical interactions do not occur under the loading velocities to be expected, or they have to be taken into consideration. Section 3 presents a recently developed approach for unstiffened shells which are usually susceptible to imperfections. This robust design approach is based on a single buckle as the worst imperfection mode leading directly to the load carrying capacity of a cylinder. It also promises to improve the knock-down factors which are according the current guidelines very conservative. Future work should facilitate full applicability of the analysis methods in preliminary design. For that purpose speed of the collapse analysis of stiffened panels needs to be increased and for collapse simulation degradation must be taken into account. The application field of the robust design method should be widened towards imperfection sensitive stiffened shells (skin-dominant designs)

    Simulating Postbuckling Behaviour and Collapse of Stiffened CFRP Panels

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    Advanced composite materials are well known for their outstanding potential in weight-related stiffness and strength leading to an ever increasing share in aerospace structural components out of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics (CFRP). In order to fully exploit the load-carrying capacity of such structures an accurate and reliable simulation is indispensable. Local buckling is not necessarily the load bearing limit for stiffened panels or shells; their full potential can be tapped only by utilizing the postbuckling region. That, however, requires fast tools which are capable of simulating the structural behaviour beyond bifurcation points including material degradation up to collapse. The most critical structural degradation mode is skin stringer separation; delamination, especially within the stringer, is a critical material degradation. A reliable prediction of collapse requires knowledge of degradation due to static as well as low cycle loading in the postbuckling region. Earlier projects have shown that it needs considerable experience in simulating the postbuckling behaviour. Though a great deal of knowledge about CFRP structural and material degradation is available its influence on collapse is not yet sufficiently investigated. It is the aim of the project COCOMAT (Improved MATerial exploitation at safe design of COmposite airframe structures by accurate simulation of COllapse) to develop means for and gain experience in fast and accurate simulation of the collapse load of stringer stiffened CFRP curved panels taking degradation and cyclic loading as well as geometric nonlinearity into account. COCOMAT is a Specific Targeted Research Project supported by the EU 6th Framework Programme; it started 2004 and runs for 4 years. Main deliverables are: • test results for buckling and collapse of undamaged and pre-damaged stiffened CFRP panels under static and cyclic loading, • improved material properties and degradation models, computational tools for design and certification of stiffened fibre composite panels which take postbuckling behaviour, degradation and collapse into account, • and finally design guidelines and industrial validation. The work will lead to an extended experimental data base, relevant degradation models and improved simulation tools for certification as well as for design. These results should allow setting up a future design scenario which exploits the existing reserves in primary fibre composite structures. The paper starts out from results provided by the forerunners of COCOMAT, describes the main objectives of the project, gives a general status of the progress reached so far and presents first results

    Design and Analysis of Composite Panels

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    European aircraft industry demands for reduced development and operating costs, by 20% and 50% in the short and long term, respectively. Contributions to this aim are provided by the completed project POSICOSS (5thFP) and the running follow-up project COCOMAT (6thFP), both supported by the European Commission. As an important contribution to cost reduction a decrease in structural weight can be reached by exploiting considerable reserves in primary fibre composite fuselage structures through an accurate and reliable simulation of postbuckling up to collapse. The POSICOSS team developed fast procedures for postbuckling analysis of stiffened fibre composite panels, created comprehensive experimental data bases and derived design guidelines. COCOMAT builds up on the POSICOSS results and considers in addition the simulation of collapse by taking degradation into account. The results comprise an extended experimental data base, degradation models, improved certification and design tools as well as design guidelines. The projects POSICOSS and COCOMAT develop improved tools which are validated by experimental results obtained during the projects. Because the new tools must consider a wide range of different aspects a lot of different structures had to be tested. These structures were designed under different design objectives. For the design process the consortium applied already available simulation tools and brought in their own design experience. This paper deals with the design process within both projects and the analysis procedure applied within this task. It focuses on the experience of DLR on the design and analysis of stringer stiffened CFRP panels gained in the frame of these projects

    The use of damage as a design parameter for postbuckling composite aerospace structures

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    Advanced fibre-reinforced polymer composites have seen a rapid increase in use in aircraft structures in recent years due their high specific strength and stiffness, amongst other properties. The use of postbuckling design, where lightweight structures are designed to operate safely at loads in excess of buckling loads, has been applied to metals for decades to design highly efficient structures. However, to date, the application of postbuckling design in composite structures has been limited, as today’s analysis tools are not capable of representing the damage mechanisms that lead to structural collapse of composites in compression. The currently running four-year European Commission Project COCOMAT [1] is addressing this issue, and aims to exploit the large strength reserves of composite aerospace structures through a more accurate prediction of collapse. A methodology has been developed to analyse the collapse of composite structures that is focused on capturing the critical damage mechanisms. One aspect of the methodology is a global-local analysis technique that uses a strength criterion to predict the initiation of interlaminar damage in intact structures. Another aspect of the approach was developed for representing the growth of a pre-existing interlaminar damage region, and is based on applying multi-point constraints in the skin-stiffener interface that are controlled using fracture mechanics calculations. A separate degradation model was also included to model the in-plane ply damage mechanisms of fibre fracture, matrix cracking and fibre-matrix shear that uses a progressive failure approach. The complete analysis methodology was implemented in MSC.Marc v2005r3 using several user subroutines, and has been validated with a range of experimental tests, including fracture mechanics coupons [2], single-stiffener specimens [3] and multi-stiffener curved panels [4]. The developed methodology was used to design and analyse fuselage-representative composite panels in various pre-damaged configurations. Two panel designs were investigated, D1 and D2, which both consisted of a curved skin adhesively bonded to blade-shaped stiffeners. For the D1 panel, the pre-damage applied was a full-width skin-stiffener debond created using a Teflon insert in the adhesive layer, whilst the D2 panel was investigated with Barely Visible Impact Damage (BVID). For both panels, parametric studies were conducted using the developed methodology in order to recommend a damaged configuration suitable for experimental testing. For the D1 panel, a 100 mm length debond was selected, and the location of the damage was investigated, whilst for the D2 panel both the location and the representation of damage was varied. Based on these parametric studies, two pre-damaged configurations of the D1 panel and one pre-damaged D2 configuration were selected for experimental testing. The selected pre-damaged configurations were manufactured by Aernnova Engineering Solutions and manufactured at the Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) as part of the COCOMAT project. Following manufacture, panel quality was inspected with ultrasonic and thermographic scanning and panel imperfection data was measured using the three-dimensional (3D) optical measurement system ATOS. During the test, measurements were taken using displacement transducers, strain gauges, the 3D optical measuring system ARAMIS, and optical lock-in thermography. Under compression, the panels developed a range of buckling mode shapes, and the progression of damage was monitored leading to structural collapse. In comparison with the experimental results, the analysis methodology was shown to give accurate predictions of the load-carrying behaviour, damage development and collapse load of both panels. The results demonstrated the capability of the developed tool to capture the critical damage mechanisms leading to collapse in composite structures. The advanced analysis methodology also allowed for damage to be used as a design parameter in postbuckling structures, either in the comparative analysis context of a design procedure, to assess the damage tolerance of a design, or as pre- and post-test simulations of intact and pre-damaged structures. More broadly, the results demonstrated the potential of postbuckling composite structures, and the large strength reserve available in the postbuckling region. The success of the developed analysis methodology and the potential of postbuckling composite structures have application for the next generation of lightweight aerospace structures

    Probabilistic Approach for better Buckling Knock-down Factors of CFRP Cylindrical Shells - Tests and Analyses

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    The industry in the fields of civil and mechanical engineering, and in particular of aerospace demands for significantly reduced development and operating costs. Reduction of structural weight at safe design is one avenue to achieve this objective. The running ESA (European Space Agency) study Probabilistic Aspects of Buckling Knock Down Factors – Tests and Analyses contributes to this goal by striving for an improved buckling knock-down factor (the ratio of buckling loads of imperfect and perfect structures) for unstiffened CFRP (carbon fiber reinforce plastics) cylindrical shells, and by validation of the linear and non-linear buckling simulations based on test results. DLR is acting as study contractor. The paper presents an overview about the DLR buckling tests, the measurement setup and the buckling simulations which are done so far, and gives an outlook to the results which are expected until the end of the running project

    Development of a Finite Element Analysis Methodology for the Propagation of Delaminations in Composite Structures

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    Analysing the collapse of skin-stiffened structures requires capturing the critical phenomenon of skin-stiffener separation, which can be considered analogous to interlaminar cracking. This paper presents the development of a numerical approach for simulating the propagation of interlaminar cracks in composite structures. A degradation methodology was applied in MSC.Marc that involved modelling the structure with shell layers connected by user-defined multiple point constraints (MPCs). User subroutines were written that apply the Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) to determine the onset of crack growth, and modify the properties of the user-defined MPCs to simulate crack propagation. Methodologies for the release of failing MPCs are presented and are discussed with reference to the VCCT assumption of self-similar crack growth. Numerical results applying the release methodologies are then compared with experimental results for a double cantilever beam specimen. Based on this comparison, recommendations for the future development of the degradation model are made, especially with reference to developing an approach for the collapse analysis of fuselage-representative structures

    Development of a Degradation Model for the Collapse Analysis of Composite Aerospace Structures

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    For stiffened structures in compression the most critical damage mechanism leading to structural collapse is delamination or adhesive disbonding between the skin and stiffener. This paper presents the development of a numerical approach capable of simulating interlaminar crack growth in composite structures as a representation of this damage mecha-nism. A degradation methodology was proposed using shell layers connected at the nodes by user-defined multiple point constraints (MPCs), and then controlling the properties of these MPCs to simulate the initiation and propagation of delamination and disbonding. A fracture mechanics approach based on the Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) is used to detect growth at the delamination front. Numerical predictions using the degradation methodology were compared to experimental results for double cantilever beam (DCB) specimens to dem-onstrate the effectiveness of the current approach. Future development will focus on address-ing the apparent conservatism of the VCCT approach, and extending the application of the method to other specimen types and stiffened structures representative of composite fuselage designs. This work is part of the European Commission Project COCOMAT (Improved MA-Terial Exploitation at Safe Design of COmposite Airframe Structures by Accurate Simulation of COllapse), an ongoing four-year project that aims to exploit the large strength reserves of composite aerospace structures through more accurate prediction of collapse

    Studies of Impefection Sensitive Conical Composite Structures

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    The stability of shell structures has been an object of studies for more than a century. Thin walled cylindrical and conical structures are widely used in aerospace, offshore, marine, civil and other industries. Nowadays, with the growing application of composite materials a deep understanding of the influence of their properties and the laminate stacking sequence on the mechanical behaviour of shell structures is increasingly more important. As it is already known, one of the most significant sources of discrepancy between theoretical predictions and experimental results for the buckling load is the presence of geometric imperfections. Currently, imperfection sensitive shell structures are generally designed, at the preliminary design phase, according to the guideline NASA SP-8007 for cylinders and NASA SP-8019 for truncated cones using the conservative lower bound curve, which does not consider composite material characteristics. Hühne developed the Single Perturbation Load Approach (SPLA), a robust design method that stimulates a single buckle, which is assumed as a “worst-case” geometrical imperfection [1]. There have been carried out considerably more numerical, analytical and experimental studies on cylindrical shells than on conical shells. Currently typical composite launcher structures are investigated by 12 partners in the European project DESICOS [4]. The aim of this paper is to study the SPLA on a conical shell structure and compare it with the NASA design approach