13,945 research outputs found

    'He was made man' [Review] Slavoj ŽiŞek and John Milbank: The monstrosity of Christ: paradox or dialectic?

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    Technology to support young people 16 to 18 years of age who are not in employment, education or training (NEET): a local authority landscape review - final report

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    Becta landscape review: Technologies used by local authorities to support young people who are not in education, employment or trainin

    Long range financial data and model choice

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    Long range financial data as typified by the daily returns of the Standard and Poor's index exhibit common features such as heavy tails, long range memory of the absolute values and clustering of periods of high and low volatility. These and other features are often referred to as stylized facts and parametric models for such data are required to reproduce them in some sense. Typically this is done by simulating some data sets under the model and demonstrating that the simulations also exhibits the stylized facts. Nevertheless when the parameters of such models are to be estimated recourse is very often taken to likelihood either in the form of maximum likelihood or Bayes. In this paper we expound a method of determining parameter values which depends solely on the ability of the model to reproduce the relevant features of the data set. We introduce a new measure of the volatility of the volatility and show how it can be combined with the distribution of the returns and the autocorrelation of the absolute returns to determine parameter values. We also give a parametric model for such data and show that it can reproduce the required features. --

    LIFE: Costing the digital preservation lifecycle

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    Having confidence in the permanence of a digital resource requires a deep understanding of the preservation activities that will need to be performed throughout its lifetime, and an ability to plan and resource for those activities. The LIFE (Lifecycle Information for E-Literature) Project1 has advanced understanding of the short and long-term costs in this complex area, facilitating better planning, comparison and evaluation of digital lifecycles. The LIFE Project created a digital lifecycle model based on previous work undertaken on the lifecycles of paper-based materials. It applied the model to real-life collections, modelling their lifecycles and studying their constituent processes. The results were then used to estimate the costs of each element of the digital lifecycle. Organisations can now apply this process, enabling evaluation and refinement of their existing lifecycles and facilitating more effective planning for the preservation of newly acquired content. Phase 2 of the LIFE Project began in February 2007. It is evaluating and refining the models and methodology developed in the first phase of the project and developing lifecycle costings for a range of further case studies

    Approximating data with weighted smoothing splines

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    n.a. --Approximation,Residuals,Smoothing Splines,Thin Plate Splines

    The Impact of the 1996 SSI Childhood Disability Reforms: Evidence from Matched SIPP-SSA Data

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    The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 changed the definition of disability used to determine eligibility for disabled children under the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program and made other changes in the program. The law required the redetermination of eligibility status for children potentially affected by the new definition of disability. As a result, an estimated 100,000 children were expected to lose SSI benefits. The goal of this paper is to understand the impact of benefit loss on affected children and their families. The analysis draws on data from the 1992, 1993 and 1996 panels of the Survey of Income and Program Participation matched with Social Security Administration records on SSI program participation. The data are used to analyze the impact of the loss of SSI income as a result of the 1996 legislation on family labor supply, welfare program participation, and income and poverty. Compared with families that lost SSI benefits due to normal attrition from the program, the excess benefit loss due to the 1996 childhood disability reforms is associated with lower levels of family labor supply, higher levels of participation in AFDC/TANF and food stamps, and lower levels of family income relative to poverty. For some outcomes, these effects—measured one month after benefit loss—persist for up to 12 months.
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