26 research outputs found

    Bidirectional cooperative motion of myosin-II motors on actin tracks with randomly alternating polarities

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    The cooperative action of many molecular motors is essential for dynamic processes such as cell motility and mitosis. This action can be studied by using motility assays in which the motion of cytoskeletal filaments over a surface coated with motor proteins is tracked. In previous studies of actin-myosin II systems, fast directional motion was observed, reflecting the tendency of myosin II motors to propagate unidirectionally along actin filaments. Here, we present a motility assay with actin bundles consisting of short filamentous segments with randomly alternating polarities. These actin tracks exhibit bidirectional motion with macroscopically large time intervals (of the order of several seconds) between direction reversals. Analysis of this bidirectional motion reveals that the characteristic reversal time, Ï„rev\tau_{rev}, does not depend on the size of the moving bundle or on the number of motors, NN. This observation contradicts previous theoretical calculations based on a two-state ratchet model [Badoual et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 99, p. 6696 (2002)], predicting an exponential increase of Ï„rev\tau_{rev} with NN. We present a modified version of this model that takes into account the elastic energy due to the stretching of the actin track by the myosin II motors. The new model yields a very good quantitative agreement with the experimental results.Comment: A slightly revised version. Figures 2 and 7 were modified. Accepted for publication in "Soft Matter

    Cooperative molecular motors moving back and forth

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    We use a two-state ratchet model to study the cooperative bidirectional motion of molecular motors on cytoskeletal tracks with randomly alternating polarities. Our model is based on a previously proposed model [Badoual et al., {\em Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA} {\bf 99}, 6696 (2002)] for collective motor dynamics and, in addition, takes into account the cooperativity effect arising from the elastic tension that develops in the cytoskeletal track due to the joint action of the walking motors. We show, both computationally and analytically, that this additional cooperativity effect leads to a dramatic reduction in the characteristic reversal time of the bidirectional motion, especially in systems with a large number of motors. We also find that bidirectional motion takes place only on (almost) a-polar tracks, while on even slightly polar tracks the motion is unidirectional. We argue that the origin of these observations is the sensitive dependence of the cooperative dynamics on the difference between the number of motors typically working in and against the instantaneous direction of motion.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Robust spatial coherence 5 μ\,\mum from a room-temperature atom chip

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    We study spatial coherence near a classical environment by loading a Bose-Einstein condensate into a magnetic lattice potential and observing diffraction. Even very close to a surface (5 μ\,\mum), and even when the surface is at room temperature, spatial coherence persists for a relatively long time (≥\ge500 \,ms). In addition, the observed spatial coherence extends over several lattice sites, a significantly greater distance than the atom-surface separation. This opens the door for atomic circuits, and may help elucidate the interplay between spatial dephasing, inter-atomic interactions, and external noise.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, revised for final publication. This manuscript includes in-depth analysis of the data presented in arXiv:1502.0160

    Chip-Scale Point-Source Sagnac Interferometer by Phase-Space Squeezing

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    Matter-wave interferometry is essential to both science and technology. Phase-space squeezing has been shown to be an advantageous source of atoms, whereby the spread in momentum is decreased. Here, we show that the opposite squeezing may be just as advantageous. As an exemplification, we analyze the effect of such a source on point source atom interferometry (PSI), which enables rotation sensing. We describe how a squeezed PSI (SPSI) increases the sensitivity and dynamic range while facilitating short cycle times and high repetition rates. We present regions in parameter space for which the figures of merit are improved by orders of magnitude and show that under some definition of compactness, the SPSI is superior by more than four orders of magnitude. The SPSI thus enables either enhancing the performance for standard size devices or maintaining the performance while miniaturizing to a chip-scale device, opening the door to real-life applications