4 research outputs found

    Group characteristics of patients with social phobia (SP) and healthy controls (HC).

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    <p><i>Notes</i>: <i>T</i>β€Š=β€ŠT-Test, <i>p</i>β€Š=β€Šp-value; dfβ€Š=β€Šdegrees of freedom, <i>M</i>β€Š=β€Šmean, <i>SD</i>β€Š=β€Šstandard deviation; BMI β€Š=β€Š body mass index; LSAS β€Š=β€Š Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale; SPAI β€Š=β€Š Social Phobia Anxiety Inventory; TPQ β€Š=β€Š Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire; BDI β€Š=β€Š Beck Depression Inventory; dβ€Š=β€Šdisorder.</p>1<p>Nβ€Š=β€Š165 because of one missing value.</p>2<p>Nβ€Š=β€Š143 because of missing values.</p><p>*β€Š=β€Š<i>p</i><.05,</p><p>**β€Š=β€Š<i>p</i><0.01,</p><p>***β€Š=β€Š<i>p</i><.001.</p

    Means (Β±SD) of self-reported responses to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) in patients with social phobia (SP) and healthy controls (HC).

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    <p><i>Notes</i>: <i>T</i>β€Š=β€Š T-Test, <i>p</i>β€Š=β€Šp-value; df β€Š=β€Š degrees of freedom, <i>M</i>β€Š=β€Š mean, <i>S D</i>β€Š=β€Š standard deviation; Ti β€Š=β€Š main effect of time; SP β€Š=β€Š main effect of diagnosis of social phobia; TixSP β€Š=β€Š interaction of time and diagnosis; MDBF β€Š=β€Š multidimensional mental-state questionnaire; Stai-S β€Š=β€Š state version of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; PASA β€Š=β€Š Primary Appraisal Secondary Appraisal questionnaire; VAS β€Š=β€Š visual analogue scales; PEPQ β€Š=β€Š Post Event Processing Questionnaire.</p><p>*β€Š=β€Š<i>p</i><.05,</p><p>**β€Š=β€Š<i>p</i><0.01,</p><p>***β€Š=β€Š<i>p</i><.001.</p

    Mean (Β±SEM) hair cortisol concentrations of patients with social phobia (SP) and healthy controls (HC).

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    <p>Mean (Β±SEM) hair cortisol concentrations of patients with social phobia (SP) and healthy controls (HC).</p

    Means (Β±SEM) of salivary cortisol responders and non-responders to the TSST for social phobia patients (SP) and healthy controls (HC).

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    <p>Means (Β±SEM) of salivary cortisol responders and non-responders to the TSST for social phobia patients (SP) and healthy controls (HC).</p