17 research outputs found

    Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Konsep Dasar Seluler Menggunakan Aplikasi Unity Berbasis Android

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    Telecommunication is the most important thing in this era of globalization, there are many ways to transfer information both conventionally and with the help of technology, the use of technology can be online or offline in the current era of digitalization, there have been many developments in telecommunication networks passed, the development of this cellular network has evolved from 1G, 2G, 3G even 4G, the "G" in 1G to 4G now refers to the term "generation". What is meant by generation here is the generation of wireless data and communication service technology, especially for mobile phones, because mobile social media users worldwide have increased rapidly from year to year. Android technology as a tool to use it. Interactive learning media are considered more effective in conveying material to students because students actively use interactive learning media to study the information in it. curriculum and seem too simple so that the educational program is not achieved. Using the Unity application in making Android-based interactive learning media is a form of learning that supports learning in the 21st century, especially the use of software. Of course, we need software to make a game. One of the software that can be used to make games is Unity. Unity is a cross-platform game engine designed to be easy to use. Like making a game that can be run on a computer. The material presented is in the form of general architecture of cellular systems using Unity


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    Pendidikan tinggi berbasis entrepreneurship adalah paradigma baru dalam dunia pendidikan saat ini. kemampuan perguruan tinggi untuk menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang mandiri dan mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja adalah tujuan utama dari pendidikan tinggi berbasis entrepreneurship. Titik kunci dalam menghasilkan sumber daya manusia mandiri dan memiliki potensi adalah proses seleksi. Namun kenyataan dalam proses seleksi alat ukur yang digunakan masih belum tepat dan tes yang digunakan selama ini dalam penerimaan mahasiswa baru masih belum valid. Karena itu diperlukan alat pengukuran yang tepat, yang dapat mengidentifikasi calon mahasiswa baru yang memiliki potensi untuk dalam entrepreneurship, sehingga tujuan pendidikan tinggi dapat dicapai. Artikel ini membahas tentang perancangan instrument sebagai alat dalam asesmen bakat entrepreneurship, asesmen ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bakat entrepreneurship mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa keterbukaan, kesadaran, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism merupakan kepribadian entrepreneurship, dan kepribadian sangat erat kaitannya dengan bakat

    Development of Engineering Vocational Choice Systems in Higher Education

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    The high unemployment rate is a challenge for the world of education because not all graduates succeed in entering the world of work. Higher education is one of the largest contributors to unemployment in Indonesia. Likewise with the objectives of vocational education which are expected to be able to immediately work and create jobs. The problem is that not all majors are according to personality type. Therefore, researchers will develop a system aimed at recommending majors in higher education based on personality types. The method used is the Research and Development (R&D) method using the Four D (4 D) model a. Defining stage (Define); b) Design Stage (Design); c) Development Stage (Develop); d) Stage of Spread (Disseminate). This research was only carried out to the extent of development and resulted in a valid system to be implemented based on the validator's assessment. The data collection instrument consisted of product and linguistic expert validation sheets. This study shows that the validation results have an average percentage of 92.5% with a valid category. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the system is valid to be used as a reference in selecting major

    Revolutionary Flipbook-Based Digital Comic: Changing Student Engagement in Learning

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    The development of digital technology has had a significant impact on various aspects of life, including education. The use of digital media in learning is a necessity to motivate and increase students' interest in learning. One form of digital media that attracts attention is flipbook-based comics. This research aims to develop digital flipbook-based comics as an innovative learning tool to increase students' interest in learning. This research uses a 4D development approach (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) to design, develop, and implement digital flipbook-based comics as an innovative tool aimed at increasing students' interest in learning. This research also involved testing with a number of students to evaluate the effectiveness and attractiveness of digital flipbook-based comics as a learning tool. The data collected involves aspects of learning interest, understanding of the material, and student satisfaction with the use of digital flipbook-based comics. The research results show that the use of digital flipbook-based comics can significantly increase students' interest in learning. Students responded positively to the interactive and fun learning experience. Therefore, the development of digital flipbook-based comics is an innovative solution in increasing students' interest in learning in this digital era

    Integration of a Mobile-Based Smart Measurement System to Assess the Level of Work Readiness of Vocational Students in Higher Education

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    This study aims to develop and evaluate a mobile-based intelligent measurement system as a tool to assess work readiness and identify work readiness patterns among vocational students in facing the challenges of Industry 4.0. Through the development of this innovative system, we have successfully created a tool that can provide more accurate and efficient evaluations of students’ work readiness. The results of the study indicate that adapting to technological advancements and current labor market demands is crucial in preparing vocational graduates to succeed in an increasingly competitive workforce. It is hoped that these findings will contribute to improving the quality of vocational education and ensuring that graduates possess the relevant skills needed by the industry. In conclusion, this study not only offers practical solutions to enhance the work readiness of vocational students but also contributes to our understanding of vocational education in the Industry 4.0 era


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    Based on the data of Indonesia National Plastic Action Partnership in 2020, about 67.2 million tons of garbage in Indonesia are still left off every year. Garbage problem from year-to-year still have not been taken seriously by the government. A way in decreasing the volume of garbage is by building temporary waste storage. Sadly, some of the Indonesian temporary waste storage are not working properly. Not to mention the temporary waste storage in Limau Manis Selatan. Therefore, an education, socialization and training are needed. The main goal of this project is to minimalize the amount of waste with the help of information technology based website, to serve informations to the waste bank in Limau Manis Selatan. By creating this waste management app, people in there will feel the ease to manage their waste, and become more aware of the importance of proper waste handling. From this activity, satisfying result was obtained. People in the community start building a good habits, from sorting the trash based on the variety, building aquaponics, and maggots cultivation in terms of reducing the waste volume. Keywords: Information technology, website, waste management


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    The dedication to the community aims to provide training to all teachers at SMK Dar-el Hikmah Pekanbaru on the utilization of Google Apps for Education (GAFE) as a instructional medium in schools. The service method was conducted with training and evaluated regularly with the guidance of instructors from the Informatics Education Lecturer Team. As a result, all trainees get new knowledge about GAFE content such as Google Classroom, Google Form, Google Calendar and Google Drive. And also the school, hopes that there will be further training on developing the interactive instructional media. &nbsp

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan Perumahan Berbasis Web pada PT. Ardhana Mitra Kencana

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    Ardhana Mitra Kencana salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang penjualan rumah dan pengembang perumahan yang saat ini telah berhasil membangun beberapa kawasan perumahan. Spesifikasi yang tersedia mulai dari type yang terkecil type 36 subsidi hingga type yang terbesar sesuai permintaan konsumen. Proses pemasaran yang sedang berjalan pada PT. Ardhana Mitra Kencana yaitu hanya melalui kelihaian salesnya untuk memikat konsumen dan melalui penyebaran brosur, begitu juga dengan proses pencatatan transaksi dan pendataan konsumen juga masih dilakukan secara terbatas. Tujuan dari rancang bangun sistem ini ialah menghasilkan sistem yang dapat membantu diharapkan mampu membantu untuk memudahkan perusahaan dan konsumen mendapatkan informasi mengenai perumahan yang dijual dan memudahkan dalam pemesanan rumah dan simulasi proses pembayaran konsumen. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan Use Case Diagram. Context Diagram, Activity Diagram, Entity Relation Diagram, Normalisasi. Sistem ini dibangun dengan bahasa PHP menggunakan framework Codeigniter, dan MySQL sebagai DBMS

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Virtual Laboratory Pengelasan Tungsten Inert Gas dan Metal Inert Gas (TIG DAN MIG)

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    Pergeseran paradigma pendidikan membuat dunia pendidikan terus melakukan pengembangan dan pembaharuan dalam memberikan pembelajaran. Salah satu pengembangan tersebut adalah teknologi virtual laboratory yang merupakan sebuah teknologi yang memiliki peranan penting dalam perkembangan dunia pendidikan. Virtual laboratory sendiri adalah teknologi laboratorium virtual yang telah disimulasikan oleh komputer (computer-simulated environment) sehingga dapat membuat pengguna berinteraksi dengan lingkungan laboratorium beserta peralatan yang berada di dalamnya. Aplikasi virtual laboratory pengelasan tungsten inert gas dan metal inert gas (TIG dan MIG) ini dirancang untuk mahasiswa jurusan mesin dengan matakuliah pratikum las TIG dan MIG. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan pembelajaran dapat menjadi lebih interaktif disaat luring maupun daring karena dengan adanya aplikasi ini mahasiswa bisa melakukan pratikum berulang-ulang tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya serta keselamatan kerja yang terjamin karena pengguna tidak bersentuhan langsung dengan peralatan pratikum

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen dan Ekstrakurikuler SMAN 1 Kota Solok

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    Ekstrakurikuler merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang diadakan oleh sekolah untuk para siswa untuk mengasah kemampuan siswa dalam kegiatan pendidikan non akademik. SMAN 1 Kota Solok merupakan salah satu sekolah yang aktif mendukung para siswa dalam kegiatan pendidikan non akademik ini. Tujuan dari perancangan sistem informasi ini adalah untuk mempermudah dalam pengelolaan pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMAN 1 Kota Solok. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan sistem informasi ini adalah metode prototype yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan diantaranya : (1) pengumpulan data, (2) membangun dan memperbaiki sistem, dan (3) uji coba dengan pelanggan. Perancangan sistem informasi ini menghasilkan sistem yang berupa website yang menggunakan framework laravel dan berfungsi dengan baik, dan menghasilkan efektivitas bagi pengguna dalam menjalankan proses pengelolaan data ekstrakurikuler SMAN 1 Kota Solok