579 research outputs found
Research overview and ugrinvestiga: bibliometric indicators and scientific visibility practices
Presentación realizada en el contexto de la 7th Staff Training Week within the Erasmus Staff Mobility Programme celebrada en Granada durante el 16-20 de May
Bibliometrics in practice: how to generate reports for institutions
In an institutional context and at a professional level, one of our main tasks is to carry out bibliometric reports; actually these studies are essential because they are used by managers to make decisions (distribution of funds, recruitment of personnel, planning of research lines, …). In this talk we will explain how to make a global bibliometric report of an institution, we use as a case study the University of Granada. We focus in these topics. 1) General considerations: target, selection of indicators, objetives, …) 2) what sources of information can be used. 3) How to contextualize and interpret the indicators. 4) How to compare the results with other institutions (Benchmarking). 5) How to make graphs and tables. 6) dissemination of results and dataEuropean Summer School for Scientometrics - ess
Societal Impact
Recently there is an increasing pressure on the development of indicators and methodologies that can offer evidences of the societal impact of researchers’ activity. This presentation will offer a comprehensive overview on the definition of societal impact, types of impact, and the attribution problem when searching for potential indicators. A special attention will be given to altmetric indicators and their potential role in tracing social engagement and its relation with societal impact. Examples of potential uses and current lines of work will be presented.European Summer School for Scientometric
Journal impact measures: the Impact Factor
The seminar on impact measures will first shed light on the best known and most controversial indicator, namely Garfield’s Journal Impact Factor. Its strengths and weaknesses as well as its correct use will be discussed thoroughly. Moreover the corresponding analytical tool, Clarivate Analytics’s Journal Citation Reports will be demonstrated.
Presented at the european summer school for scientometrics ESSS - July 16th, 2019 - Louvai
The time for bibliometric applications
Early view DOI: 10.1002/asi.23604This letter to the editor proposes the introduction of smartphones apps to develop new bibliometrics tools and products based on the success of the development of UGRinvestiga from the University of Granada
Bibliometric solutions for identifying potential collaborators
Bibliometric indicators and methodologies are commonly used for benchmarking institutions and individuals, and analyzing their research performance. Their potential for identifying partners and promoting collaboration is many times overseen by research institutions. In this presentation we will discuss different indicators and methodologies that can be used to spot institutions, research groups and individuals working on similar research fronts. By using different visualization techniques, we will provide examples on how to present these data in an appealing way which can inform university and research managers. These types of analyses are useful when searching for potential partners or designing strategies to establish scientific collaboration networks
Estrategia para mejorar la difusión de los resultados de investigación con la Web 2.0.
Scientific communication is being enriched by the
introduction of new ways of storage, publication and dissemination of the results. These include the services of the Web 2.0 which are still largely unknown to researchers. In this context the objective of this paper is to illustrate how we can strategically use Web Services 2.0 to disseminate and give greater visibility to scientific publications. To this end we present a series of services of interest to scientific communication (Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, Slideshare y E-Lis) and explain the role they can play in communicating scientific results. It also shows how these services should be logically interrelated, which we call the strategic dissemination cycle. In the last section, the authors collected a set of webmetric indicators
classified into three groups (social influence, use, recognition) to evaluate the success of the dissemination strategy and the visibility of a work in the Web 2.0
Posicionamiento de las revistas de Arquitectura y Urbanismo en el contexto nacional de las Sociales
Presentado en XXII Jornadas ABBA - La Investigación en Arquitectura, Construcción y Urbanismo: Publicación de resultados y evaluaciónSevilla 2013 – Mayo – ETS Arquitectura. Universidad de Sevilla.Objetivos de la presentación: Ver el lugar que ocupan las revistas de urbanismo/arquitectura en diferentes productos de evaluación científica nacionales comparando sus resultados con el resto de disciplinas de Ciencias Sociales
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