8 research outputs found

    Supplemental Material, SSHRC_Telephone_Questionnaire_April_1_POST-WAVE_final_0413_v8.pdf - Estimating the Value of Medal Success in the Olympic Games

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    <p>Supplemental Material, SSHRC_Telephone_Questionnaire_April_1_POST-WAVE_final_0413_v8.pdf for Estimating the Value of Medal Success in the Olympic Games by Brad R. Humphreys, Bruce K. Johnson, Daniel S. Mason, and John C. Whitehead in Journal of Sports Economics</p

    Supplemental Material, SSHRC_Telephone_Questionnaire_July_20_PRE-WAVE_FINAL_1104_v11.pdf - Estimating the Value of Medal Success in the Olympic Games

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    <p>Supplemental Material, SSHRC_Telephone_Questionnaire_July_20_PRE-WAVE_FINAL_1104_v11.pdf for Estimating the Value of Medal Success in the Olympic Games by Brad R. Humphreys, Bruce K. Johnson, Daniel S. Mason, and John C. Whitehead in Journal of Sports Economics</p